Chapter 6: His Rival

I'm inlove with a MONSTER

A familiar scent brought her senses back. She can still feel the coldness that was once covered her despite the warmthness brought by something thick that embraces her. Amethyst opened her eyes and found herself in her own room. She slowly took the pile of blankets that covered her and the not-so-wet towel in her head.

What's going on?

The snow still snowing. 
She slowly flattened her back at the wall and make herself comfortable despite the ambiguity that slowly ate her consciousness. She can't fool herself by telling that it was all part of her dream when she met the guy who saved her from Mark who was then later been found out that he was the one too who she used to hear since she turned 17, since she can really feel her heartbeat, sign that it was just happened yesterday.

Amethyst massaged her temple gently as she was trying to remember what happened next after he talked to her.


Amethyst abruptly turned her attention to the alarm clock like it was yelling to her that she still have classes to face on, and by that, she immediately got up and took a quick bath as she was trying to remind herself not to forget to bring her gloves, bonnet and to wear her jacket. She took her uniform and made a quick dressed and bunned her hair since she don't have much time left to comb her hair and then she quickly went down.

"Dad! I'm going, thanks for taking care of me last night!" She said when  she passed by in her dad's room who she assumed, was still sleeping and then she hurriedly went on her way.

Her thought went stuck again to the question what happened next after that guy talked to her. She shook her head twice when an idea was suggesting to her, that she collapsed after that, that's why she can't remember anything, and after that, that guy' brought her to her house. 

It was impossible.
That idea was too lame.

If the guy' really did brought her to her house her dad would have been stayed at her room until she woke up just to scold her, not because the obvious reason that she passed out but because of the random guy who he never met that brought her. Well, that's how her dad is.

And oh well, speaking of collapsed. She forgot to bring her jacket again, and the worst part is that, she forgot to bring her gloves and bonnet too. No wonder why she's been feeling oddly cold while running.


She stopped from running and bent down while trying to find some air to breath. She can't go back since it was too late to do that now because she's 15 minutes late in her first subject. She walked slowly as she was heading to the gate of their school. Ever since that guy appeared to her life, bad things frequently happened to her. That guy' himself is really a bad luck.

She really hoped two things now. One is that, she hoped that the snow will not pour heavily today. Well, their school  uniform contributes a lot to them to minimize the coldness because  of the long  sleeve semi- jacket that acted as the topped of the inner uniform clothes to them but still, it is cold. Very cold.

A/N: the school gave them school uniforms that correspond to every season they have.

And the other thing that she hoped that the gods above will immediately grant it is that, the guy won't appear in her sight again. She still don't know how to control herself from being nervous whenever he's staring at her or whenever he's around.


And it seems like she was being fated to meet him today.

Bathump. bathump. bathump.

The familiar tone in a familiar scene filled in.

Deja vu.

It seems like this scene happened yesterday. Despite the coldness that was being covered in her whole body a while ago, it was being slowly replaced by warmthness. She can feel the blood that slowly raging on and happily passing by her veins. She still didn't faced him and she still searching the answers on why she don't want to. 
A tapping of sound coming.
A sign that he's walking towards her. 

Bathump. bathump. bathump

She felt her heartbeat beats twicely unlike what she had when she's running earlier.

"Hey~" he repeated

She saw a pair of shoes in front of her, it is a sign for her to face him. And she did.

He's here.


She can't tell what's running to his mind but his eyes were speaking millions of words to her though it is not in icy blue in color like he had to when he saved her from Mark, but still the blackness of his eyes made him looks so dignified and a 'willing-to-die-for-hot-guys' like every catburies always connoted.

He still wore his messy bed hair but it was being covered by snow.

"hey" she managed to say.

She don't know on how many seconds or minutes she managed to answer his simple greetings to her. She blushed when she realized that.

"How are you?"

She looked into his eyes again and was a little bit surprised when she saw worrieness that clearly shows in his eyes. She blinked and d the strap of her knapsack hardly.

"How could I not be okay, and excuse me, I'm so late with my class now." she hurriedly passed by him without even looking at him.
She can still feel her heartbeat but luckily her emotion didnt betrayed her now to stumble on any words she uttered today like she's been expecting to. But there's a scene back there that she don't want to accept that it really did happened and that is the long paused she did just to regain herself from answering his simple greetings. She bit her lowerlip when she remembered it.

She stopped when she felt that a heavy thick garment that was being put by her shoulders. She faced the guy who was now in her side while staring at her.

"It's snowing. You should have been wearing something thick that will cover on you. Take that jacket,  so that you won't collapsed again" he said it and then he patted her head gently and walked away.

bathump. bathump. bathump.

Amethyst widened her eyes as she was slowly her head where that guy' patted her. Her heartbeat beats faster again and it seems like the world is turning very slowly.

