Episode 9: This Feeling

I Need You//당신이 필요 해요// A BaekYeol fanfic

Last episode Of 'I Need You':

"Shut up you! I am done with talking to you!"


Chanyeol sighed quickly and ran his hand through his hair out of frustration as he sat down on one of the couches in the mansion's living room. He understands that Baekhyun is mad at him about what he almost did to Kai and he quite frankly didn't understand why Kai even accepted his apology, but he doesn't know how much longer Baekhyun was going to keep this up. Baekhyun kept avoiding him in school and at home. Yes, after D.O. woke up, both D.O. and Baekhyun moved into the mansion, Kyungsoo's room is with Kai and Baekhyun normally had to room with Chanyeol, but because Baekhyun was still mad at Chanyeol, he roomed into one of the two spare rooms in the mansion.

D.O walked down the stairs into the room and spotted Chanyeol's look of frustration.

"Hey Chanyeol. What's wrong?", D.O. asked, obviously already knowing the answer.

Chanyeol sighed deeply before looking up at D.O. "Baekhyun..."

"I figured", D.O. said with a soft sigh.

"I just don't know what to do to get him to forgive me... He won't talk to me, let alone take a look at me and it's slowly killing me, literally.", Chanyeol said, resting his head on the palm of his hands in defeat. Yes it's killing him. His health has been going downhill, the result of not being close to his soon-to-be mate. If Chanyeol doesn't get Baekhyun's affection back, he will die.

D.O. sighed deeply before opening his mouth before closing it seconds later to think about what he wanted say. "You know...", he eventually started, "it's killing Baekhyun too. I knew him practically throughout my entire life.. This made me realize a few things. He might not show it, but Baekhyun's a really fragile and sensitive guy and he is the most stubborn person I know. He isn't that mad at you, he was just deeply hurt by your actions and he wants you to show how much you actually care for him." Chanyeol could only remain silent while thinking deep thoughts about what D.O. said.

"When we were still young, Baekhyun said he dreamt of having real love. I mean without the imprinting and all, because he says that it's just fate choosing someone for you. You don't get to experience falling in love with someone because you become closer. It's just love at first sight, it's basically loving someone's face instead of their personality... That's probably also why he is so saddened about this.", D.O. added.. It was like Chanyeol was waiting for D.O to continue, but D.O. decided what he said was more than enough. When Chanyeol didn't hear anything from him, he decided to speak up.

"D.O. hyung... Thank you so much. For all of this, really. I don't even know how to thank you enough", Chanyeol said, his brain still not able to function properly.

Kyungsoo chuckled lightly and said, "There's no need to thank me really. You should be more focused on getting Baekhyun back"

"Oh, I almost forgot about that. I don't really know what to do... I don't know him well enough for that...", Chanyeol stated frustratedly.

"Don't worry about that, I'll help you.. Thank God that we have some free days, today and tomorrow and the best part is that it's right before the weekend starts!", Kyungsoo exclaimed, a bright smile forming on his lips

"Thank you again hyung... I really mean it. Anyways enough about me, how's Kai doing?", Chanyeol said quickly, wanting to change the subject before it would become awkward

"Well he's doing well now, his heat ended right after I woke up completely, so we didn't get the chance to mate, but we'll be good", D.O. said with a deep sigh.

Chanyeol nodded in response, before getting up "I will be right back" he started to walk to the kitchen but he stopped in his tracks when he heard soft humming. He took several steps ahead to hear the voice better;

"A place where I can't touch you and can't even hold you
What's shining under the surface is not that person~
Your sad story that can't come true.
The closer you go, the more you'll hurt, so
Just that love stop, stop, stop, stop, yeah
Just that love stop, stop, stop, stop, yeah
Like this I'm anxiously calling you
Don't go babe, those wings will get wet"

Chanyeol opened the kitchen door slowly and popped his head in, finding Baekhyun sitting on the dining table singing and writing in a blue notebook.....seems like he is writing this song?

"No matter how much I tell you, you don't listen. You throw your whole body towards me again. Why do I dream a dangerous dream where you and me can be together?
Now stop those tiring actions, So that my heart can rest a little, My heart watching you feels as if it'll rip apart as well"

Baekhyun stopped and put tapped it on his lips thinking....with Chanyeol finding Baekhyun extremely cute while doing that.

"Beak..." Chanyeol came in, sitting across Baekhyun on the table making the other flinch slightly in his seat.

Baekhyun knew who that deep voice belonged to and closed his notebook. Without lifting his eyes off the table,he got up to walk away but was stopped by a hand grabbing his small wrist. "L-let me go", Baekhyun whimpered.

