Chapter 4: The Snake

I'm inlove with a MONSTER

Amethyst lifted her face up when she felt that the trees were swaying smoothly suddenly. The ray of light cupped her face when she turned her head to the right. 

He still not there.

She sighed while asking herself for hundred times already on why on earth she still waiting to hear that guy's voice. She felt her heart became heavy. 

"I told you. we dont have class right now. Teacher Anna's daughter died yesterday and I guess, she's taking her immediate leave." Iris said while handing her chips to her. 
Teacher Anna is their math teacher and gladly, she felt that the fate is in her favor today. Aside the fact that she hates Math class but also she's not really into school-ing right now because of what happened yesterday. Although the sun is shining brightly, the nature seems so greener, no chaos and no mystery happened so far but she knows, deep down inside lies the total opposite of what the world's beauty have given today. A pure distraction.

Something is missing.
Something must fill in.
Someone must fill in.

Why does she have to miss him like that?
Has she gone crazy now?

"" she blatantly cursed out of frustration.
"Hey. are you okay? dont tell me your nightmare haunted you again?"

"No Iris, im okay. it's just that, i remembered something."

"Ah okay. just dont forg--"


Amethyst and Iris chorusly turned their heads to the girls who stand in front of them. The mean girls wanna-bee's plus the infamous catburies in their school. She didn't know that they are classmates all along. Small world indeed.

"Tell me as briefly as you can on why did Dark and Thorn know about you?" The girl in the center who has the ever red-est lips said, thanks to cosmetics, while pointing at Iris.

"And you? why did our lord L cares about your bag? is there something on going between you two?" The girl in the center continued, this time she's glaring at Amethyst intently, like she's been slapping her through her mind. 

Amethyst saw Louise turned and stared at her, like she wanted to know the reason too on why her boyfriend cares about her bag.

A jealous girlfriend indeed.

Amethyst then turn her attention to the catburies and stared at them like she didnt even care about their existence.

"One thing is for sure, we have the  same taste of liking a knapsack. that's all." she said and then she put her notebooks to her bag,ready to go out. She wanted to rest in the rooftop again. She somehow missed that place.

"And for me..."

Amethyst suddenly stopped from clearing her things, when she heard Iris talking. She wanted to know too if how did she became acquainted to them, especially those two boys. Iris had been avoiding her questions about them yesterday, so she's kinda suspicious about it. She's been thinking yesterday that the reason why she's acquainted to them is because they are bullying Iris. The last thought made her clenched her fist.

 "uhmm.. were elementary classmates... so yeah. so dont get jealous if theyre teasing me.. he.he.he" Iris trying to broke the ice by laughing awkwardly

"Including L too? omg. why you didnt tell me? tell me how does he like during his elementary years? do you have their pictures? omg." the girl in the center questioned her continouosly, and all the girls behind her, were stepping closed to Iris, hoping to answer the girl in the center's question.

"uhmm.. I don't know about L, only those jerks i mean boys and----"

"Good morning class!"

Amethyst idly let out a heavy sigh while taking her math notebook again. She saw her class adviser, smiling so brightly while giggling, she's with a good looking guy, who looks like the same of the average age of the class, has specks while carrying a book.

"omg. is he going to be our new classmate? omg. he is so handsommeeeee~"
"lord take me pls. i cant take this anymore. he's so handsome"
"omg. my ovaries are exploding.he is so handsoommeee. my god. i would die looking at him forever."
"Yeah, he's so handsome, but still L is the handsomest of them all."
"I will just have him instead of L, because he has Louise already."
"Enough, L is mine."

Amethyst let out a heavy sigh again. This is one of the reasons why she chose to escape her classes. Catbury is a modern human form of a female dog.

"Okay class. are you now all settled?"

"Yes maam"

"I know all of you had already heard what happened to Teacher Anna's daughter, so she's taking her leave and we still dont know when will she be going back but for the meantime, Mister Renz Do, the most handsome teacher that Ive ever seen in my entire life and  a fresh graduate from oxford , will temporarily replaced her. so please be good to him." Teacher Cassie said while giggling modestly.


Amethyst immediately covered her ears after the long and loud squeals from her classmates.
But the new teacher was enjoying the small show and was literaly giggling after her classmates gave him an annoying squeals.

"thank you for your warm welcome class, appreciated it so much." And then the young teacher smiled.


Amethyst secretly thanked herself for not taking her hands in her ears. She immediately took her hands off when her class adviser turned her head to her direction.

"Okay class, please be good to him okay? Im going to leave now. bye. And Mr. Do, don't forget about later's meeting, okay?" Teacher Cassie said while giggling beneath her words.

