Chapter 31

Baby Don't Cry

"H-How can you say so?" Baekhyun asked with a confused voice and Kai sighed before shaking his head and standing up and Baekhyun followed him. "Don't you see how people gave her scrutinizing looks whenever she's with you? People wanted to hurt her badly but because you're always around her they don't have the chance to do so, so when you're away from her they did what they thought she deserves" Kai said and Baekhyun thought of it as he stumbled backwards. 

"Can't they just leave us alone?" Baekhuyn uttered and Kai shook his head. "This game doesn't work that way. Do what you want but face the consequences, cause I'm telling you, no matter how hard you try to protect her the more they'll want to hurt her" Kai said cautiously and Baekhyun swallowed the invisible lump on his throat and shook his head before turning his heels away and running from Kai. 

"This shouldn't be happening" 

"Tae, I'm back" Yoona said but as soon as she entered Taeyeon's room. She saw Taeyeon sleeping soundlessly on the bed with her face buried on the pillow. Smiling a little, Yoona wrapped the duvet around Taeyeon and put the ointment just above the drawer beside her.

"Sleep well" Yoona muttered as she patted Taeyeon's shoulder lightly. But as soon as she turned around, she noticed an opened letter on the floor and picked it up before reading its contents but as soon as she does, her grip tightened around the paper before finally crumpling it in anger. 

The letter was from Taeyeon's father, he had sent it to her recently and no, it doesn't contain soothing words a father should give to her daughter but instead, those words are painful and if Taeyeon wasn't strong enough, maybe she's gone already. 

Yoona hated the way Taeyeon's father treated her like a trash, she knows that it affected Taeyeon a lot since Taeyeon only relied to her father. She never had anyone except him but spite of that, he treats her badly, he continues to blame her with her mother's death and kept telling her how useless she was even when Taeyeon's the reason why he's being able to live his life to the fullest.

Throwing the paper aside, Yoona sighed as she glanced at Taeyeon and silently made her way outside. 

The next day..

"Where's Kim Taeyeon?" Their homeroom adviser asked as soon as she checked her student's attendance only to find out that Taeyeon is missing. Looking around, Yoona noticed that some students lowered their head low as soon as their homeroom teacher asked where Taeyeon was. 

"She won't be able to make it here today ma'am" Yoona said while looking at those students who just hang their heads low. Seeing Yoona's intense gaze, they lowered their heads more and avoided her eyes. 

"Why is it? Is she sick?" Their homeroom adviser asked worriedly. Letting out a sigh, Yoona just shook her head before glancing at Kai and Baekhyun who were sitting together and looking at her with questioning eyes especially Baekhyun. 

"I'm afraid it's more than that" Yoona said and their homeroom adviser raised her brows. "Is there something wrong?" She asked knowing that Taeyeon wouldn't miss the class without any justifiable reasons unlike the other students. 

Taeyeon is a good student she and doesn't doubt that. So knowing that she's missing makes her worried about the young girl. 

"She's resting at home ma'am, she hit her back hardly at the glass railing yesterday just outside the admin room and no one even dared to help her after doing her wrong" Yoona said before letting out a sigh and their homeroom teacher nodded her head. 

"She's hurt badly isn't she?" She asked and Yoona nodded her head. "Yes, but she doesn't want to go to the hospital so can you excuse her absence ma'am?" Yoona asked and being an understanding teacehr she is, their homeroom teacher nodded her head. 

"Alright.. just give her everything we will discuss for today" Their teacher said and Yoona nodded her head. 

"I will ma'am" Yoona said and the teacher nodded. 

At the afternoon, Yoona was all alone by herself since Yoona wasn't there and Kai kept ignoring her. She hated that, especially that she doesn't know the reason why Kai is doing that, as far as she knows she never did anything wrong. 

Turning at the corner, she stumbled backwards as she came face to face with the guy that's one her mind all day long and yes.. it was none other than him. 


"W-What are you doing here?" Yoona asked frantically surprised that Kai was there. 

"What about you?" Kai asked with a blank expression on and Yoona has to admit that she isn't used to this. Kai always greets her with a bright smile before bt everything's different now, he doesn't seem to be happy seeing her there.

"I-I was walking" Yoona said still not recovering from what had just happened earlier. 

"Oh.." Kai answered shortly and Yoona was about to ask him what's wrong when they heard another voice. 


Kai clneched his fist but Yoona didn't even notice it as her eyes lightened up. 

"Luhan!" She exclaimed and running past Kai. She seemed to forgot that he's still there as she hugged Luhan and that made Kai hurt more, he hated the fact that Yoona always forgets about him everytime that guy comes but why wouldn't she right? 

Of course she'll be like that. 

They're dating, and Kai knows that he can never call her his. 


"Miss me?" Luhan asked and Yoona nodded her head as she gave him a quick hug and getting bouquet of flowers from him. Turning around. Kai watched them with so much envy and jealousy in his eyes but they don't seem to notice his existence there.

"Thanks for the flowers" Yoona said with a smile and Luhan nodded his head before smiling. Notcing Kai, stnaind there, his smile turned into a little one.

"You're with a friend?" Luhan asked and Kai just gave the a stoic expression on. He felt like dying there seeing her hug him tight like that. 

"Yes.. we just bumped into each other" Yoona said with a smile and Luhan nodded his head. 

"Is your class dismissed?" Luhan asked and Yoona nodded her head making Luhan smile.

"Should we have a date?" Luhan asked and Yoona nodded her head without any hesitations at all. 

"Then.. would you mind to join us?" Luhan asked as he turned his eyes to Kai who seemed to be mentally sending daggers to him. Clenching his fists tight, Kai swallowed the lump on his throat s he chuckled. 

"Won't I bother the two of you?" He asked and Yoona noticed the difference from his voice earlier and the tone of his voice before.

"Of course you won't.. I want to get to know you more too since you're Yoona's friend" Luhan said and Kai smiled a little but that smile seemed to have been hiding something and that didn't escaped Yoona's observant eyes.

A pained look and a devilish smirk. 

That's what she saw. 

"Then it's my pleasure to know you more then.." 


A/N:  Kai's out of his mind just like me.

Exams tomorrow and I haven't studied anything yet. 




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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 29: Tae is me..
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 5: Kinda reminds me of 10 things I hate about you
ziualhaq #3
Chapter 100: such a great story, but in the end of the story you're not tell us about how's baek and taeyeon make it up? hehe
oh ya you should give some space if you want to move to the other line.
but you've worked hard.. thank you, I think I miss baekyeon. as always
this book is daebak authornim
byunxotae #5
I love this fanfics, you are so daebak authornim!!
Chapter 23: fluffffffffffffffff
juiflifi #8
Chapter 100: Omg. This is amazing, i cried . . . ㅠㅠ. This is the best story I've ever read I think
Chapter 100: Omgg I cried many times ;( one of the best stories I've ever read! Good writing skills and ideas :))) keep up the good work!
Chapter 69: OMGGG so cheesy kekekeke