

The next day DuJun called Yoseob informing Yoseob what info's they can get from the so-called-stalkerm of Sujin..

"Yoseob-ah,we don't have any evidence or any finger prints to scan that 'guy'.." DuJun said to Yoseob from the phone..

"Hyung,i know..That 'guy' is so smart,he might be use a typewriter so we couldn't get any scans from him" Yoseob answered DuJun..


"Sujin,are you alright? why didn't you tell me you have a brain cancer?" HyunA ask Sujin..

HyunA called Sujin and panik when she heard Sujin have a brain cancer and quickly came to her house..

"Unnie,mianhaeyo i just don't want anyone to worry about me and i know it'll affect all of you" Sujin said and hold HyunA's hand..

"I know that you don't want us to worry about you,Sujin..But listen to me carefully" HyunA said calmy to Sujin and stoke Sujin's hair slowly..

"I love you,and we're best friends.. no.. you're the younger my sister and you need to tell me everything..I know Junhyung oppa knew about it first,he told me the whole story..Sujin,if you have problems and you can't talk to Yoseob oppa,just talk to me ok?" HyunA said...

Sujin felt like crying but she held it in..She wanted to cry because HyunA is like her only best friend..well,it is true HyunA is her ONLY bestfriend..

Girls from her school when she was young bullied her and Junhyung was always there to save her form getting bullied over and over..

"Remember the time we met?" HyunA said and hug Sujin tighlty..

Sujin can't help it and cry to HyunA's shoulder HyunA didn't broke the hug and jsut keep her hair up and down..

Sujin is remembering the time they met...




Sujin was being bullied by 2 girls..The 2 girls are the queenkas at her school..The girls are jealous of Sujin because of Junhyung..

But Junhyung didn't know it,everytime Junhyung ask Sujin why she get bullied everyday Sujin tried to look away or change the subject..Junhyung gave up asking her and promised Sujin that he will always be there for her hard times and he'll always save Sujin from getting bullied or danger situations..

The 2 girls stop bullying Sujin and scoffed at her then leave her,it was night and Sujin has a bleeding lips and bruises are everywhere in her body..From her head to toe..

She didn't want to go home and wash up then change in her house so she stand up and walk around..She tried to shove away the pain she has now by the 2 girls..

Sujin kept walking and walking..She don't know where she would go so she just keeps on walking until she bumped into someone..

"Omo! I'm so sorry..I didn't mea-.." The girl who bumped into Sujin apologize and bow but when she saw Sujin her words stop..

She eyed Sujin from Head-to-toe and look at Sujin again..

Sujin just got up and dusted off her skirt and bow to the girl..

The girl froze,she saw Sujin's bruises..When Sujin bowed to her her senses came back but before she knew Sujin is already walking like a zombie,lifeless..

Sujin now know what to do and she thought of suiciding so she walk away from the girl but the girl catch up to her and stop her..

"Wait up" The girl shout and grab Sujin's hand and Sujin just shoved the girl's hand and kept walking..

The girl got annoyed and want to help Sujin so she run faster than Sujin and stop in front of her..

"I just wanna ask you" The girl said very worried to Sujin..

Sujin thought the girl would laugh at her like everyone that pass by her..The people are staring,pointing and even laughing at Sujin..

Sujin got mad and shout,"What! you wanna laugh to right? So laugh i don't care anymore..I look funny right? LAUGH NOW!" Sujin shouted the last 2 words..

People that pass by her just stare at her then ignore her..

The girl hold Sujin's arm and drag her..Sujin cried and just let it be..

"I'm getting bullied again..looks like its 'killing 2 birds with 1 stone' for the ones who bullied me" Sujin thgouht and laugh a little bit..

The girl stop walking and Sujin look up when she notice they stop..

"Who's house is this? is she lesbian? what is she goign to do to me? me? Omo! i don't want to..Im still a !.." Sujin thought as she look at the girl then look at the house again..

"Let's go" The girl said and open the gate then Sujin and her both get inside the house..

"You're lucky my parent's are out of country for vacation" The girl said..

"Take a seat,i'll be right back" The girl said and pointed at the chair for Sujin to sit on and left..

When the girl came back she has a first aid kit..

Sujin look at her suspiciously and the girl went towards her..

"I'm HyunA..Sorry i forgot to tell my name" The girl named HyunA said..

She took cotton balls and put some betadine in it and slowly rubbing it to some of Sujin's bruises..

"Thank you" Sujin said weakly..

"It's nothing..I like helping people" HyunA said and take some bandages..

"What's your name?" HyunA ask putting some bandages to Sujin's bruises on the arms..

It's going to take a while since her bruises are not only her arms but her whole body..Her head,stomache and even her thighs and legs..

"Sujin,Won Sujin" Sujin said..Sujin taouch her stomache secretly because its in so much pain and HyunA saw it..

"Oh,nice to meet you" HyunA said and put some betadine on her legs..

"What happen to you? did you get into a fight or something?" HyunA ask curiously and stop putting some bandages on her legs..

"Don't worry,you can tell me everything..I won't get mad even if you're a bully.." HyunA said..

