I Am Manly

Super... Dad? Eh, Close Enough.
Luhan groaned as his precious angel hopped onto their bed and not so gracefully body slam her entire body into his. Burying his face into the pillows, he attempted to fall back asleep. His daughter though, has other plans as she sat on his back and began to yank at his hair without mercy. 
“Appa wake up! You have to do my hair before Uncle Xiumin takes me to school!”
Sighing, he peeked an eye open as he faced his daughter. Letting a small smile slip onto his lips, Luhan reached out and tucked a rebellious strand behind her ear. “Alright. I’m up. Where’s your umma?”
Shying away from her father’s touch, she shoved a hairbrush and a hair tie into Luhan’s face. Turning her back to him, she urged him to do her hair. “Umma left for work already but she left us breakfast.”
Brushing all of the tangles and knots out of his daughter’s soft locks, he ran his fingers through them in attempt to pull her hair into a ponytail. But, he was a man, so he didn’t know a single that came with doing hair. Sure, give him some hair gel and he could give her his signature spiked hair but he highly doubt his daughter would like that too much. 
Even as he tried to be as gentle as he could, a few groans and winces came from his daughter’s mouth. “Appa… that hurts….”
Kissing her head, Luhan apologized, “I know sweetheart. Sorry your appa isn’t a hairstylist.”
“But you’re so girly, shouldn’t you know how to do these things?” His daughter looked up at him with innocent, doe looking eyes.
“Oh stop. Appa is too manly.” Luhan retorted to which his daughter responded with a giggle. “Fine, go to Uncle Xiumin and let him show you how he does his man buns.”

[A/N]: Because it's been forever since I've updated or even written something. Been reading too many Lulu fics and his recent IG update stirred this update. Hehe, hoped you liked it~

xoxo, KP

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Chapter 12: I can't stop laughing when read this chapter
jc803288 #2
Chapter 7: Omo his man bus are on point tho (≧∇≦)/
It' s so adorable!!! I love it,thanks for the cute story.
sunbeamsroses31 #4
Hi:) I really loved all the chapters and your writing is just perfect;) Thank you for sharing and PLEASE carry on!!!
guyrrh #5
Chapter 5: Awww :D Too cute!! I lover your writing and the little scenarios are adorable! Especially lovef Sehun with his son:) Keep writing!!