Episode 8: You're An Omega

I Need You//당신이 필요 해요// A BaekYeol fanfic

Last Episode of I Need You:

"Wait. You're an alpha!?"

He fainted...


D.O (Kyungsoo)'s PoV.

I slowly open my eyes to be greeted by a white ceiling. I still can't see very clearly, but I do recognize two figures, most likely male talking to each other.

"Are you sure he'll be alright? I don't want to lose him! He's the most important person in my life!", the guy on my right said. He sounded extremely worried.

"He'll be fine. This happens a lot to wolves who just find out their wolf gender", the male on the left said calmly. He put his hands on the other guy to calm him. Are they talking about me?

They continued talking for a bit until the guy on the right spotted me.

"Kyungsoo!? Baby! How are you feeling?", I felt a great amount of happiness fill me when I saw the person's face.

"Jongin", I smiled weakly. "I'm tired..." With those few words, I fell asleep again.


Kai (Jongin)'s PoV

"Kyungsoo!", I shout as he fell. I grabbed him, but he already closed his eyes. "Yah, Dyo. Wake up! Kyungsoo please just wake up.", I said helplessly. "Please..." Hot tears rolled down my flushed cheeks.


"What exactly happened?", Chanyeol asked me. He was the only person I could ask. He might be a dork and derpy, but he's also the smartest in our bunch.

"I don't really know... I felt this alpha aura in the kitchen, but I was sure it wasn't Suho-ssi, because his scent's really different", I began, "When I opened the kitchen door, it was just Kyungsoo cooking. When I touched him, his eyes changed color and his fangs popped out. When he looked at himself he lost it"

Chanyeol took his time to process all this information and then he stared at me. "Jongin, you do know that if he really is an alpha, that you're an omega", Chanyeol said still staring at me.

"I-I already accepted that fact... But why are you staring at me like that?", I asked him. He looked lustful. I never seen him stare like that before, only at Baekhyun and at Baekhyun only.

Chanyeol snapped out of his trance and said: "Kai, are you feeling hot?"

"Now that you're saying it, it is pretty hot in here. Maybe you could open a window", I say, waving my arms towards my cheek to cool myself down. Chanyeol didn't give any response, he just kept staring. It was giving me an awkward feeling, his stares. It felt like he wanted me, but doesn't he have Baekhyun? I awkwardly said: "C-Chanyeol... Would you snap out if it?" I began to feel captured, but he eventually did stop staring. Instead, it was replaced by him looking at the ground and blushing.

"I'm sorry to say this, Kai, but you're in your first heat" What? He's joking right? "What are you saying, Chanyeol? I don't feel , nor painful, so how in the world can I be in Heat?", I asked getting annoyed. I don't even know why I'm annoyed. He just annoys me with everything he does. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. He took notice of this and a smirk planted itself on his derpy face. "Kai, I think you haven't seen yourself yet. You are clearly in Heat", Chanyeol said, still smirking. What"'s wrong with him, he should get rid of that idiot smirk. I'm the king of smirking and I only!

I stood up and went straight to the tall mirror that is placed to the plain white wall. The mirror was the only thing decorating the wall, which is quite sad. This room could use some serious decorating help. When I looked into the mirror, the first thing I noticed was my face which got red and the sweat rolling down my cheeks. When I looked down, I noticed my member bulging up in my sweatpants. I stared at myself for a minute while thinking What's happening to me? I began feeling dizzy and looked down to the ground, trying to find balance. His vision went a little blurry and he had trouble trying to stand straight. When he thought he found his balance again, he felt a headache surging through his head. He looked back at the mirror and saw Chanyeol right behind him. "I told you so", he said in a low pitched, husky voice, sending chills down my spine. He harshly grabbed me and pushed me to the bed right next to Kyungsoo's. I tried to escape, but he hovered over me, legs over mine and pinned my arms to the bed.

Guido (Author's) PoV

Chanyeol pinned Kai down to the bed and hovered over him.

"Kai you look so hot when you're confused and sweaty", Chanyeol said as he grinded on Kai. "Ah, Chanyeol stop", Kai said, trying to get Chanyeol out of it. "Why would I, huh?", Chanyeol said as he began Kai's neck. "You look too good for me to stop", Chanyeol then slightly bit down on Kai's neck, deserving a moan back.