"No...Not this time....We need to talk," Chanyeol got up and pushed Baekhyun gently to sit and he did so across the petite male.

"I'm sorry Baek.....I didn't meant to do that....it's all abo--" Chanyeol didn't finish as Baekhyun smashed his fist on the table.

"All because of the heat that drove you crazy yeah yeah I know,"Baekhyun crossed his arms across his chest, feeling slightly annoyed at Chanyeol. "As long as I know, you lived a long life to learn how to control yourself Park Chanyeol"

Chanyeol lowered down his head, knowing that everything his soon-to-be-mate said was right. At that time,he should've stopped himself from doing it...but he didn't... his lustful desires took over his mind.

"Y-You're right Baek... but I didn't mean to hurt you as bad as you-", Chanyeol got cut off by Baekhyun once again.

"So are you saying you wanted me to get hurt? Is that it?", Baekhyun snapped, his temper rising.

"No no! That's not what I was trying to do!", Chanyeol replied trying to defend himself, which didn't work very well.

"Park Chanyeol, I've had enough of this." Baekhyun slammed both of his hands on the table and pushed his chair back harshly, wanting to leave the room immediately. However, Chanyeol was blocking his way.

"Do you mind?" Baekhyun snapped at the taller man.

"We weren't done talking yet, Baek. You should listen to what I have to say", Chanyeol finally completed his sentence without any interruptions.

"Why should I? You're not my boss nor my mate", Baekhyun let out a sarcastic laugh as he tried to push Chanyeol away "Move!" Baekhyun shouted at Chanyeol.

"I won't", Chanyeol beams, "as I said I di--", he didn't get the chance to finish as Baekhyun held his collar, turned him around and he shoved him harshly towards the table - breaking it into half due to the impact and caused a loud crashing sound before making small hole on the floor.

"Ahhh...."Chanyeol closed his eyes, whimpering at the sharp pain he felt in his back.

"I told you to move", Baekhyun warned him and made his way to the door then stopped, looking behind his right shoulder and saw Chanyeol struggling to get up.

He felt his gut dropping at the sight, guilt slowly enveloping him but forced himself to show a cold face. "Don't try to mess with me", he then walked out of the room leaving Chanyeol on the floor.

When Baekhyun was about to walk out of the house, he was stopped by D.O. who was sitting on the couch. He heard all of BaekYeol's little "conversation" and was deeply disappointed. He stood up, walked towards Baekhyun and gave him a slap to his left cheek, making it a bright shade of red.

"Baekhyun! What is wrong with you? Why have you been acting like a jerk towards Chanyeol these past few days, going to the extent of even hurting him! Don't you like him?", D.O. blurted out angrily. He didn't plan to snap at his own brother, but it went out automatically. Baekhyun just went too far.

"Why does it matter to you anyway? You're happy, ing with Kai", Baekhyun said, touching his slapped cheek as he turned around and left, leaving the other dumbfounded.

"Baek...Baekhyun wait!" D.O. walked out the house but found nothing...he already left...Hyung, where did you go??? I know deep inside that you like Chanyeol even if it a tiny crush, I know it. That's why you're running aw--

Kai came out after him and nagged at D.O. which snapped him out of his thoughts,. "Going somewhere?"

Before D.O. could even say a word, his eyes widened as he heard Chanyeol howls desperately coming from the kitchen. Their eyes widened even more - Chanyeol for the first time turned into his wolf form in front of D.O. - He was a Medium light brown wolf,long pointed ears that have a darker color than his fur which indicates that he is Chanyeol by his ears - he was struggling to get out from the hole he was stuck in it but there was a wooden stick coming out from the broken table stabbing him through his stomach, the more he moved to get out the more the stick got deeper and deeper inside him.

"W-wait!! Hyung don't move", Kai shouted and came closer to him, he then started to drag the half table away. He moved to the other side dragging the other half away. D.O. just stood there frozen in his place not knowing what he should do.

"Don't change after I pull it out okay? Just stay there. i'll pull it out now", Kai took a deep breath and removed the stick in one go without a warning given,making Chanyeol let out a painful howl, a trail of blood flowing out and that's when Kai started panicking.

"K-kai........t-there's... blood", D.O. ran to one of the cabins carrying towels and a first aid kit.

Soon after, Sehun came in sweating like he was running for miles, putting his hands on his hips, bowing his head down slightly while breathing heavily. "Hyung!!!" He screamed and come closer holding one of Chanyeol's legs and his other hand resting on top of the other's head.

D.O. gave them the towels but Kai shook his head. "We need to get him out of here fir-- Chanyeol, No!"

