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Without her I’m lost. There’s no one else; No one whose soul balances with mine. I waited for her my whole life.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing on Jae’s bedside table.

He moaned deep as I tried to wiggle from beneath him. His hands immediately clutched at my waist and I sighed, stretching my arm for the phone. Whoever was calling was one determined person that was for sure, because this was the 3rd time that my phone rang within an hour.

It was funny that now, here in Jae’s bed, after all that I discovered and what he shared, I wasn’t scared of him any longer. In fact, the minute we got home, we slept like how we used to. Sure, I was still a bit wary about him but I realized that from the very start my relationship with Jae wasn’t really normal. We started off differently than most soon-to-couple, it was fast and intense at the same time.

As I caught hold of my phone, I swiped the screen over and I saw Bom’s name. I should have known it was her.

“Hello,” I answered in a sleepy voice.

“I need to talk to you, Dara,” she said quickly as though she feared that I might hang-up the phone but I wasn’t going to.

I sighed. “I need to talk to you too.”

“Um, what are you doing today? I’m planning to come over there,” she said.

“Oh, okay…well, I’m not doing anything today, I guess,” I answered as I shifted beneath Jae and he lifted his head, looking down at me through his playful dark eyes. “When are you planning to come here?”

“I might be on my way,” she said.

“What? You’re on your way here now?” I asked as Jae nipped my earlobe. “I haven’t gotten out of bed yet.”


“So, can you give me some time to prepare?”

“No,” she said. “I’m going there now. I know you’re still mad at me and you’ve been ignoring me for too long. I’m not leaving for Junsu’s parents’ house until I’ve seen you and we were supposed to leave yesterday. Junsu’s getting cranky and I can’t stop thinking about how sorry I am that I didn’t tell you anything about you know…”

“Fine,” I said as I sighed. “But Bom, I’m not mad at you. I never was…I got angry…and I got hurt…but I can’t get mad at you.”

“Are you sure?”


“Did Jae tell you?” she asked, sounding awed and I laughed, looking up at the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.

“He told me everything I needed to know, Bom,” I replied. I lifted my head, pressing my lips against his. “He explained…it may not be complete but he told me the most important part.”

She was quiet on the other line.

“And are you okay with it, Dara?”

“We’ll talk about that when you get here, okay? I’ll make you coffee,” I offered.

“Don’t bother,” she replied. “I’m already here at your doorstep and I bought Starbucks and rolls.”

I gasped. “You bought that before you even called me? You were going to bribe me, weren’t you?”

“Well, I thought I might have to if you don’t talk to me,” she admitted. “Please get your out of the bed and let me in.”

“Okay. Be right down.”

I hung up and Jae shook his head stubbornly.

“You’re not ditching me before I’ve had my good morning kiss, Angel.”

I stretched to press my lips quickly to his. “Good morning, Jae.”

“Smartass,” he said, accusingly as he pinned me to the bed.

I giggled on a struggle. “She’s waiting outside already.”

“I don’t care. Let her wait.”

“Jae,” I said as I fought him and he didn’t relent at all. I sighed, falling back into the bed. “She brought us Starbucks and rolls for breakfast, you know.”

He thought of that for a moment.

“Fine,” he said. He lifted himself off me and I laughed.

“You’re really ridiculous,” I said.

“I’m starved, Angel,” he said as he eyed me with playfulness. “You worked up my appetite with your twisted little demands last night.”

I gasped. “They were not twisted!”

“I may not be normal but Angel…you’re a ,” he teased as he pulled his shirt over my head. “You’re so beautiful.”

“If you behave today I might just make you happy later,” I teased as I winked before I darted to the door and ran for the stairs but Jae caught up to me easily, wrapping his arms around my middle.

“What does behaving entail exactly?” he asked as he nibbled my neck and I giggled.

“Letting me have a moment with my best friend,” I said. “And be nice to her.”

“I’m always nice to her, Angel,” he said as he released me and I opened the door.

Bom stepped inside as I opened the door in the living room a minute later.

“Finally,” she said.

“Hey, don’t blame me. You were the one who chose not to give any notice.”

She raised her brows. “I’ve always had a key to your place. I don’t need to give you notice.”

Jae smirked. “Not happening.”

I chuckled and Bom rolled her eyes.

Somehow it didn’t feel like we were having issues just days ago.

“Believe me, I don’t want a key to your house, Jae. I might end up walking in here on your ,” Bom said as she cringed at the thought.

Jae’s eyed widened in mock defense.

“I have a nice ,” he said as he looked at me. “Angel, tell her.”

“Jae has a nice ,” I stated bluntly and Bom laughed. “Come on, those rolls smell so good.”

Bom followed me into the kitchen after handing me the tray of Starbucks.

“I wasn’t sure if Daniel liked Starbucks coffee, but I got him one too,” she said.

“He does,” I assured. “But I think he’s still asleep. He went home pretty late.”

“Give me a roll, Angel and I’ll leave you 2 to the girl talk I’m sure you’ll end up telling me later,” Jae said as he reached into the box, took a roll and went back upstairs. No doubt he was headed for the movie room.

I rolled my eyes and focused on Bom who was looking at me with an awkward smile.

“Dara, I…I really am sorry,” she said.

“I know you are, Bom,” I replied as I wiped a finger over the icing of my roll. “But I’m really not mad. Well…I was mad back. Jae explained and somehow that took away the anger.”

“Still…you looked so hurt when you saw me in there,” she said as she shook her head.

“I was,” I admitted. “But I’m not hurt anymore. Honestly…I just really don’t want to talk about it because it’s been what Jae and I are talking about for a while now. I just want things to be back the way they used to be.”

“But do you accept him?” she asked.

