Love Can't Be Bought

Super... Dad? Eh, Close Enough.

“Appa! I want this! I want this!” His son exclaimed as he plastered his chubby face against the toy store’s window. His eyes were wide as saucers as he stared at the new action figure, gleaming in all of its glory. “Can we get it? Plwease~” The little boy threw in his signature puppy eyes for the kill.

Laughing, Suho ruffled his little boy’s head, “Didn’t I just buy you the latest one last week?”

“B-but Appa… this is even newer!” The boy exclaimed as he clung onto his father’s legs. “Plwease? Can you buy it for me? Pretty Plwease~”

Suho was just joking around with the little boy as he opened the store’s door, motioning his son to step in. He could never say no to his little prince. Without hesitation, Suho told his son to go to store keeper and ask for the toy he wanted. The boy and his father stopped by the shop so much that the storekeeper knew them by their names.

“Why isn’t it the Kim family?” The store keeper greeted them with a smile. Wiping down the glass case, he asked, “What can I get for our little prince today?”

“I would like the new action figure you have there in the front!” Tugging the credit card out of Suho’s hand, his son slipped it onto the table, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Chuckling at the boy’s action, the store keeper shook his head. But then, a sudden realization came to him. “You’re talking about the red and blue action figure in the front, aren’t you my son?”

The boy nodded enthusiastically, to the point where he looked like a bobble head. 

Before the storekeeper can announce the sad news to the boy, a little girl around his age popped out from a shelf of stuffed dolls. “You can’t buy him. He’s going to be my Prince. So you can’t have him.” The little girl was a cute little thing as she was dressed in a floral dress and her hair was tied up into a high ponytail with a red ribbon. She had a fierce look in her eyes as she rested both of her hands on her hips.

Both Suho and the storekeeper winced as they awaited the cries of the little boy to happen. They knew how he wouldn’t take no for an answer, especially when it came to his beloved action figures. But he had completely taken them by surprise when he hadn’t utter a word. And he didn’t do so for the next five minutes. 

Completely dazed, the boy shuffled a couple steps back and stood by his father’s side. Tugging on Suho’s sleeve, his son motioned him to come down to his level. Standing up on his tippy toes, his son whispered into his ears, “Appa… I changed my mind. Can we buy her instead? She’s really, really, really pretty.”

At his son’s words and completely love struck look on his face, Suho chuckled loudly, “Love can’t be bought, son.”

[A/N]: Being wanting to write these days and this happened. Hope you guys liked it! Remember to comment and upvote as well as subscribe! :)

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Chapter 12: I can't stop laughing when read this chapter
jc803288 #2
Chapter 7: Omo his man bus are on point tho (≧∇≦)/
It' s so adorable!!! I love it,thanks for the cute story.
sunbeamsroses31 #4
Hi:) I really loved all the chapters and your writing is just perfect;) Thank you for sharing and PLEASE carry on!!!
guyrrh #5
Chapter 5: Awww :D Too cute!! I lover your writing and the little scenarios are adorable! Especially lovef Sehun with his son:) Keep writing!!