Why does it affect her so much with just a simple touch of him?

And it seems like her theory a while ago is true all along.
She bit her lowerlip, took of the jacket that he put on her shoulder. 

Smell like a soap.

She folded it and put it inside in her bag and started walking. She's going to return it later, she don't want him to have a connection to her anymore and she don't like feeling this way like she don't know herself. She heavily sighed as she walked her way to her classroom.

"I really can't stop myself from worrying about teacher Renz, he still not here! Urghh~"

"Well, why don't you go to his house and take care of him."

"I want to, but i dont know his house."

"Why don't you ask our SSC president slash a cunning precious snake Louise, dear? maybe she knows something."

"Urggh! dont try to ruin my beautiful day okay?!"

She sighed heavily again.This kind of everyday scene made her tired all day and luckily, their newly proxy teacher still absent. She slowly entered to her room and her eyes automatically scanned the room.

The transferrees are still not here.
The guy isn't here where in fact he entered the building first.
She shook her head again and headed to her seat. Why does she have to care about it, duh? She stopped suddenly when she didnt saw Iris there. Amethyst clenched her fist and secretly sermon herself on why she didn't approached Iris yesterday. She didn't know that her problem was this huge and she was so guilty for not sensing it.  Amethyst felt that she was not being fair at all because, Iris has been there for her whenever she has a problem but in her case, she doesn't even there to her.

Too ingrateful.

A commotion rolled in when Louise entered the room with a sinister smile on her lips while heading on her seat.

"This girl made me sick so much. Don't you know that someone saw her outside in teacher Renz' house last weekend and not just that, I saw her earlier, trying to flirt with Lance." said the girl who was clearly trying to make her voice loud.

"No way not my Lance, I would really kill her if she do that."

"Lol, if she tried to flirt Lance, I wonder if she's able to handle the pain."

"huh? what do you mean?"

Amethyst saw Louise turned her head to the catburies and smirked at them.

"Correction. They are the ones who flirted with me"

The leader of the catburies widened her eyes in great shock and stood up and was about to yell at her but the new transferrees entered the room. Amethyst abruptly took her book, pretending to read because she don't want to face the guy.

"Wait Lance.."

She heard that the class stop from squealing secretly, taking them stolen shot vulgarly and flirting them obviously when Louise called the guy.

"Why did you called my boyfriend? Don't you know that I'm taken?" Amethyst knew that Louise was smiling by asking him that question.

"Nothing. I just told him that he can get what he wants as long as he's going to stay away from her."

And there goes the feeling that there is this string line that you can conclude that there's someone staring at you. Amethyst shook her head to ignore it.


"you heard me right? and stay away from her also."



"One more 'what and i'll punch you, Trey." Sean said as he was trying to concentrate to shoot the ball. 
It was their Physical Education class since it's tuesday. He was glad that humans have this fun activities like in their world. He's still groping on the fact that he was now living in their world, not able to do things according to his will like being able to fly as long as he wants and to show his power. You are just going to act normal, because humans are normal. And they are so boring except Amethyst.

Lance sits down as he throw the last ball on his hand on the ring.


Ever since he and his group went here, he knows werewolves were starting to get the fruit girl already, and since it's Winter, Clarence has nothing to do aside from lurking in his hole. Poor snake. He still don't know where this fox and when this guy planned to do his mission. Lance couldnt trust his friends' words regarding Ashton that he don't want to do his mission anymore, knowing this cunning fox too well, probably, he's planning to attack and get the fruit girl without them knowing about it. Lance couldn't careless about these current status about them though since at first he don't want this mission to be fulfilled. Lance sighed heavily.

His eyes automatically stared the girl who he kept on staring all day without himself noticing about it. It seems like his eyes has its mind on its own and its impossible to stop his eyes from searching and staring at her because at the very first place, he don't have any plans on stopping them. He smiled as he stared the girl who was sitting alone in the corner while waving unconsciously the red flaglet in the air.


She don't know that she's so damn beautiful even though she look like a dumb doing that one. He chuckled gently while still staring at her. Amethyst don't know on how he immediately scanned the whole room after they introduced themselves as the newly transferrees, how much his heart jumped out for joy when he faced her. She was an inches away and she don't know on how much he forced himself not to hug her. And on how much he can't help himself but to stare at her all day. 

Lance knew that she was trying hard to avoid him because maybe he keep on staring at her but he can't resist on not doing that one. Amethyst is her obsession and anyone could tell that just by looking at him right now.

"bro, you can't be serious! You can't let Barry replaced you! Screw that grey bird! how about us black birds? your family? your reputation? how about us bro! no way, we can't be eliminated in top 4, you, of all the people, should know that one."


