Episode 10: Threat Letter

I Need You//당신이 필요 해요// A BaekYeol fanfic

Last episode Of 'I Need You':

"It's wrapped up with paper?"


Luhan pov :


I stopped running and turned around facing that annoying wolf.....well now I get the chance to catch him.

The wolf stopped running too and turned back to his human form.

I gasp....short black hair, white milky skin, sharp jaw line...hmmm nice. "Who are you?", I ask while putting my hand on my rope ready to take it out.

"I'm supposed to be the one to ask you that, who are you and who sent you to us?", he said expressionless while crossing his arms.

"Hey little pup is that how you learned to speak to older people? Tsk tsk tsk." I shook my head and took my gun from my back pocket. "I didn't mean any harm but as long as you request...how about I take you for a walk puppy." As I mentioned puppy he let out a sarcastic laugh... do I look like I'm joking to him?

"...Stupid humans with stupid brains, always thinking they're superior to everything on this planet. What are you gonna do with that little toy huh?", the wolf boy said ending his sentence with a laugh.

"Tch, you're laughing because you think this is a normal gun, right? Do you really think I didn't do my research before starting the hunt?", I said smirking slightly into my mask. I knew he could feel it, even if he didn't see it. "This gun is filled with the not so usual pure silver bullets. These are specifically made for hunting supernatural freaks of the planet, like you."

I tightened my grip on the gun as I saw his smile fading into a frown and he walked closer to me. As he did this I felt wind strongly blowing and with every step it became wilder. I didn't know what was happening, but I held the gun tightly so it couldn't fly away.

When I looked down I noticed him raising his hands slowly and the wind pulling on my weapon grew stronger. He was the one doing this, huh? I guess that controlling the wind is one of his powers.

When I looked back up I was shocked to see the taller to be only a few inches away from me. I didn't notice that he walked so fast.

"I don't care if it's filled with silver, wood or anything. All I care for is that you take it for a run, a long run. Without coming back, because the next time you try anything with me or my pack, I won't let you go as easily." Right after he said these words the wind pulled my gun away from me and he turned around to pick it up.

"I'll be keeping this for a while." Then he disappeared like thin air, leaving me dumbfounded and alone in the dark alley.

I shook my head momentarily and pulled out my phone to call Chen about what happened.

"What do you mean they got away!? What kind of worthless trash are you? You aren't even able to catch B class wolves!", Chen shouted through the mic of his phone.

"I don't really think they are B class though. They were pretty strong.", I defended myself, trying to calm the other's temper.

"Are they strong or are you just weak?", Chen huffed out, clearly upset that they lost track of the wolves.

"There's no need to be so uptight about it, at least we know that there are wolves in the area and that we aren't looking for nothing."

"I already knew that there were wolves in this area, idiot. Baekhyun lives somewhere around here"

"Okay there's no need to be so damn dramatic, what has happened, happened and we can't change much about it can we?"

"Yeah yeah, I know. Just come back to the headquarters we'll talk about it later." After this Chen hung up and I put my phone back into my pocket. You know, that guy needs to enter anger management or yoga or something like that. It would really help him a lot


Sehun's PoV.

I pant and huff as I take a break from running. My heart was pounding so loudly in my chest there, I never felt this before. Why did I feel this happy while I was talking to my enemy? Why did it feel like butterflies invaded my stomach and why do I only see his eyes playing in my head? Why did I imprint on a hunter? Of all people on earth, a hunter!?

I decided it's better to keep running so I don't think of this anymore. I mean, what would the others think if they found out I imprinted on the person that hurt Baekhyun? Argh, I don't even know his name!

As I reached the house I noticed that the window glasses were shattered and that the house was unusually quiet. My steps were now slower and I tried to make the least possible noise to not get myself in possible danger.

I eventually reached the door to be greeted by the guys in their fighting position until they noticed it was me who came in.

"Sehun? What happened with that guy who tried to harm Baekhyun?", Chanyeol spoke up first.