"P-Please stop... Y-You have B-Baekhyun." Chanyeol chuckled slightly and looked up at Kai. "We never mated, Kai. Hah, I never put the mark on his neck. I am still a free wolf and D.O isn't gonna protect you, so you have no chance of escaping."

Kai's eyes widen as Chanyeol said this. 'H-He didn't mate?' He wasn't given much time to think though, because Chanyeol already took hold of the brim of his sweatpants. He pulled it down revealing Kai's bulge. Chanyeol was now long gone, replacing him now was lust and only lust. "C-Chanyeol please snap out of it. I-I'm K-Kyungsoo's", Kai tried, but failed.

Chanyeol immediately inserted two fingers with no warning, making Jongin scream (and shout) . Chanyeol was done with the until he heard a loud slam on the door. "CHANYEOL STOP IT!"

"B-Baekhyun, I-I can", Chanyeol started, but was not given the chance to continue. "Get your ing out of Jongin you filthy dog! I don't want your idiot explanation, I already know what's going on, just get out!", Baekhyun said, being on the edge of slapping the er.

It was quiet for a bit and Chanyeol was still in the same position, which got Baekhyun even angrier. "NOW CHANYEOL!", he shouted. Chanyeol quickly got up, put his clothes on and exited the room with a slight whimper. When Chanyeol left the room, Baekhyun let out all the breath he didn't even know he was holding.
He hurriedly walked to Kai and began inspecting him everywhere. "Did he hurt you anywhere? Are you okay?" Baekhyun sounded overly worried this time around. "I-I'm fine", was the only thing Kai was able to utter. He didn't wanna hurt Chanyeol or Baekhyun by bad-mouthing. Baekhyun sighed in relief and looked at Kyungsoo. "I knew that this would happen... It's only a matter of time until he finds out." Kai gave Baekhyun a confused look. What is he all about now?

Baekhyun turned his head towards Kai and said: "I know you're confused right now, but promise one thing, Kai. No Jongin, please don't leave Kyungsoo... He will need you now the most." Baekhyun held Kai's hands tight and looked into his eyes, tears beginning to fill his own, "I beg you Jongin, please don't leave"

"Baekhyun... I promise", Kai gave him a firm look.


It's been a week now and Kyungsoo still isn't up. The group decided to stay home this week to be able to check up on Kyungsoo. BaekYeol's relationship was going downhill because of the events that happened. Baekhyun was still mad at Chanyeol for what happened and Chanyeol didn't know what to do to make it up to him. And even if he did, because of Baek's attitude, it would take a long time until he was going to accept his apology. On the other side, Kai was worried sick, literally. The last time he was on his bed with what seems like a heavy fever. The guys know better then to believe that, but Kai doesn't let any of them inside his room. Not what happened with Chanyeol. Although the urge to just slam the door open and force one of the guys to him, he restrained himself. He wanted Kyungsoo to be his first and his only.

Kai couldn't take it anymore. The four days of staying home, stuffing himself chocolate, ice cream and anything sweet and unhealthy mad him even more sick. The heat really makes him act like a girl who's PMSing. He decided to look for Kyungsoo himself, just to check if there was any progress.

"What are you doing here? You should be in your bed", Baekhyun said, worry being clear in his words.

"I'm sick and tired of just sitting in my bed hoping my heat passes and that Kyungsoo wakes up, I wanted to see him"
"But that's dangerous! You know how unmated wolves are! They don't care if you imprinted or not, as long as there isn't any alpha or beta protecting you, they'll try to take you"
"They're my family!"
"Family bonds aren't gonna help you in this matter!"

Baekhyun himself was caught off guard by his shouting and immediately felt bad.

"I'm sorry for shouting like that Kai, but I'm just trying to help you... I don't want Kyungsoo to lose someone again..."

"I'm more afraid of me losing him", Kai said looking down at Kyungsoo's still face.

"He'll be alright Kai, I'm sure of it", Baekhyun said.

