Chapter 5

The Soshi and the Beast


Seoul, South Korea SM Entertainment

Everyone in the building was in a frenzy. They just got word that SNSD disappeared from their Japan dorm for 24 hours. Their managers were knocked out and when they came around, they were gone. The CEO is now holding an emergency meeting to figure out.

"This is outrageous! What happen in Japan?!" Youngmin yelled at the managers.

"I don't know, somehow we were outside of their dorm building where we dropped off the last members. then out of nowhere, a van pulled up and some guys in black suits were there and knocked us out. When we came around, we went into their dorm and no signs of them," the head manager said.

"Aish, this is not going to look good for us."

While, the CEO and the executives were trying to figure out the solution and know where their idols are. Meanwhile, sitting through all this was Founder Lee Soo Man. He remains unmoved and quiet while they all scream at each other. Then he slammed his hand on the table, making everyone look at him.

"Nothing will get things done if everyone is yelling here," He said, "Everyone remain quiet and be patient."

"How can you say that," one of the executive said.

"Sooman, do you not see the danger of what will happen to us, if people get suspicious of the girls not showing up for their schedules," Youngmin said.

Sooman looked at him with glaring daggers, making Youngmin gulp.

"Do you understand that the girls are in danger and all of you care about are profits," Sooman said, angrily.

No one dare to speak. They know when he is angry, it can be scary.

"Listen carefully, no one is going to do anything at all. I'm going to take care of this. And when this ordeal is done and the girls are safe and sound, I'm going to make some changes that should have been taken care of. Meeting adjourn." He announced.

Sooman walked out of there and heading to his office.

"Sooman, what are you going to do?" Young min said, catching up to him.

"That is not your concern for now," he said.

"Don't you think I have the right to know."

"I think we're past that when you tried to decide everything without my consent."

"I did what I think was right for this company. You would have done the same thing if you were CEO."

"That is where you are wrong, Youngmin. I wouldn't do what you did and what you did have made it worse for both parties. There are things that you don't know and the actions you've caused have affected those around them, especially me and it's not going to be pretty at your end." 

"It can't be that serious."

"That is where you are wrong, Youngmin. There are people that are powerful; powerful than you, more powerful than me that you should never mess or cross path with, even if they were right in front of your eyes and you don't know it; you never want to feel their wrath."

Youngmin wasn't confuse as to what he said, "What does that mean?" He asked. 

"You'll see one day, but right now I want to focus on finding the girls." Sooman said.

"Then why the changes?"

"It’s something that should've have been dealt with a long time ago, but I wanted to give you a chance to redeem. However, I can't ignore it anymore. That is why I want to make some changes to the company. Starting with finding a new CEO."

"What? You can't do that?!"

"It's already been decided months ago."

"You can't be serious? Who do you think will run this company?"

"There are a lot that I could think of. Now I have to go," and he walked away.



In another part of the building, the idols have gathered in the rest areas about the news.

"I hope the unnies are okay," Irene said.

"I'm sure they will be fine and the company will find them," Seulgi said.

"If not, I'm going to yell at someone who is in charge of this," Heechul said.

"Yeah, good luck," Taemin said.

While everyone was worried about the girls, someone was sitting away from them, lost in thought about the situation.


Soojung turned and Amber called out to her.

"Hey, are you alright," she asked.

"I'm okay, just thinking," Soojung said.

"I know after what happen, you still feel weird about them, but does your sister know about this yet?"

Soojung sighed, "I know don't."

"Well, let's just hope nothing bad happen."

She just nodded.

Just then Lee Sooman walked in the area. Everyone bowed and greeted him.

"Now, I know you guys are worried, but don't worry, everything will be figured out soon," he said.

Then everyone was yelling and asking questions, but Sooman held his hand and everyone quieted.

"For now, go to your schedules now."

Everyone disburse from the area.

"Soojung," Sooman called her, "could I talk to you for a minute," he said.

Soojung looked to her group and then walked to Sooman.

"You need something?" She asked.

"Let's take a walk."

They started walking around the building.

"Do you know what's been going on?" He asked her.

Soojung sigh. She knew what he was asking and it was something she was fearing since our recent news.

"Lately we've had others trying to go after us and it's been okay for us, but it's been happening more and more are a while." she said, "Ever since two years ago, things have been going on and we are trying to hold down, but it's hard."

"Has there been progress?" Sooman asked.

"Right now, no, they say that everything will be normal when she recover."

"Well, right now I want your take on the events that happen to the girls."

Soojung sighed, "it wasn't a typical kidnapping. They were taken by those so called gods."

"Oh...and I presume they were taken care of?"

"Well, only those showed up at the meeting were killed, but I doubt anyone would strike them after what has happen."

"Did your sister or the others show up?"

That question made her stop she walking and Sooman looked concern.

"That's the other thing, my sister seems to disappear a while ago before this happen."

"What makes you say that?"

"She only told me this: watch the girls for me."

Sooman sighed. He knew things would happen if she wasn't kicked out by his executives, but all they care was the image for this company. With her gone, no one could take care of them Especially if anyone knew the reason why.

"I know you still feel resentment about this, but keep in mind that things will get better soon."

Soojung looked at him and nodded.

"Now, has anyone planned to rescue them?"

Before she could answer, her phone rings. She looked at it and it was a message...from her. Soojung read the message:

SNSD is with me. I rescued them. Seem they don't like it that their prisoners again.

Soojung have Sooman look at the message.

"Well, looks like everything is good," He said.

"Yeah, but what do you want to do? They are obviously confused and scared. Heck, she even said they think they are prisoners again," she said.