"Okay maam, I will. bye."

And then her class adviser ily walked out the door. Amethyst covered to stop herself from laughing.

"Im going to be your temporary math teacher until Teacher anna comes back. You can call me teacher Renz."


"I guess i have to get used of hearing their shrieks." Iris said while letting out a heavy sigh.

"I can't imagine myself doing that." Amethyst seconded her sigh.

"enough of the questions, class, i will entertain that after the class okay? And Louise... Louise right?"
Renz stared at Louise intently and then he smiled sweetly. 

Amethyst raised her eyebrows upon seeing it. It looks like the new teacher had already captured the apple of his eye. Her classmates seemed not to bother by it though so she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes. I'm Louise." And then Louise smiled sweetly.

"I know..." Renz whispered.

"Pardon, sir?" 

"uh.. i mean. i know you. teacher cassie told me a lot about you including your candidacy as valedictorian next year, so she handed me this job to help you in this subject. " Renz smiled to her sweetly again.

Amethyst saw Louise giggled after Renz said it. She don't know where in his words that made her fluttered, the existing fact that she's running to be a valedictorian, or the last line. 

"I am looking forward for your help, sir. Thanks in advance." and then Louise smiled to him sweetly as response.

"Im willing to help you, Louise. first you should buy this book...."
Renz walked towards to her while talking. Its like as if they're talking in their own world, erasing the fact that he's still going to lecture.  Amethyst heard her classmates groaned. Another waves of jealousy coming. 

"What? My Renz is flirting to Louise?? No.. no.. no..."
"No.. she has L already? why does she have to act like that in front of him? Urggh!"
"Louise.. Louise.. Louise again!! Urghhhh"

Amethyst snorted out upon hearing those catburies' sentiments. Like the hell she care of what that Louise' has been doing to her lovelife, all she cared about why does they have to flirt in the middle of the class. Halleeerr!! They can just date all they want after the class though.
It's better not to have a proxy if he would just flirt at her all day.


Amethyst suddenly lifted her body up upon hearing the bell ringing. She's kinda surprised on how the time runs so quickly. Well maybe she was too into of entertaining the thoughts of that scene today.

"can you come to my office after your last subject today?" Renz said after dismissing the class.

"but my parents wanted me to go home early, so im afraid i cant do that sir."

"Don't worry, i can drive you home"

"No.. no thanks sir. i have someone who can drive me home now."

Amethyst snorted out again. She didnt know on how many times she snorted just for this hour. She put her knapsack on and stood up.
She saw L and his guys stood up at the front of the door.

'Ohhh.. i can sense something fishy in here' Amethyst smirked while staring back and forth at L and Renz.

Amethyst sitted silently at Iris' desk who was then busy finding something in her bag. Miraculously, catburies and their constituents werent here. 
Awwee. They might missed this fight.

"uh.. uhmm.. yeah.. sir.. this is L, and L this is teacher Renz.."
L and Renz just stared to each other like you can saw a straight indefinite shape line through them. 
Where does this L guy got his confidence to stare at their teacher like that?


Suspicion rolled in her mind.

"I guess, im going to talk your parents about having me as your private tutor everynight." Renz said while smirking at L.
The three guys at the back of L laughed hysterically, clearly mocking the teacher.
Louise turned her head back and forth to Renz and then to L, but she walked slowly to L and cling her right arm to his. Its like as if she's sending a cue shes with L now.

"Im okay of whatever my parents' decision. I guess they are going to hire you. Bye sir. " and then Louise smiled sweetly while slowly dragging L to make their exit. Renz walked out the door too like nothing happened

Okay. what was that?
No fistfighting happen but it is worse than physical fighting.
Amethyst bit her lower lip to stop herself from thinking suspiciously about them but she can't fight herself from doing so.
She couldn't fathom what was happening but one thing is for sure. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER.

"Heyy! Amethyst. Let's go to the rooftop now. I have loads of sandwiches in here.." Iris dragged Amethyst while walking out the door. She smiled to her and trying to erase of any thoughts that relates to them. 
Like as if she cares anyway.


Amethyst opened her eyes when she heard Iris small snore. She let out a small laugh while looking at her. It is her first time to ditch her favorite Physics class and it looks like she's enjoying her free time so much.

She stood up and slowly stretched her body up and walked away. Monsters in her stomach commanded her to buy some food for them. Amethyst hurriedly went downstairs while grabbing her stomach. She planned to buy two sodas and burgers for her and Iris, it's a compensation of the food she always brought everyday.

