Break Up

Our Story


"Hey,  wake up!" Yena said, pushing me and tickling my feet trying to get me up. . . I didn't move at all and I just pulled the blanket over my head. . .She finally reached my ticklish spot where I tried to go on my stomach but she just kept tickling me. I finally gave up.

"Why?" I asked in a whiny and deeper voice than regular. . . I cleared my throat and fixed it.

"Its like 12 in the afternoon get up"She kept yelling. I never liked getting dragged out of bed and Yena knows that but today I guess its really important because she never does this. I got up and realized what day it is. . . It was Seunghyun and my 4 year anniversary. Today is a really important day.

'I have to go get a dress and i have to go get a present and arrange stuff. . . ah really? I'm to hard on myself'

-Ring Ring Ring- My phones annoying ringtones that nobody can change because its permanent.

'Oh! wheres my phone?' I thought scrambling looking through my closet under and through all my dirty clothes and shoes then looking through my purse through my make-up. "Here it is."

"Hello?"I asked because i was to tired to look at the number.

"Hello?"Asked a very heavenly voice that I knew very well.

"Seunhyun Oppa"I asked and assumed.

"Hoojae-ssi" He said back in a cheered up and awake voice.

"What?"I asked confused and tired.

"Where do you want to go today?"He asked and I really had no clue and it really didn't matter to me.

"I really don't mind"I said as I got my pants on.

'why does it feel like my heart is gonna blow?'

"Ill take you to the movies to go see that new Harry Potter movie.  Is that okay with you?"

"Of course." I said."I love Harry Potter."

"Okay, ill be there to pick you up in 5 minutes."

"Okay see you then."I said in a really preppy voice.

-Ding Dong-

Five minutes seemed to go by really fast.  I was still in the process in getting ready because I still had to straighten my hair so I let him in and he kindly sat down looking as innocent as always.

 "Hoojae"I turned and looked at him curiously "You don't have to bring money because as part of your anniversary present im going to buy your ticket." He said innocently with his beautiful smile on his face

"Thank you. I'm ready. Lets go." I said with a smile on my face.

We finally arrived at the movies. And he bought my ticket. During the movies we held hands.  I almost fell asleep because i went to bed late last night due to homework so he kept nudging me to keep me up.  At the end of the movie he planted a soft kiss on my lips. 

"The movie was great thanks so much for buying my ticket and bringing me here."I said sweetly.

"Anything for you" He said adding a wink with his innocent smile.


If it wasn't Casey, my enemy from school. She hurt people and insulted people. "Hey Seunghyun" She said looking at me weird

"Not now Casey im with her"He said nudging her away still looking at me.

"I don't care."She said as she started to move closer and closer together until there noses were touching. Then she started to kiss him and he kissed back as i was still standing there frozen, really confused about why this was happening.

"Hey!" I yelled at the making out couple infront of me. "I'm still here. Are you two together?"

"Yes. . . I have to go bye Seunhyun" She left and gave him a kiss goodbye and looked at me like she was gong to kill me or something.

"Bye Casey" He said smiling and feeling his lips as I was still standing there, frozen with sadness and he finally noticed that I was still standing there

"What was that?" I asked in a very low confused tone.  "Your cheating on me?"I asked whining

"Thats right"He said with with a preppy attitude

"And today is our anniversary how could you?"I asked. I could already feel the tears coming up.

"Because dating you is getting old i wanted someone else." He said whining and swinging his body around like a child

"THATS WHEN YOU BREAK UP WITH SOMEONE"I yelled and noticed everybody was looking at me so I lowered my tone

"Fine! Were over!! I never cared about you anyway!" He screamed and my tears finally came up.

My mom was waiting for me so I got in the car and left


At Home

I was still crying for an hour now.  Just laying on my bed watching the fan go around and around.


"Fine were over! I never cared about you anyway!"

-end of flashback-

-knock knock-

"Come in" I said cleaning my face up and sniffling

"Hey. . . How did it go?  Why are you crying?"  Yena asked laying next to me waiting for me to explain.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said trying to keep my tears in. 

"Well your going to. Now what happened?" She asked rubbing my back.

"Seunghyun and I broke up" I said with a tear coming out of my eye.

"Oh that happens in relationships" She said trying to comfort me. But it didn't really work.

"Not like ours. . . He said he never even cared about me" I said. I couldn't hold it in anymore so all of my tears came out.

"I'm really sorry. . . get to bed. . . we have to wake up early to welcome the new family to the neighborhood tomorrow." She said rubbing my hair then giving me a hug

"Okay. Thanks for trying to comfort me."  I said pulling the covers over me

"Your welcome" She said leaving the room

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Love this story!!!!!:):):)
RaChan #2
that was really really good~ but how could you be such a mean writer and leave it like that~ :O <br />
anywhore, that was great!~
O.M.G! I know what you mean now when you said the story was going to be a cliff hanger! Dongsang you have got to make another chapter! The suspense is killing me! I really want to know what happened at the end and what it's supposed to mean! :)
Woah I love the chapter!!! It was amazing and Onew's cousin seems so ty!!! But never mind that Great chapter and I cant't wait for the next one to come!! xD
Like!!! LOL love your update shineelvr <3 Well i would try to update soon, so lazy -.-
Have a good one. Please check out my fanfic, The Beautiful Scar-it stars you and Jaejoong~<br />
<br />
Love your display picture ^^<br />
<br />
Awww, Taemin is so cute ^^ KEEKEKEK :) <br />
I wish I had a boyfriend though, BUT THAT GIRL PISSES ME OFF :( <br />
LOLOLO . I would totally love Taemin ^^
Chapter 1:<br />
HERE's the correction!<br />
<br />
"I don't care." She said as she started to move closer and closer together until their noses were touching. Then she started to kiss him and he kissed back as I was still standing there frozen, really confused about why this was happening. <br />
<br />
:) GASP! That horrible girl!
Okay just make sure to not forget the apostrophys :) <br />
Like for example:<br />
I'm <br />
I'll <br />
Don't<br />
Won't<br />
It's<br />
You're <br />
<br />
AND SO ON SO FORTH~ I think you're really good at grammar and I don't see any spelling errors so far :) You just sometimes forget to make ill into I'll ^.^ Which I won't lie...I do it myself lol xD<br />
<br />
So yeah I don't know why you asked me to do this cause you really don't need it lol
Chapter 1: (like almost half way through)<br />
<br />
"Hoojae"I turned and looked at him curiously "You don't have to bring money because as part of your anniversary present im going to buy your ticket." He said innocently with his beautiful smile on his face<br />
<br />
<br />
Put a space between the " and I at the beginning~And change "im" to I'm :)