I began sweating and my hands were getting clammy. "W-Well... He kinda... Got away?", it sounded more like a question than an answer honestly, but I couldn't tell them I let him go because I imprinted on him and can't harm him.

"How? I mean you're stronger than him." Chanyeol was persistent. Why does he always have to know all details?

"He used a cheap smoke bomb trick. Yeah, that's what he did", I said nervously. "Anyway enough about that. What the hell happened here?" I point towards the glass pieces on the floor and the three rocks wrapped up by red paper.


Author PoV:

"Guys...I think it's a binary code." Kai lifted up the first letter and gave it to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun eyes widened....All his past flashback in his eyes, when he started to send and play with his cousins using binary codes so no one could understand them.

Baekhyun looked at them "Does anyone know how to read it?"

Chanyeol and Kai both shook their heads.

"I just know that it's used for love letters and computer programming, but I think that's useless right now", Sehun shrugged.

Baekhyun then locked eyes with D.O. as they both can understand each other ...it's non other Chen...

Baekhyun decided he should be the translator for them now.

"A fluffy honey bunny fly up in the sky fearless and strong and got the wolf and light powers beautiful as a flower but strong as 10 men together guess it who?" Baekhyun pause for a second.....this is what his dad used to sing to make him fall asleep. He shrugged the memory off and continued " it's Byun Beakhyunii.

How do you like my three presents I sent you? Doesn't this remind you of our childhood together? I know you're probably asking yourself "How did this crazy bastard find my house?" The answer is simple, I am a hunter and hunters now everything there is to know.

This is not a friendly reminder of our happy child time, no not at all. I am here to warn you. I have set you as my main target and I will get you. I won't stop until I finished my job and that is taking your life, but I wanna have some fun too, you know. So I guess I should start by taking what's most important to you.

Watch out, is something the old me would say to save you, right? Hope you still remember the way I was back then.

I'll be seeing you soon... Very soon"

Baekhyun's hands were shaking by the end of the letter. He hadn't expected this to happen. He didn't know that Chen changed to this degree, but the thing that scared him the most was the fact that Chen wants to take the most important people in his life. Just like before he started with his family,friends , their pack and now.... his mate.

Kai opened the second and third letters but It didn't contain any words...instead there was a picture inside. the first one was a big family picture, Kai assumed that it's their pack. The people's faces were marked with red × signs except for a little 4 year old boy.

"What's this?", Kai handed the first picture to Chanyeol.

Then the other picture was,that same little boy in the picture but here he was 10 years old hugging a small black pup.

D.O. snatch that picture from Kai's hand. "B-Baek.....hyung.....that's us"

Baekhyun leant closer to where D.O. pointed at. "H-How could he have those pictures!?!?"

"Someone please tell me who the hell you're talking about!?" Chanyeol didn't meant to snap at them but he did.

D.O. gulps then lower down his head - nagging Baekhyun with his elbow signaling him to talk.

"......That's.....he..." D.O. cut him off. "We better get out of here asap"


"Baek....don't you understand?? It's happening again!", D.O. yelled "I DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!! .....not to them", He started to cry, burying his face in both his hand balms, because of the memories coming all back.

"We can't run forever Dyo-yah....." Baekhyun hugged his brother while batting his head. "It's time to fight back", he stated full of confidence.

"Will someone explain to me what that threat letter meant? Heck, I don't even know who sent it!" Chanyeol put both of his hands on his hips.

"I think that now is the right time to tell them..." D.O. said, his voice slightly muffled.

".....It's Chen" Baekhyun paused thinking how to say it right, he decided to show them the pack's picture first. "This is used to be my family years ago...all of them are dead now..." He then pointed at the other picture. "It all happened one day when dad accepted a loner wolf that called Chen into our pack, After searching and so...my cousins spread the rumors that his family killed by the humans and it's brings the bad luck....you know kids stupidness, It's true that his family dead anyway...after like a week, Me and D.O. were with my mom showering at a nearby river..."

D.O. continued "Yah our clan is kinda traditional we used to live in the woods away from the humans."

