Chapter 16: Explain

Twisted Fates
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A/N: This is set back, It's form when Jimin left the house. The previous chap happens at the same time as this, and joins together.

[T] trigger warning.


      Jimin continues to mindlessly wander around not wanting to go home in fear of the possibility of his father being home, Jimin wanders through the crowded streets, faces all blend together into a blur in his mind as they pass.

      'It's funny' Jimin thinks.  

       'Everyone has a story to tell, each individual has their own battle scars we know nothing of. Everyone has demons to fend off, some worse than others, but all bad in their own way-'


      Jimin's phone begins to ring, clicking on the notification he see's a message from Zayn requesting to meet at the cafe the had their 'date' at.

     Jimin met up with Zayn, it was a short meeting, both agreeing to cut end the meetings, Zayn explaining that he didn't feel a 'spark' with Jimin that he had felt with previous relationships.

     Jimin begrudgingly made his way to his house. Jimin wondered what that 'spark' Zayn was referring to. What did it mean to love some one, have someone special. Jungkook's face came to mind at that moment, Jimin hated the fact the young boy was beginning to make him rethink his views toward love but he couldn't deny his felt something when looking at the boy, seeing him smile and be happy made his heart swell in warmth.

      'What happens after I talk to him?' Jimin wondered to himself just as his phone lit up, receiving another message.

                                 From: Kookie~



                                                Come to my house later, anytime is fine.

                                                                               I'll be waiting.


       Jimin sighed before walking into his house. 'I guess I'll find out soon enough.'

      Jimin walked into his house the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and hit him in the face, making him gag.

      'Why is he always like this, couldn't I just have a decent family?' Jimin wondered, making his was through the living room.

       Jimin was soon stopped by a tight grip on his jacket from behind, but Jimin didn't need to turn around to be able to tell who it was, the smell of alcohol was a dead give away. 'Dad.'

     Jimin had no time to protect himself from the wrath of his father, slamming him down onto the glass table shattering it, shards slicing Jimin.

      The next thing Jimin knew he had a fist coming toward his face, Jimin still being disoriented from before was unable to pull away, his fathers fist hitting him full force in the face. The next location was his stomach, Jimin was on the verge of passing out when he heard a feminine voice comming from what sounded like his fathers room.

      "Babe, are you coming back to finish what you started or do I have to sit here doing nothing all night?" The voice called. Jimin wanted to throw up 'Who the would wanna screw that man?'

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Gatita02 #1
Chapter 23: Can't wait for other stories from you, authornim
Chapter 22: Im happy you started to write again <3

Please continue and fighting! I will wait for your next update <33
J-husna #3
Chapter 21: I found out about ths too late. I like it! Stay strong authornim!
Mimi77 #4
I really love your cute (not always) story!
A big hug! (((⊂(´∀`o)⊃)))
kimbapby #5
Chapter 20: Too cutee ~~ Fluffiness everywhere ~ Well done author-nim!!~ I loved this storyy . Till we meet againn <3
secret_silenterz #6
Chapter 20: I'm die !! Too much cuteness, adorable, fluff .. *fangirling* ♡♡
Kpopisidklife #7
Chapter 20: I'm sOO happy for them!!!! Finally Jimin is out of hell. He finally found someone that can take care of him and love him^^ this was sooo cute><
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Waaahh I just found this story and read it in one day and it is just amazing!!! You have all my favorite ships and your writing skills are awesome! Thank you
raebmonster #9
lillyma94 #10
Chapter 20: awwwwww CUTE