Other Relationships?!?!?!?

Our Story

I didn't sleep as well as I wanted to.  I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday.  Whatever.  I got up and I put on my slippers.  As I was walking down the stairs to the kitchen I could smell Bacon and toast.  Im sure they both wanted to know what happened so I am very prepared to tell them. 

I got to the bottom of the step and yawned.  I scratched my head and went and sat at the table.

"Goodmorning. Sleep well?" Jane said. Why does she look like shes about to burst out into laughing.  As I expected.  "You look like a rats nest.  You have bags under your eyes, your hair is greasy and messy and your clothes are dirty." She didn't stop laughing

"You really don't look good." Yena said.  She handed me a small mirror and I looked at it.  OMO!!! I really do look terrible.

"I'll go get ready after breakfast"I said shoving toast in my mouth and eating like i have never eaten before.  I heard a giggle.  Not from Jane who left the room, Not Yena who is cooking but a different laugh.  I looked at the seat near me and saw that it was filled.

"Taemin-ssi!!! What are you doing here at this time in the morning?!?!?!" I screamed and he started laughing.  I heard another laugh.  I turned around and saw Minho. '

OMG! What is going on?  What do I do?!?!' I thought.  Right now I was clueless.  How did I not see Taemin just sitting there looking at me. Straight at me?

I noticed I was just staring at him for a long time.  "Umm nevermind. I think im gonna go wash up now.  Be back in a little bit." I said then dashed upstairs.

I took a shower.  Then put on make-up, got dressed then ran back downstairs.  Everybody was where they were before. My food was probably cold.  Jane was asleep on the couch, Minho was talking to Yena and Taemin was asleep with his head laying on his arms on the table.  I listened into the other room to hear Minho and Yena's conversation.

".... Yeah I mean they would be cute together" Said Yena.  Minho just shook his head and smiled at her.  PSH. . . They would be cute together I thought.

"Listen Yena,  We have all known each other for a couple of months now so why can't I just say it?  Umm its hard for me to say but I kinda like you Yena." He said looking at the floor.  He looked kind of sad but then again he was also blushing.  I have never seen him blush before.  Aww. How cute are they? 

"Hoo-Jae?" Someone whispered behind me tapping my shoulder.  I turned to look who it is. It was Taemin."What are you doing?" He said looking through the crack I made while I was eavesdropping.

"Im listening to their conversation.  Minho likes my sister.  He just told her."  I whispered.  Hoping that they didn't hear us.  We went to my room to talk about what I just heard. Then it kindof turned into an interview.  Then he started teaching me dances.  He taught me Noona Neumo Yeppo.  When it was over we were both sweating like crazy.

I fell and he helped me up.  We looked in each others eyes again for a long time.

"Did I ever tell you that I love your eyes?" He asked as he broke the beautiful silence.  I shook my head.

"Lets dance some more. I really love dancing.  Its what I do to get things off of my mind."  I said.  He nodded.  We danced for 3 hours.  We also found out Minho and Yena were dating.  I fell asleep.  He put a blanket on me and left. 

"Today really was the best day ever, being with you.  I wish I could tell you this in person but when I look at you everything just leaves my mind.  I want to kiss you, I want to be with you.  Im just a wimp and I cant say it.  Your eyes are beautiful and I love them.  Goodnight." He kissed me on the cheek and left. I heard everything.  I totally understood him.  I will not tell him that I heard it until he says all of that to me.  The lights went out. And I fell asleep.

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Love this story!!!!!:):):)
RaChan #2
that was really really good~ but how could you be such a mean writer and leave it like that~ :O <br />
anywhore, that was great!~
O.M.G! I know what you mean now when you said the story was going to be a cliff hanger! Dongsang you have got to make another chapter! The suspense is killing me! I really want to know what happened at the end and what it's supposed to mean! :)
Woah I love the chapter!!! It was amazing and Onew's cousin seems so ty!!! But never mind that Great chapter and I cant't wait for the next one to come!! xD
Like!!! LOL love your update shineelvr <3 Well i would try to update soon, so lazy -.-
Have a good one. Please check out my fanfic, The Beautiful Scar-it stars you and Jaejoong~<br />
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Love your display picture ^^<br />
<br />
Awww, Taemin is so cute ^^ KEEKEKEK :) <br />
I wish I had a boyfriend though, BUT THAT GIRL PISSES ME OFF :( <br />
LOLOLO . I would totally love Taemin ^^
Chapter 1:<br />
HERE's the correction!<br />
<br />
"I don't care." She said as she started to move closer and closer together until their noses were touching. Then she started to kiss him and he kissed back as I was still standing there frozen, really confused about why this was happening. <br />
<br />
:) GASP! That horrible girl!
Okay just make sure to not forget the apostrophys :) <br />
Like for example:<br />
I'm <br />
I'll <br />
Don't<br />
Won't<br />
It's<br />
You're <br />
<br />
AND SO ON SO FORTH~ I think you're really good at grammar and I don't see any spelling errors so far :) You just sometimes forget to make ill into I'll ^.^ Which I won't lie...I do it myself lol xD<br />
<br />
So yeah I don't know why you asked me to do this cause you really don't need it lol
Chapter 1: (like almost half way through)<br />
<br />
"Hoojae"I turned and looked at him curiously "You don't have to bring money because as part of your anniversary present im going to buy your ticket." He said innocently with his beautiful smile on his face<br />
<br />
<br />
Put a space between the " and I at the beginning~And change "im" to I'm :)