Chanyeol turned back to his human form and held his injured stomach. "I-I h-have t-to go"

Sehun helped him to get up and he took the towel and pressed it on the wounded stomach.


"Did you hear that!??" - Chen whispered to his friend.

"A wolf howl!" the other gasped "we have to tell the othe--" Chen put his hand over his friend's mouth to shut him up. "I smell a wolf in a heat scent there." He pointed at the abandoned park 3 blocks away from them "Go check it out, I will go tell the others" His friend nodded and took off running to where Chen instructed him to go.


"How did that happen?" Sehun wondered, pacing back and forth in the living room.

While Kai stayed silent as he watched D.O. putting bandaids on the wound after cleaning Chanyeol's injury.

"I don't know....he got angry all of sudden and threw me there the way you see me." Chanyeol shrugged.

"Baekhyun doesn't get angry easily, I mean he wouldn't even harm a fly without a reason, What did you tell him?" D.O. asked straightforwardly while crossing his arms across his chest.

Chanyeol was about to answer until he felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest.....it's not from the wound....something is not right.

"I will go find him" Chanyeol stated and got up.

"No hyung....you're hurt you must rest, He will come back later", Kai spoke.

"Something is not right...I can feel it...I will go and check." Chanyeol took the clean shirt that Sehun gave him and walked outside.

"Then I will go with you", Sehun said and trailed after the elder.


"Hyung? How can we find him...I mean we don't even know where to start searching" Sehun asked.

"I can smell his scent...but it's starting to fade away....aishhh we better run!"

With that they started to chase after the familiar scent.


"Idiot..dumb...ungrateful ", Baekhyun mumbled as he walked to one of the nearest parks which turn out to be abandoned because they assumed it's possessed with ghosts, "stupid people with stupid minds...." Baekhyun thought.


Baekhyun stopped in his track as he heard a small rock being kicked. He turned around but there was nothing. He assumed that his imagination started to play games with him so he started to walk again. "Do I not look enough for his needs? Aren't I y, hot, slim also more handsome that that dark ....why di--" he stopped again as he caught with the corner of his eyes a shadow moving.he turn around but once more, he found nothing..."Wtf Who's there!?"...still nothing.

"Ghost don't exist", he mumbled and started walking faster - "ahh." he held his chest when he felt a sudden pain...it's like something pushing him from the inside..then again he felt that shadow appears behind him.

"Don't look down at yourself beautiful"

That's it Baekhyun took it for a run when he heard that strange voice, he couldn't look behind him as fear crept in . He is not that type of weak wolf.....the thing is....he didn't fight for years, scratch that he didn't fight a wolf before....suddenly a certain wolf popped in his mind.....Chen.....Is it possible to be Chen?? He threatened him before but could it be him?

He ran and ran and ran into the city, running in into a dark street hoping that the stalker to got lost....but unluckily, he didn't, then he ran into the first corridor then to another and another until he reached a dead end. "Damn it!" He mentally cursed.

"You're pretty fast Beautiful", the unknown guy smirked, he fished out his phone and took a photo of Baekhyun while pointing at him with his other hand using a gun.

"Lu Bring him alive, don't kill him" the other guy said from the phone.

That masked guy was hiding every inch of his body except his eyes, "So you're Lu?" Baekhyun thought.

That Lu guy mumbled then ended the call and started to walk closer to where Baekhyun standing.

"P-Please d-don't kill me...don't." Baekhyun may seem strong...but deep inside he was scared...he doesn't want to let out his beast nor get killed.

The Lu guy took out a rope from his bag and started to hit the floor here and there like a cowboy. "Awww I won't, I just wanna to take a walk with you." then he hit the rope for the last time on the floor then he hit Baekhyun face making a thin line of blood trail on Baekhyun's cheeks.

Baekhyun put his hands on his cheeks and started to tremble "P-please....."

Lu lifted the rope in the air ready to hit again but something held it and made his whole body turn around - his eyes widened not believing what he is seeing, The first wolf that he saw in korea, scratch that, It was his first time seeing two wolfs together... the first is a medium sized wolf his color is not shown clearly but he guess it was black from the dark, and the other was smaller but he has glossy eyes with extremely white and sharp teeth.

Chanyeol bit the tip of the rope and turned his head making the human to hit the nearest wall. Then the human got up smirking "So I guess that's your mate." then he jumped on a big trashcan then he make a double jump in the air (more like a ninja) he landed behind them. "I guess this is goodbye beautiful, sorry" he took a small box from his bag and threw it on them then he took off running.

Chanyeol turn back to his human form then he ran to Baekhyun's side, holding the small trembling body in his arm "GO AFTER HIM!" Chanyeol ordered sehun.

Sehun nodded and disappeared in the dark..

The box that was 5 feet away from them started to spread a toxic gas in the air making them both to cough.

"Oh god that's poisoned! Let's go." Chanyeol put his hand over his mouth and the other hand dragging Baekhyun behind him until he felt that Baekhyun started to get heavy. He then turned around and his eyes widened.

Baekhyun felt his legs become like jelly, he couldn't bear to walk and everything started to become blurry in his vision. "C-Chan.."he breathed. Chanyeol scooped him in his arms Bridal style and started to run as fast as he can away from the road.

As Chanyeol was running, concentrated on the way back home, Baekhyun looked up to him with big eyes. After all the bad stuff he did to the taller, Chanyeol still wanted to save him. Baekhyun realized that Chanyeol wasn't the one being a jerk and that he himself was a jerk. He looked back down in guilt and shame and didn't say a thing until they reached the house. Chanyeol walked up towards Baekhyun's room, entered it and set Baekhyun down on his bed.

"Hyung! Are you alright?" Kai asked. Before Chanyeol spoke up. "He's alright you guys, don't worry, he just needs a bit of rest." With this Chanyeol was subtly signaling that he wanted the guys to leave the both of them alone. They nodded and left.

"Chanyeol...", Baekhyun started, "Erm... Don't leave..." Chanyeol smiled a bit in response and walk to sit next to Baekhyun on the left side of the bed.

"A-Are you hurt anywhere? I didn't throw you too hard, right?", Baekhyun said worried, which results in him talking unusually fast.

"I'm okay, don't worry about that", Chanyeol said softly. Baekhyun leaned forward to hug the taller, but when he did, Chanyeol grimaced in pain. Baekhyun took notice and hastily pulled away.

"I did hurt you..." The latter looked at the taller with teary eyes. He was on the verge of breaking down. "I hurt you a lot, didn't I?" Baekhyun couldn't fight the tears streaming down his cheeks. He crawled to Chanyeol's side and put his hand on Chanyeol's chest, sending shivers in both of their bodies, he started to touch him until he felt the bandage on the taller stomach "Oh my god..." he breathed then he lifted Chanyeol's shirt slowly but stopped in his tracks as Chanyeol held his hands stopping him from doing so. "It's fai--"

"No!" Baekhyun pull the shirt up and accidentally hit Chanyeol's face with his hand.

"Erh!" Chanyeol rub his face groaning in pain "Ba--ammm" his face flushed shades of red as the latter pushed him to lay on the bed then rip his shirt apart - Baekhyun touches the tip of the bandage then he started to pull it out slowly causing the taller to moan softly with every touch he make.

"S-sorry....C-chanyeol" Baekhyun put down the bandage back in it place after seeing the small wound he made. He look up and surprised to find the other blushing.He tilted his head to the right side "......Say something"

Chanyeol tried to look around at anything but he eventually caught the latter's eyes.....they stayed silent just like that. Until Chanyeol broke the silence "A..are you still....mad?"

Baekhyun's gaze was kept on the floor,..."no"

Chanyeol couldn't fight the smile on his face, he sat up straight to look at him....he lifted both his hands to wipe a few tears on Baekhyun's face. Chanyeol smiled and closed his eyes too - he started lean forward inches apart from Baekhyun's rosy lips....


Baekhyun's room door opened making them both jump away from each other. Kai came in panting. "You.....better see...this!"

"What??" Both of them said in unison, Kai signaled to them to follow and they did.

In the living room...

Scattered window glasses was covering the floor, along with three red rocks.

"It came out of nowhere", D.O stated.

Kai squinted down and hold one of the rocks "it's wrapped up with paper?




Yaay! I updated, I'll be updating chapter 10 too. A double update again.

Posted on: the 19th of July 2015

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Yaay! I'm back with a double update, it might even become a triple update! From now on I will be updating much faster.


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peggybae #1
Chapter 10: the intense storyline was so fun to read :’)) thankuu
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 2: Imprinting on humans??
Chapter 12: Oooh pleaseeee continue this story it was going to become interesting :(
Chapter 12: Please continue this!
Chapter 1: This'll be fun
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 12: Aw no need to rewrite,i like it ^3^
EXO_L6104 #7
Chapter 12: Please at least finish that cliffhanger
Chapter 12: ????
Ruijieeh_ #9
Chapter 12: Author nim...when are you going to update?? Can't wait to find out what happened to baekhyun!!><
JihyuneeExoL #10
Chapter 12: ok author nim i can wait.But if you rewrite the chapters, plz tell me. Hee hee ^^