"That day...we heard howls, Mom said that we should stay at our place and she will check it out....we stay their until the sunset, D.O. started to whine that he is hungry so we both walk back....at that time we entered our land, It was.... a bloodbath... I held D.O. close and we started to shout for someone help...but we didn't find anyone, instead we found a letter hanging on...o-on." Baekhyun started to cry but he wiped his tears and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

D.O. continued "We found a letter on Baekhyun's tent saying;

I will run to the end of the world and find you, then I will cut your throat apart and burn your head at a stake. Don't think that You can run away from me you filthy animal. Now as you used to laugh at my family history, now all your family/village died on a hands of a wolf , how Ironic Bacon-ah....Just remember this; wherever you go, no one's going to accept someone like you, but don't worry I will end your life before you know it.

He wrote it using binary codes"

"A-all of this years we run to the cities, lived in many orphanages since we both where young... we can't risk to stay at one place, also there were several packs that kicked us out, until we came here two years ago and settled."

Kai got up and hugged D.O. protectively. "I will never let him touch a hair from you."

Baekhyun sigh and rip that picture into small pieces. ".....He is much stronger than us", he whispered to himself but Chanyeol heard him.

"Wait a second so..... what are you saying is.... that you and D.O. where the sons of the alpha?", Sehun spoke in disbelief.

Baekhyun nodded.

"That Chen guy was an older wolf right? he could've smelled your scent back then and kill you....so he let you off that time? Why?", Chanyeol ask this time.

"I don't know", Baekhyun shrugged.

"They know that we are here hyung... They can attack us anytime they want." Sehun took the rocks and threw them outside, then he clean his hands "We should move from here"

"You're not helping Sehun." Kai glared at him.

"You aren't supposed to move, me and D.O. will"Baekhyun pulled D.O. away from Kai's embrace. "Don't follow us." He was about to walk inside to get his things but D.O. pulled his hands away. "I'm not going without Kai"

Baekhyun turned around lifting an eyebrow. "I don't want to go through 'the talk' kyungsoo we are going and this is final!"

"I'm not going with you then, Hyung. I'm not a kid anymore that you can drag me wherever you wanna go, whenever you wanna go!" D.O. Snapped.

"IT'S FOR YOUR OWN DAMN SAKE KYUNGSOO!" Baekhyun face turned red from anger and his veins started to be visible. "DON'T BE SO SELFISH D.O.! OUR FAMILY DIED AT HIS HANDS AND NOW THAT ER WANTS TO HUNT OUR MATES DOWN TOO, DO YOU WANNA LOSE EVERYONE YOU STILL HAVE!?", Baekhyun turned around and his breath started to become heavy. "You don't know what his capabilities are"

"Hyung... It's okay...... We aren't alone anymore...besides..." D.O. walked closer putting his hand on the latter's shoulder. "I'm an Alpha and there's Chanyeol who can protect u--"

Baekhyun instantly turn around and pushed D.O. making him fell on his .

Chanyeol's eyes widened in shock...

Grey eyes,

his hair turned shades of grey.

his wolf fangs came out

"B-Baekhyun...?", Chanyeol said taking several steps back.




So yepp, this is the next update~

A lot of things happened this episode again, but what happened to Baekhyun? I'm worried about him...

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Yaay! I'm back with a double update, it might even become a triple update! From now on I will be updating much faster.


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peggybae #1
Chapter 10: the intense storyline was so fun to read :’)) thankuu
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 2: Imprinting on humans??
Chapter 12: Oooh pleaseeee continue this story it was going to become interesting :(
Chapter 12: Please continue this!
Chapter 1: This'll be fun
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 12: Aw no need to rewrite,i like it ^3^
EXO_L6104 #7
Chapter 12: Please at least finish that cliffhanger
Chapter 12: ????
Ruijieeh_ #9
Chapter 12: Author nim...when are you going to update?? Can't wait to find out what happened to baekhyun!!><
JihyuneeExoL #10
Chapter 12: ok author nim i can wait.But if you rewrite the chapters, plz tell me. Hee hee ^^