Another Note


Weekdays have past means that Sujin is safe,and Yoseob is really protective plus the spy is guiding Sujin..

But who knows what will happen this Saturday and Sunday.. Yoseob has work everyday same as DuJun and they are the only ones who knows what's happening to Sujin..

That first day when Sujin came to school is safe till Friday,but what happens now?..

Sujin is with Yoseob at her house.. Yoseob is watching Sujin cook and Sujin is cooking dinner..

After Sujin cooks Yoseob prepares the table to get ready to eat.. At this point its really quite and no one bothers to say a word unless if its an important conversation..

Yoseob looks at Sujin worriedly.. Sujin has been tired and dizzy these days but she still goes for school days.. And Yoseob is still trusting his spy..

After Yoseob prepares the table and Sujin plate the food they both started to eat.."Sujin-ah,Are you feeling well?" Yoseob ask her..

Sujin just nod and keep eating.."Sujin,i know everything,don't worry I'm here beside you.." Yoseob said to Sujin as he looked at her eyes widened 'cause of shock ness..

Sujin doesn't know that Yoseob knew about this incident thingy,but she does know that,Yoseob's spy is following her..

"Oppa,Please don't worry about me,you're already busy with your job and now you're worrying about me,take care of yourself first" Sujin said to Yoseob as she holds Yoseob's hand..

"Sujin,if you're saying you're a burden to me,Its not,I love you and you're not getting in my ways,I'll protect you now matter what" Yoseob said as he embrace Sujin's hand tighter and looking into her eyes..

Sujin just nod and they eat,,"Oppa,I'm sorry but I Love You and i don't want you to get in this mess" Sujin thought..

Aftery they eat Yoseob volunteer to wash the dishes tonight as he feels very worried about Sujin's feelings..

Sujin just keep watching him wash the dishes,'cause Yoseob don't want her to leave out from his sight..

After Yoseob wash the dishes they went to the room to sleep,Yoseob was going to wash up first in the bathroom of the room,while Sujin just sleep in bed..

Yoseob rinsed his face and saw a note in the towel that he didn't notice before..

He read it and it says..

Sujin-ah,are you that scared?

You're boyfriend is really protective isn't it,I know you would give him this note

So, this message is for your Boyfriend

"Have fun with her till it lasts,I'll get her from you,you know that..

Mark my words Yang Yoseob"

I'm watching YOU..

As Yoseob read the note he gets really angry,and scared at the same time..

He keep the note and put it in his pocket and went to bed with Sujin..

Yoseob can't sleep well as he keep remembering those words,sentences and the 2 notes..

Yoseob thought that if he could tell this to Junhyung and Hyuna they could guard her when its Saturday and Sunday as 'this guy' gives the notes either Saturday or Sunday..

And Yoseob also knows that Sujin don't like anyone to be in a mess or get in danger specially her friends and love ones..

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Short update!


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GOSH ! you better update it ASAP Dxi'll be waiting ~ i cant wait for the next chapters ~ you make me curious Dx
Omo, love it.! UPDATE SOON (:
I updated,but seems like no one is reading ..<br />
Anyways keep commenting...More comments, more updates :)<br />
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seobii #4
update soon !
bellaxjoker #5
this is good,,<br />
continue please^^
Read the foreword and I'm already loving this story <3 ^^
this is junah right??<br />
ill subscribe and read tomorrow:))
Wow the foreword seems really mysterious! Update soon(: