You Got It From Your Daddy

Super... Dad? Eh, Close Enough.

Attempting to not burn the kitchen down, Baekhyun flipped the pancake in the pan. For once, the pancake did a perfect flip and landed back in the pan without a problem. He prayed real hard to who ever was up there because good gosh, he was a terrible cook. 

Behind him, little footsteps padded against the hardwood floor. Smiling, he dipped his hand in the leftover pancake batter. Turning around, he quickly poked his daughter on the nose. “Morning, Pumpkin.”

His smile widen even more when he saw the look of absolute disgust on her face. She looked up at him with the cutest pout ever set on her tiny lips. Putting her hands on her hips, just like the way her mom did, she exclaimed, “See! This is why Mommy doesn’t let you cook! You’re worst than Uncle Chen! You’re such a troll!” 

Laughing, he stooped down to her, wiping her nose with a napkin. “Oh, I don’t know about that Pumpkin, Uncle Chen’s a pretty good cook.”

Wiggling her nose, she mumbled quietly, “Well he was the one that let the meat fly off the grill…”

At the mentioning of the BBQ incident last summer, Baekhyun laughed. Shaking his head, he smiled at the stupidity of his best friend. Picking his daughter up, he set her on the kitchen counter. As he watched her dangle her tiny feet, he asked, “So what do you want for breakfast? We have cereal, pancakes, muffins, toast—-“

"I want a different nose."

"Fruits, biscuits, waffles—-," shocked, Baekhyun stopped his rambling and look at his daughter square in the eyes. "What did you say Haenim?"

"I want a different nose."

He was speechless. What is the world was going on? His daughter, his little pumpkin was way to young to be thinking of things like that.

"W-why would you want a different nose, Pumpkin? Your nose is perfectly fine just the way it is."

Shaking her head, she pointed at her nose. “My friends all have same nose, except for me. They all have tall, long noses and I’m stuck with a short, rounded one.” She said, squeezing her nose as if it would somehow transform into a tall, long one. “It makes me look like a pumpkin, Daddy..”

He couldn’t believe his ears. She was six for goodness sake! When he was six, all he wanted was to sleep and watch Power Rangers. He could have cared less about what he looked like. But, then again, he is a boy. 

Sighing, he removed her tiny hand from her nose. “Your nose is fine, sweetie. It’s perfectly and absolutely fine. Your friends might have the same nose and you don’t, so what. There’s no need to be just like your friends, Haemi. We’re all different yet we’re all perfect in our on way, okay? Don’t forget that.”

It was kind of sad, that already at a young age, his daughter felt insecure about herself because she was different. He never really understood why society had always placed that kind of pressure on girls. Or on everyone to be exact. Is perfection even obtainable? No, perfection was rather a perspective of the human minds. 

Shaking his head in pity, he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Smiling, he broke all the of the seriousness in the air. Bopping her on the nose, he exclaimed, “That nose is perfect. Do you want to know why? It’s because you got it from your Daddy. See, my nose is short and round too. And it’s adorable.” Landing a kiss on her nose, he told her, “And so is yours.”

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Chapter 12: I can't stop laughing when read this chapter
jc803288 #2
Chapter 7: Omo his man bus are on point tho (≧∇≦)/
It' s so adorable!!! I love it,thanks for the cute story.
sunbeamsroses31 #4
Hi:) I really loved all the chapters and your writing is just perfect;) Thank you for sharing and PLEASE carry on!!!
guyrrh #5
Chapter 5: Awww :D Too cute!! I lover your writing and the little scenarios are adorable! Especially lovef Sehun with his son:) Keep writing!!