"Teacher Renz, please take this letter sir that i just wrote during our class earlier, I was really captured by you sir, and believe it or not, I guess Im already in love by the time I leaned my eyes on you..."

Amethyst suddenly stopped from heading to the canteen when she heard Caitlin's voice, one of her shy type classmates. She slowly bent her body and peeked through the big hole of that building. She saw Caitlin, giving Renz a red envelope while she bowed down her head.

Amethyst never thought that there's this other side of Caitlin that she would never dare to imagine because she's a silent type of a girl. She raised her left eyebrow when she saw Renz didnt uttered any words and was just staring blankly at her.

'I would really poke your eyes if youre going to ignore it! Like who do you think of yourself? A super duper handsome man who has a right to ignore someone who likes at you?' Her mind shouted at him.
Amethyst has somehow find the scene too pitiful especially to the girl. Like she don't know where in his part of his body that made all her classmates swoon over him.
Given the fact that he's really handsome, but for her, his face is a normal handsome guy though.

Amethyst widened her eyes when teacher Renz just blankly stared at her and went off.

"What??! Get back and----"
Before Amethyst finished her sentence, was being covered by someone and hurriedly dragged by him/her.


Amethyst shouted beneath her breath while she was still dragged by someone. And now everyone could tell by that kidnapper's energy that he is a man. She put her topmost pressure in her feet for him not to thoroughly dragged her and when the kidnapper stop and was about to put his force too in dragging her, she forcefully lashed out his stomach that made him rolled in the ground.


She heard him cursed. She smirked while tying her uniform's ribbon again. Amethyst turned to the guy who was still sitting in the ground while grabbing his stomach and  she was shocked when she saw it was L.

"What? You are the kidnapper?"

"Me? Kidnapper? Do I look poor to you? !" he cursed again while grabbing his stomach.

"if you are not then why are you dragging me to this place!!"

"Like as if you don't know this place.."

She turned her face and only to find out it was just few meters away from the place earlier.

"And I, as if,  going to kidnap you..." He continued, slowly recovered from the pain she caused.

"Sorry okay. I was just surprised by you and...." Amethyst stopped herself from continuing her sentence because she dont want to tell him that she's still had her tragic experience last week.

"and what?" L said while standing up, this time, he's staring at her intently again.

"and.. and...and.. it's your fault for dragging me so suddenly." She stuttered.

"Because if i didnt do it, Renz will see you. You should be thanking me." He said while walking towards her, while not leaving his stare to her.

"and why should I be thanking you? i didnt oblige you to save me and the hell i care if he will see me , he's a real jerk for ignoring Caitlin" Amethyst said.
She saw him suddenly stop in front of her, still staring at her directly in the eye, feeling the energy that comes from her and him, he then smirked at her.

"For you it was nothing, well, not for me. you owe me a drink. let's go." L immediately grabbed her hand and dragged her.

"Heyyyy!! Let go of my hand!" Amethyst said while grabbing her hand back. And she was surprised that she couldnt match his energy now like she did earlier. Instead of letting her hand go, he just smiled to her and continued dragging her while heading to the canteen.

"tsk tsk tsk"

They both stopped when they heard it. Although she still didnt saw the guy's face but she knew it's their new teacher- Renz. She continued taking her hand off but L dont have a plan of letting her go.

" off okay!" She heard him said it while he continued dragging her, ignoring Renz' existence. Her eyes widened when L cursed at him. that made her theory a while ago, true, that they know each other all along.

"Are you not afraid that any minute from now Louise will be stolen in you?" Renz continued talking that made L stopped again. She walked beside him and ignoring them while focusing on letting her hand go. As much as she wanted to investigate about their lives' connections to each other, she have no choice but to let go her thoughts now, the fact that her conclusion is true, is already enough for her as of now.
She don't want to let the catburies or the girls in the school see her in this situation. She's not afraid of the bully though but she don't want chaos. Not now.

"Im not afraid. not even a little. yeah sure, you can hypnotize her, but you can't hypnotize her love for me." L said

"That's why youre taking advantage to it? HUH!" Amethyst saw Renz grabbed L's collar while staring angrily to him

"Will you please just let me go first before you guys will kill each other?" She interrupted and she saw Renz slowly putting L down.

"Hey there pretty lady" Renz faced him with his the same aura from the very first time she met him in the class, he flashed his sweetest smile while looking at her intently. And in just span of second, she feel that there's a strong energy that comes from somewhere that were trying to enter her senses.

The feeling seemed so familliar to her.

"Don't look at his eyes." She heard L said it and then she felt that her eyes were being covered.

"too late.." she heard Renz said it.