"Are you sure he'll be alright? I don't want to lose him! He's the most important person in my life!", Kai said worry clearly present in his, by now trembling, voice.

"He'll be fine. This happens a lot to wolves who just find out their wolf gender", Baekhyun said trying to act calm, but in reality he was telling lies, he wasn't sure if he would be alright. He himself was afraid to lose his best friend, scratch that, his only brother. He was afraid that he'd lose the person who he was gonna make sure to look for his children when he would be busy. He was afraid to lose the only true friend he has ever had.

"You're lying, I can hear it in your voice! You aren't sure of what you're saying yourself. Baekhyun, I know you're scared yourself". Kai's whole body was trembling just thinking about him losing Kyungsoo. Was this really what fate had planned for him? Was this really the right time for him to lose his one true love?

"You're right, I am scared to lose him. He's my brother that's only natural. But if we lose hope now, Fate will most likely give up on us too! We have to keep thinking that he'll survive, because if you don't think he will, as his mate, who will do that in your place?"

Kai was unable to respond to this. He was ashamed by his own act. He was never the type to freak out, but now that someone's life is on the line, he can't help but feel lost. He looked down to D.O's face and was planning to leave the room after that until he noticed D.O's eyes wide open and him smiling. Kai was unable to say anything until he saw Kyungsoo move his eyes towards his own.

"Kyungsoo!? Baby! How are you feeling?", Kai said holding D.O's face tightly.

"Jongin..." Kyungsoo gave a weak, tired and drained out smile. "I'm tired..." with these words Kyungsoo fell asleep again.

Kai looked back at Baekhyun who's eyes were pulking out in confusion. "W-What... just happened? We need to tell the others, now!", Baekhyun said loudly, grabbed Kai's wrist and pulled him out of the room. Kai glanced at D.O briefly before being dragged out of the room and closing the door.


"Wait, so Kyungsoo's awake again!?", Suho asked out of confusion. A hint of excitement was also present in his voice though.

"Yes! Well he fell asleep again after he woke up, but this time it isn't a coma", Kai said with excitement, but at the same time he sounded very tired, his breathing was unnatural and uneven.

"That's great, yehet!", Sehun said clasping his hands together.

"That's great indeed Kai, but I think it's time for you to go rest. You seem exhausted", Suho comments, worried about Kai's health state.

"I'm fine hyung, let me wait until--", Kai started.

"No", Baekhyun harshly says, "It's been enough already Kai, just go sleep now. It's for your own good"

"But hyung-"

"I said go sleep." Baekhyun's voice sounded stern and resonated through the room.

Kai looked down to the ground, stood up and slumped towards his room.

"Was that really necessary, Baekhyun? He just wants to be sure that he didn't lose D.O hyung", Chanyeol suddenly said. The past few days Chanyeol had stayed quiet, as if he was avoiding the latter.

"Shut up you! I am done with talking to you!" Baekhyun stood up and left to go to his own room.


A/N. Hi little pups! (I decided this name is just gonna stay as the readers name)
Aren't I a nice author-nim for not giving up on this story and just continue writing it. On top of that it's a double update~ I am great I know. *slapped*

So Chanyeol almost Kai and this lead to BaekYeol's relationship going downhill. D.O woke up and that is great news! I'll be keeping you guys happy, for now. Anyway please anticipate further updates~

Posted on: 13th of July 2015


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Yaay! I'm back with a double update, it might even become a triple update! From now on I will be updating much faster.


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peggybae #1
Chapter 10: the intense storyline was so fun to read :’)) thankuu
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 2: Imprinting on humans??
Chapter 12: Oooh pleaseeee continue this story it was going to become interesting :(
Chapter 12: Please continue this!
Chapter 1: This'll be fun
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 12: Aw no need to rewrite,i like it ^3^
EXO_L6104 #7
Chapter 12: Please at least finish that cliffhanger
Chapter 12: ????
Ruijieeh_ #9
Chapter 12: Author nim...when are you going to update?? Can't wait to find out what happened to baekhyun!!><
JihyuneeExoL #10
Chapter 12: ok author nim i can wait.But if you rewrite the chapters, plz tell me. Hee hee ^^