“How could I not?” I answered as I shrugged. “I’m in love with Jae. As much as the whole thing scares me and confuses me, the bottom line is that I can’t just ignore the fact that I’m in love with him. I can’t just pretend that I can forget all of it and leave him. That’s too cruel. Jae didn’t do anything bad except hide what he truly is…and I understand now why he had to do it, you know. He was right…it wasn’t really that easy to tell it to someone.”

“You know he’s in love with you too.”

“I do know that.”

She smiled and sighed deeply. “It’s so good to see you happy, Dara.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Can I ask you something?”


“Junsu is your other half, right?” I asked and she nodded. “Did…did you get scared when you learned the truth?”

She smiled softly. “I was. I wanted to tell you before but I knew I couldn’t. I wasn’t allowed to and I didn’t want to bring you to that world that I just uncovered.”

“So that explains why Junsu was always hovering around you and you on him,” I said.

She nodded. “Yes…I love him despite of what I’ve learned years ago, I love him.”

“Why were you against Jae before though?” I asked.

She looked at me seriously. “Because he has a reputation…we’re not friends but Junsu knows him and we’ve been to JYJ club before and saw him with different women. I was scared for you. I didn’t know he was actually pursuing you because you’re his other half. I just thought that he was flirting with you like how he flirted with the rest of the females around him. I was terrified that he’ll hurt you.”

“When did you find out about me being his other half?” I asked.

“The day you moved out of your apartment. Jae talked to me in private, remember? I was mad at him for pushing you around but then when we were alone he told me the truth,” she answered.

“Jae told me that he threatened you,” I said.

“He did…but not in a scary way…he just reminded me of who he is in their world and that he could make things difficult for me and Junsu,” she admitted. Then she looked at me. “I wanted to tell you the truth, Dara. I really do but my hands were tried. Junsu told me that I couldn’t interfere any longer especially since you’re not just some random girl for Jae.”

I nodded slowly.

“Thanks for telling me now,” I said as I smiled. “Um, when are you and Junsu heading out?”

“Right after we talk. He’s already got my bags in his car,” she said. “He’s excited to spend this Christmas with his family.”

“Are you seeing your family at all?”

“No but they understand. Junsu and I spent last Christmas with them. Now it’s with Junsu’s parents and I’m really excited.” I was silent and her eyes suddenly widened as she realized something. “Oh My God! Dara…I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking…I forgot about you…”

I smiled gently at her. “It’s okay, Bom.” I felt my eyes moist at the thought of spending Christmas for the first time without my parents. “I have Jae and Daniel now.”

She nodded sadly. “You do have him…well them both.”

I leaned in and hugged her tight.

“You should go. Junsu’s waited long enough for your holiday to start.”

“I needed to see you before I go,” she said as he eyes misted. “I love you, Dara.”

“I love you too,” I replied as I grinned at her. “Go on, have a happy holiday. Say hi to Junsu for me and call me when you get there.”

“You know I will.”

She slid down her chair, kissed me on the cheek and dashed for the door.

“I love you!” she called out before shutting the door behind her.

I sighed, pushing the roll away as I set my elbows on the counter. I couldn’t stop thinking of everything that unfolded days ago. And I couldn’t stop thinking of my parents and how this was going to be my very first Christmas without them. But I also knew that I have Jae and Daniel…and for that I am thankful.

Warm hands suddenly settled on my shoulder, working soothing circles.

“I felt your mood. How was everything?” he asked.

“It was surprisingly good, actually. I didn’t expect it to be this light and relaxed,” I said as I sighed. “Days ago I was mad and hurt…I thought I will never be able to talk to her again…but now her visit may be short but it was sweet. Just like we were before.”

“Are you okay then?” he asked gently.

“I am,” I admitted as I hugged him. “I am okay now because I still have you, Jae.”

“You’ll always have me, Angel,” he promised.

“Then I will always be okay.”

“Just okay?” he asked as he kissed the top of my head.

“So long as I have you, I’ll be a very happy girl,” I said.

“That I can settle for,” he said adamantly and I chuckled.

“I’m in love with you Jae.”

And I am in love with you, Angel.”


It was in the afternoon and Jae went out after Daniel called him. I was alone in the house trying to figure out what to prepare for our own small feast when the doorbell rang.

I immediately opened the door and was shocked to see Hayami in front of Jae’s house.

“Hayami,” I said in surprised.

“Dara,” he replied as be bowed.

I looked behind him and saw 2 black cars with men standing around it. I looked back at him in confusion.

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yelram327 #1
Chapter 26: 💚
Chapter 26: Evidences of re-reading
Chapter 26: But honestly I got so curious what happened to Dara’s aunt. But then again it was a new chapter in her life
Chapter 26: Your officially my one of my favourite author.. i would love to read your other stories. please accept my friend request authornim.. and i can't wait to read your other stories.. thank you so much.
daramaegon #5
Chapter 26: amazing
Momo_14 #6
Chapter 24: I can't seem to move on with this story Authornim. Out of all the stories I have read in AFF this is really the BEST..!! I really really love it. I love Jaedara stories. Please accept my friend request Authornim. I've been dying to read it...huhuhu
Chapter 26: To be honest, I didn’t see the plot twist coming. The fictional characters really fits everything in this story. Also, the reflection/conclusion every after chapter is actually nice to have. This Jaedara FF is one of the best that I read! ❤️
Chapter 26: To be honest, I didn’t see the plot twist coming. The fictional characters really fits everything in this story. Also, the reflection/conclusion every after chapter is actually nice to have. This Jaedara FF is one of the best that I read! ❤️
piahae #9
Chapter 26: fave Jaedara fanfic!! sooo in love with this! ?
piahae #10
can you please please accept my friend request! I would like to read all your stories. T__T