What too late?
Amethyst immediately took L's hands from covering her eyes.

"What dont look at his eyes? What too late? Urggh! You know what, if you two were trying to make a scene, then go on, dont drag me okay? I have a normal life to live on" She snorted out and turned around and walked fast hurriedly like she's betting her life into it.

"AMETHYST! YOU STILL OWE ME A DRINK!" She heard L ranting about her debtful gratitude to him again. She snorted out.

But wait! Why on earth he knows her name?


"What was that?"
L changed his attention to Renz who still in dazed while recalling the incident a minute earlier.
Well, he can't blame Renz for acting like that. He's been in that state yesterday and up until now. 
He never thought that Renz' power  too wont work on her.

Instead of being so shameful about it, that his power didnt work on her, he finds it so interesting, 
he couldnt find words to perfectly describes on that something that makes her so special. Thats why he secretly digs up her information.

"Is she a monster too? but even if so, my power is still in capable of hypnotizing anyone even if you are a monster or a human" Renz still in a great shock while overthinking the scene earlier.

"thats why you have to practice your power more. It seems like, its getting weaker. How can you defeat me in marrying the fruit girl, wherein fact, your only weapon for you to get Louise is slowly decreasing." L mocked him and tapped him.

"I wonder too why your power didnt work on her well in fact, it really works perfectly fine on me. Haha! I need to go, snake. keep crawling.." And then he left him still thinking about the scene.

He didnt know if why he lied about it to him whereinfact Amethyst its just out of their league. He knows if he will tell him the truth, Renz will dig about Amethyst's life too and it is a great way to divert his attention of not getting the fruit girl. But why is it, he still choose to lie about it.
He stopped from walking and lifted his face up on that building. He knows Amethyst loves to stay in that rooftop. He let out a heavy sigh.
the only reason he could think of on why he still chose to lie about her is that, he wants to protect her and he dont know why.

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kkamjjongiswhite #1
Chapter 9: i can't wait for the next chapter. i so missed this, please update it authornim ^_____________________^
ex0oshidae #2
Chapter 9: UD PLS! :((( ive been waiting for this for so longgg. the only story that im addicted to :((((
_dokyungsew #3
_dokyungsew #4
Chapter 8: there's no way i could divert my ship to Lance and Amethyst. but this episode made my heart betrayed over my original ship Lance and Amethyst! THis is soo god. seriously. Lance is so amazing!!! and the last scene!!! i thought Trey's power wont work on her... by the way authornim. what is a power stone? is it something that every monsters have? is it kind of amulet or something? because this is the first time you mention it :DDD NICE CHAPTER AUTHORNIM!
huggasaur #5
Chapter 7: IM DYING.. IM DYING.. IM DYING IN HEREEEEEE~~~ AUTHORNIM!! UPDATE PLS. WHO IS AMETHYST? there's a huge part of me that hopes that she's not a monster.. because the more forbidden the story is, the more the chapters will get more exciting... but there's also some part of my body that tells me i hope she is a monster so that she will be perfectly match either with L or Lance :DDDDDDD and also Authornim, it's not Sean. It's Seth hihih
ex0oshidae #6
Chapter 7: this chapter mad me dwells in two different emotion. one is that, im so sad when amethyst told Lance to go away from her. I hope Lance, would still insist on staying beside her. but lucky, my emotion went high up again and i was so damn happy when his friend told him to stay more to her to protect her even though she wanted it or not. he just made another reason to stay by her side too. and the last scene made me curious again what is Amethyst real identity. i know that Xander is wrong for predicting her as a monster, because im really hoping that she is the fruit girl. but what if she is a mosnter??? that thought made me want to read your story even more even though you are so lazy to update. nyahahaha >:D but its okay. you have more important responsibilities than this to be caring of.

PS. AUTHORNIM~ i know that you are so busy in your life right now. but did you just made a typo regarding Seth's name? because you wrote it as Sean, not Seth. :D :D :D
_dokyungsew #7
Chapter 7: WHAT WAIT A MINUTE AUTHOR! SO YOU MEAN AMETHYST IS NOT A FRUIT GIRL? SHE IS A MONSTER TOO? O__________________O hurry up in updating pls. i cant sleep already..
_dokyungsew #8
Chapter 6: OH MY GOOODDD!!! That Xander guy is so amazing!! omg.
_dokyungsew #9
Chapter 5: disappointed to myself of expecting too much that L is the one TT TT but its okay.... but im still rooting L and Amethyst :DDDD
_dokyungsew #10
Chapter 4: omggg. L and AMethyst!! more scene for them please :DD