A/N: Barry is the eldest son of the grey bird clan. Grey birds are their family along with other birds but since Black birds are the royal ones, they are the ones who will lead the Birds Kingdom. If Lance, who is the eldest son of the Black Birds, will not pursue his mission, Barry will automatically replace him since Grey Birds acted as the second most powerful in Birds Kingdom without delibirating the royal family.

"I know Trey. It's just that im so frustrated about it.  Two weeks. And i tried so hard to forget Amethyst and to focus my mission but i failed and i messed up and you know that! I can't fool myself on dealing that stupid mission on mating the girl who i dont even care about."

"So youre really quitting?"

He faced Trey who was a lot disappointed at him. 

"No bro, i still act like as if im continuing my mission so that Barry won't replaced me, but don't expect that were going to win this fight, because first of all, i voluntarily defaulted it, it's just that my family's reputation and you guys that keeps me on fighting this mission."

"Well, i guess that's a good news. At least, we won't be able to eliminate from being the reigning top 4. Cheer up Trey!"

"Whatever you say Sean, but what if, your family knows about it? and the grey birds? i guess you have an idea that they are going to argue that they're going to replace you if you didnt do anything right?"

"Don't worry. I'll be extra careful" Lance tapped Trey's back.

"on the latter part, do you have any reason now on why L is interested with Amethyst?" Xander suddenly blurted out that made Lance faced him.

"It's obvious, he knows that I'm in love with her and he's targeting Amethyst to keep me out of the way on Louise." Lance said.

"Well. I don't think so. Based on my observation, that dog didn't know that you are  into her until you told him earlier." Xander said.

They faced Xander chorusly with a great confusion that shows in their faces.
Although Lance has this great feeling of what he's going to say now but he still chose to ignore it.
A rush of heartbeat filled in his heart that made  him clenched his fist.

"What do you mean by that?" Lance still asked him and he saw Xander smirked at him

"And I know you know what I meant. It looks like he's going to failed the mission too and you just found a rival to win Amethyst's heart." 


A/N: sorry for the short update guys even though I added this chapter for a week now because the frame of my glasses broke while I was writing in the mid of this chappie so i still have to wait for my glasses. Don't worry, i'll update again within this week. :D 



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kkamjjongiswhite #1
Chapter 9: i can't wait for the next chapter. i so missed this, please update it authornim ^_____________________^
ex0oshidae #2
Chapter 9: UD PLS! :((( ive been waiting for this for so longgg. the only story that im addicted to :((((
_dokyungsew #3
_dokyungsew #4
Chapter 8: there's no way i could divert my ship to Lance and Amethyst. but this episode made my heart betrayed over my original ship Lance and Amethyst! THis is soo god. seriously. Lance is so amazing!!! and the last scene!!! i thought Trey's power wont work on her... by the way authornim. what is a power stone? is it something that every monsters have? is it kind of amulet or something? because this is the first time you mention it :DDD NICE CHAPTER AUTHORNIM!
huggasaur #5
Chapter 7: IM DYING.. IM DYING.. IM DYING IN HEREEEEEE~~~ AUTHORNIM!! UPDATE PLS. WHO IS AMETHYST? there's a huge part of me that hopes that she's not a monster.. because the more forbidden the story is, the more the chapters will get more exciting... but there's also some part of my body that tells me i hope she is a monster so that she will be perfectly match either with L or Lance :DDDDDDD and also Authornim, it's not Sean. It's Seth hihih
ex0oshidae #6
Chapter 7: this chapter mad me dwells in two different emotion. one is that, im so sad when amethyst told Lance to go away from her. I hope Lance, would still insist on staying beside her. but lucky, my emotion went high up again and i was so damn happy when his friend told him to stay more to her to protect her even though she wanted it or not. he just made another reason to stay by her side too. and the last scene made me curious again what is Amethyst real identity. i know that Xander is wrong for predicting her as a monster, because im really hoping that she is the fruit girl. but what if she is a mosnter??? that thought made me want to read your story even more even though you are so lazy to update. nyahahaha >:D but its okay. you have more important responsibilities than this to be caring of.

PS. AUTHORNIM~ i know that you are so busy in your life right now. but did you just made a typo regarding Seth's name? because you wrote it as Sean, not Seth. :D :D :D
_dokyungsew #7
Chapter 7: WHAT WAIT A MINUTE AUTHOR! SO YOU MEAN AMETHYST IS NOT A FRUIT GIRL? SHE IS A MONSTER TOO? O__________________O hurry up in updating pls. i cant sleep already..
_dokyungsew #8
Chapter 6: OH MY GOOODDD!!! That Xander guy is so amazing!! omg.
_dokyungsew #9
Chapter 5: disappointed to myself of expecting too much that L is the one TT TT but its okay.... but im still rooting L and Amethyst :DDDD
_dokyungsew #10
Chapter 4: omggg. L and AMethyst!! more scene for them please :DD