" her first, theirs’s someone I need to talk to," He said.


Sunny POV

She was standing there at the doorway. I don't know if I should be scared or something. What do you do when someone rescue and then trapped somewhere? Nothing was said and she rarely speaks.

Then out of nowhere, Taeyeon walked up to her and slaps her in the face. Everyone gasp as to what Taeyeon did. I never knew she could do that.

"Unnie, why did you do that?" Seohyun said.

"She needs to release us," Taeyeon said.

"But, did you have to slap her?" Tiffany said.

"She hasn't said anything to us and all she is doing is staring at us," Taeyeon looked at her, "I want answers as to what the reason you are holding us here."

And again she didn't say anything, she doesn't even look affected by that slap. We are not going to get any answers from her. She walked through the room and stopped at the bed. She holds out her hand to Seohyun. We didn't know what to think and Seohyun was looking at us and then the hand back and forth, didn’t' know what to do. Finally, Seohyun took her hand. She let her up and took her out of the room. We didn't know, but we all left the room and everyone gasp.

In the middle of the living room, food was prepared. Did she make it for us? It's like a buffet with various food. I looking to see Seohyun and her standing near the food.

"Is this for us?" Seohyun asked her.

She looked at her and nodded.

"Thank you," and bowed.

She didn't say anything, but petted her head and went outside.

Ok, that was strange. I don't know whether to trust her or not.

"Unnies, come and eat," Seohyun said sitting down.

"Wait, what if it's poisonous?" Hyoyeon said.

"Why would she do that?" Yoona said.

"I don't know, maybe keep our bodies to play with,"

"That’s sound like a serial killer would do," Yuri said.

"Well, we don't know what she wants from us," Sooyoung said.

I am just ignoring their theories and sat down next to Seohyun. Seohyun was staring at the food are awhile, I was wondering if she was thinking about what they were saying. Then, she took a plate and place the fried rice and chicken on it.

"Seohyun, wait--" but she took a bite of the rice.

There was silence in the room, no one dared to speak. Seohyun was quiet, then she gasped. Everyone was alarmed, don't know what to do.

"Daebak!" She yelled.


"It's so good, unnies. You should try it," Seohyun started eating the food.

We were staring at her eating. This was a side we don't see of Seohyun. So everyone gathered around the food and started getting the food. I look to see the food smells good, but it looks nothing special then what Seohyun said. I took a bite and chew.

Everything inside me exploded like a parade just started as I tasted the food.

"Wow, this is the most delicious food I've ever tasted," Sooyoung said.

"It's like I'm in heaven," Yuri said.

"I've tasted a lot of food, but this is the best of the best," Yoona said.

"See, I told you, she is not going to poison us," Seohyun said.

"You got a point, but what is her intention towards us," Tiffany while stuffing herself with food.

Pink Pig. Suddenly, I felt like someone was behind me. I turned around and she was behind me, staring at me. I gulped and was afraid to move. She did nothing except raise her arm. I look at she held a phone to me. I looked at her and then the phone and back. Did she want me to take the phone? I took it from her and then she walked away. She is so strange to me. I looked at the phone and notice someone is on the other line. I looked over at the girls, who were staring at me.

I didn't know what to do, so I walked away and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Sungkyu," a familiar voice said.

My eyes widen, "Uncle," I said. It was Uncle Sooman

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, we are all safe."

"Thank goodness."

"Uncle, what's going on? How did you know where we are?"

"It's hard to explain it on the phone."

"Did you know what happen to us?"

"Yes, everyone in the company was in chaos, but don't worry, as long as I know you are safe then it's good."

"Safe? Uncle, we are like prisoners here and Seohyun almost gotten killed."

"What, what happen?"

I told him the whole thing, but something was racking my mind. How did he know we are here? Does he know her? Did he sent her to save us? This was something on my mind.

"Sungkyu, I need you to do me a favor?" Uncle said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I need you and the girls to be there for a while longer."

"But why? Why can't we go home?"

"If you said that Seohyun was attack, then you need to stay there. I'm afraid if you guys go home, then you still be targeted."

"Who is targeting us and why? What is it that you are not telling us?"

"I can't tell you for now because it will cause confusion and hurt if I tell the main reason to all this."


"Right now I just want you girls to be safe and protected and the best chance is for you to stay in the house for a while until everything is ok."

"Alright Uncle, I understand."

"Okay, I gotta go not. Be careful and don't make any trouble."

"Wait, can you tell me who is our rescuer?"

"All I could say is she is someone that you want to be allies with and not your enemy."

"Do you know her name?"

"That I can’t say, but people have called her Da Long as title."

" What 'Da Long' means?"

"It's Chinese for 'great dragon' so be careful."

"Alright uncle."

"Send my love to the girls and to you, Sungkyu."

"Okay, bye," And I hung up.

Okay so I know a little about the situation, but I feel like Uncle was holding back more. Right now, it looks like we won't be leaving anytime soon and shouldn't mess up anything while we are here to anger this Da Long person. Just who is she really? And what connection does she have with us?

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Champ1234 #1
Chapter 7: Updateeeee
Champ1234 #2
Chapter 7: Updateeeee
Chapter 7: please update soon
Chapter 6: update soon,, this is good ^^
dkiw1999 #5
Chapter 5: Hope you update
Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 4: This is so cool!!
That little girl is just the fluffiest and awesomest (if it's a word...) kid ever!!
Can't wait for your next update~
Thank you!
Blackjack_17 #8
Chapter 4: So Im the... wow this is amazin and uniq(? Update soon pls
wmatsui123 #9
Chapter 3: please update soon~~~
i want to know who is the one who create the earthqueke