Accidents happen. Just not like this.

Our Story

'Okay what Do I do now that I know everything he "Told me" Last night?  Ugh ill just tell him next time I see him' I thought. I was supposed to see him soon.  I looked at the clock and noticed that it is already 11:30 A.M.  Oh my god.  I got up put on my slippers and ran down stairs.  I was so hungry.

"Morning!" I yelled noticed only Yenna was there with coffee.  It looks like she had been crying.  I looked around. "Where is Jane?" When I said her name she cried.

"Thats the problem" She said still crying. "I dont know" She dropped her coffee and fainted. 

"Yena!!  Yena! Choi Yena can you hear me?!!?" I said slapping her face. I bursted out into tears. What do i do!

I dialed 911. 

"Yobeseyo?" Said a voice I thought that I have heard before.  "Hello?" He continued.

"Yes um my sister just fainted and Idont hear her breathing and I dont know what to do. Please help." I said.  I dont think he understood me because I was crying and I couldnt stop.

"Okay miss we are going to need you to calm down.  The ambulance and I are on our way."  He said.  Thats a relif. 

I waited an hour and she wasnt awake and they wernt there.  Suddenly the door bursted open."Sorry miss but we had someone that had a carwreck on the way here.  Were is she?  Oh! Hoo-Jae?!?!"  The guy said.  No way.  Is he stalking me or something ugh. 

"Seunghyun right now we dont fight.  We will be nice to each other and talk later. We need to help Yena."  I said calmly.  He nodded with agreement.  I watched them put her on the gurney. I tried calling Jane but she didnt pick up.  'Now is the time you need to be picking up' I thought. 

We got to the hospital and when we got there Seunghyun was talking " We will put her in the same room as Jane."  Everyone nodded.

"Jane?  What are you talking about?  She should be going home soon.  She wont pick up though" I mumbled.  She couldnt be here.  Why would she be here?

We got to the room and I saw Jane.  She was like death just laying there asleep.

"Her spine is broken, A couple of ribs broke,  215 stictches and broken foot and wrist.  The car flipped.  We already put her throught surgery.  It would be a myricle if she made it through the night"  The doctor said. 

'She could die?'  I thought.  No.  This cant happen.

Then a couple of people came running through the door.  It was Taemin, Key, Onew, Jonghyun and Minho.  Minho ran straight to her bed and hugged her tight. Taemin came running to me and hugged me to where I couldnt breathe.  I hugged him back.  I felt a tear come out of my eye and onto his shirt.  I tried to hold it back

" Let it out.  Im here for you. Im here" He whispered in my ear.  I bursted into tears. 

A couple hours Past

I fell asleep on his shoulder.  He held my hand.  I woke up and saw him asleep with his head resting on a hospital pillow.I looked at Jane and saw the thing that kept the heartbeat and showed it, The line was straight. I ran up forgetting Taemin was there and went closer to the thing.  I stood there, I fell on the floor and bursted into tears.  I saw a hand and looked up.  It was Taemin.  He was also crying.  I stood up and hugged him and cried. 

"Look at me"  He said.  I looked at him with tears rolling from my eyes.  He wiped my tears away.  He kissed me.  Our lips met.  His sweat soft lips against mine.  After our lips parted he gave a big hug.  I relised I really was in love. 

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Love this story!!!!!:):):)
RaChan #2
that was really really good~ but how could you be such a mean writer and leave it like that~ :O <br />
anywhore, that was great!~
O.M.G! I know what you mean now when you said the story was going to be a cliff hanger! Dongsang you have got to make another chapter! The suspense is killing me! I really want to know what happened at the end and what it's supposed to mean! :)
Woah I love the chapter!!! It was amazing and Onew's cousin seems so ty!!! But never mind that Great chapter and I cant't wait for the next one to come!! xD
Like!!! LOL love your update shineelvr <3 Well i would try to update soon, so lazy -.-
Have a good one. Please check out my fanfic, The Beautiful Scar-it stars you and Jaejoong~<br />
<br />
Love your display picture ^^<br />
<br />
Awww, Taemin is so cute ^^ KEEKEKEK :) <br />
I wish I had a boyfriend though, BUT THAT GIRL PISSES ME OFF :( <br />
LOLOLO . I would totally love Taemin ^^
Chapter 1:<br />
HERE's the correction!<br />
<br />
"I don't care." She said as she started to move closer and closer together until their noses were touching. Then she started to kiss him and he kissed back as I was still standing there frozen, really confused about why this was happening. <br />
<br />
:) GASP! That horrible girl!
Okay just make sure to not forget the apostrophys :) <br />
Like for example:<br />
I'm <br />
I'll <br />
Don't<br />
Won't<br />
It's<br />
You're <br />
<br />
AND SO ON SO FORTH~ I think you're really good at grammar and I don't see any spelling errors so far :) You just sometimes forget to make ill into I'll ^.^ Which I won't lie...I do it myself lol xD<br />
<br />
So yeah I don't know why you asked me to do this cause you really don't need it lol
Chapter 1: (like almost half way through)<br />
<br />
"Hoojae"I turned and looked at him curiously "You don't have to bring money because as part of your anniversary present im going to buy your ticket." He said innocently with his beautiful smile on his face<br />
<br />
<br />
Put a space between the " and I at the beginning~And change "im" to I'm :)