Our Little Sister Is Inlove?


Hello everyone. ^w^.. This is my first fanfic ever written in English.. Actually this is my second fanfic. My first fic is Tagalog. So im sory for the wrong grammar and my bad English. I hope you will enjoy reading my fanfic and please do leave your comments and please subscribe if you like reading my story. Thanks..  Well enjoy ^w^.  


Moving in Korea is not an easy thing for you, even though your living together with your three brothers namely Hyunseung, Kevin and Yoseob. What will happen if you, a girl who is not so girly and acts a little boyish meets SHINee,  the most popular boys in Korea, and also they are the kingkas of  the University you are attending in? what if one of them  will become  your worst enemy and the other will become your closest friend, a knight in shining armor, . What will happen?? Will they change the way you are? your personality? Will you behave and act as a normal GIRL? Is it possible that a girl like you, who hates boys (except your brothers) will fall in love? New friends, new school, new home, new people, new culture and LOVE??   





You/________,17 years old , boyish at all times but sometimes she acts like a normal girl. Cute. Stubborn sometimes. She loved her three Oppas so much.. She is the spoiled cute little sister of her three handsome brothers. She’s always on the go, but hides her feelings sometimes.. well it depends.. Cheerful and loud. She is not a type of person who shows her feelings by face especially when she’s sad and do have a problem because she thinks she’ll become a burden to everyone around her especially to her pppas..  She’ll meet SHINee and became SHINee’s most wanted enemy, but as the time goes by she’ll become the most wanted girl of SHInee especially Minho and Key.

Hyunseung ---21 yrs. Old . He is your Oldest brother. He loves you very much. Since your parents died five years ago, Hyunseung, as the oldest son managed the family’s business and took care of you and your other 2 older brothers Kevin and Yoseob.. He is a protective brother, always look serious at all times but actually not, cool and of course Handsome, girls are always chasing after him.

Yoseob-  19 years old. . Your second older brother. He is a cheerful and sweet  brother to you. He is your partner. Yes a partner in doing crimes against your sumo brother (Kevin) .. he is the loudest of the 4 of you. Always hyper, active and a joker and Childish sometimes ( I think pouting is his habit keke). But  serious when it comes to others hurting you physically and emotionally. He doesn’t want others to hurt his beloved little sis, Dongseng and Hyung. He is cute, like you, blonde. Hyunseung used to call him Banana boy.

Kevin –    18yrs. old.He is your 3rd  oppa. He loves and enjoy teasing you, annoying you, but he is indeed a kind and a loving brother. He is Handsome of course, good at singing.  And many girls are wanting to be with your brother.. Your SUMO VEGGIE brother (the name that you address to him whenever he teases you).. Even though he always like to tease you, he is afraid of you getting hurt, just like Hyunseung and Yoseob.

Minho-  18 years old. He is 6 months younger than Kevin. The leader of SHINee. Cold-hearted,  quiet , rich, stubborn, hates people getting on his way. Girls are so madly in love with him.But a good friend. Handsome, popular. Your worst  enemy and a lover??

Key-  Same age as Minho. Acts like a diva. for the first time you saw him you’ve mistaken him as a gay (kekeke) .. H andsome, kind, rich, popular. He’s always there for you  no matter what. When your brothers are not around he’s always there to protect you and take care of you. He is your lover also?? Girls also wants to be with him.

Onew-19 years old. The oldes Shinee member. He is the adviser when other members have a problem. and stands as the oldest brother of Shinee. Rich. Like the Key and Minho girls are also addicted to him.

Johnghyun– 19 years old.. 5 months younger than Onew. Rich popular. Handsome. Quiet at all times  and he is also mysterious.  He only stays and befriends with the people who is qualified to his standard.  But he is a good friend, a companion and a buddy when he gets closer to anyone he likes to stay with. In short he is PICKY when choosing his Friends .

Taemin- 17 years old. But 9 months younger than you. Rich, popular. he used to call you Noona. He is Popular, adorable, cute, cheerful and joker. He really looks like Yoseob, their personality are so alike that’s why it is easy for you to become her friend and of course her noona.

Others- surprised characters


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ysluckystar #1
update please! ^^
BananaNutt #2
ohm, this is cute, Update soon (:
ruhmendi #3
kpopLover07 #4
please!, update soon!!
kpopLover07 #5
uhm.. may i asked chingu?.. who is kim?..<br />
(wow.. this fanfic is so very nice one to read!!) :))
ismikyu #6
Hey please update im hwaiting. ^^
ruhmendi #7
UPDATE!!! ^^..
lajay808 #8
awwwwww keep going im growing on this story! :) <br />
so cute!
Siliyis #9
haha i like chapter hyung ll and l xD LOL<br />
i guess kevin will get the same incident LOL