Sujin thoguht about it for a while if she's going to tell her or not but since HyunA insisted she thoguht she could tell her..

"I..ermm..I didn't get a into a fight,i don't fight..and this always happens almost everyday so it's alright.." Sujin answered HyunA but left the detail:getting bullied by the queenkas of her school..

"Oh,that answer's my question why you get this bruises but who did this to you? does people envy you and beat you up to death?" HyunA ask Sujin again..

"Umm..I get bullied at school" Sujin answers HyunA..

Sujin thought why HyunA is so nice to her,they just bumped into each other..

"Bullied? why did you get bullied? let me guess,they're jelous of you're beauty?" HyunA said and smirk..

You shook your head and thought about Haerin and Chaerin (the 2 queenka) always bullying you..

"If it's not for your beauty then what is it? is it just for fun?" HyunA once again ask Sujin..

Sujin shook her head again and HyunA release a heavy sigh and gave up on thinking some thigns why they bullied you..

"I give up..Just tell me why they bully you so much.." HyunA said looking at your eyes and continuing mending your bruises..

"They beat me up because they're jealous of me of how i have a cute oppa and they don't" Sujin blurted it all our..HyunA stop all fo a sudden witha  surprise look...

"Why would someone beat her up till death just because she has a cute oppa? People like them are so stupid..Kids these days" HyunA thought and hissed..

"They're jealous because you have a cute oppa?" HyunA repeated Sujin and Sujin nod.."Their excuses are so lame.." HyunA said and stand up..

"Well, it's getting late and i'm done putting bandages on your bruises..can you go home like that? or would you like to stay here for tonight?" HyunA ask Sujin..

Sujin think for awhile..."I'm going home..It's alright i can walk home by myself.." Sujin said..she stand up but HyunA stop her..

"You can't go home alone,it's dark outside..something bad mgiht happen to you" HyunA said in a worried tone..

"Well have any ideas?" Sujin ask HyunA and HyunA thought of 2 ideas..

"Well i have 2..you need to agree at least one of them.." HyunA said and Sujin sigh and nod her head..

"Fine,tell me.." Sujin said..

"either you sleep here or call your oppa.." HyunA said..

Sujin got surprise..She don't want to do both..She doesn't want to sleep here not in a bad way and she don't want to call Junhyung too,she's afraid Junhyung  might scold her for not coming home and not calling him to pick her up..

She sigh,"I'll just sleep here"..

She doesn't have any choice but to stay and get scolded tomorrow when she get home plus she was tired and the pain in her stomache still aches..

HyunA sigh but smile again..Sujin notice she sigh and got curious.."Why did you sigh and smile?" Sujin ask..

"Oh,its nothing.." HyunA said and deny..

"I'll lead you to your room and maybe you could wash up i have clothes you can borrow,they would fit perfectly.." HyunA said beaming..

She ran upstairs and Sujin followed her..


~Flashback End~


"Yeah,i still remember that.." Sujin said..she stop crying for a minute..

"Unnie" Sujin said as she pull away from the hug and look at HyunA..

"Waeyo? are you alright? do you feel like vomiting?" HyunA said and look at Sujin worriedly..

"Anniya..just wondering,why did you sigh when i told you i;ll sleep in your house?" Sujin ask and HyunA got confused..

"Eh??" HyunA don't have any clue on what Sujin was talking about..

"i mean when we first met and you ask either i sleep at your house or call oppa" Sujin said and HyunA giggle a bit..

"Um,because i wanna see your oppa at the first place..Just like what you said,you get bullied because Haerin and Chaerin are jealous because you have a cute oppa..and they were right" HyunA said and Sujin just chuckle at her sister-like's expression..


Someone is knocking at the door and ruin the mood fo Sujin and HyunA..

Sujin open the door..

"Yoseob Oppa,waeyo?" Sujin ask and waited for him to answer..

"I'm sorry for disturbing your talk with HyunA but i wanna talk to you.." Yoseob ask Sujin while peeking in the back at HyunA and HyunA notice and wave to him..

"Oh,arasso oppa," Sujin said and walk back to HyunA..

"Unnie,mianhaeyo..excuse me a bit,Yoseob oppa wanan talk to me" Sujin said and HyunA stand up..

"No worries saeng,I'm going home anyways..I just received a message from Junhyung" HyunA said..HyunA just made an excuse so Yoseob and Sujin can talk privately..

HyunA bid goodbye at Sujin and Yoseob then they close the door..

"Oppa you wanted to talk to me right?" Sujin ask Yoseob and they sat at the couch comfortably..

"Ah nae i do and DuJun told me to tell you this.." Yoseob said..

"Ah arasso,what is it oppa?.." Sujin ask Yoseob and Yoseob slowly grab Sujin's hands and interlocks both of her and his hands..

"DuJun hyung told me that there's a possibility that the 'guy' can be caught and can't be.." Yoseob said to Sujin worriedly and afraid of the next attack 'he' could done to all of them..

"Eh?? possibility of getting him and can't? waeyo oppa? i don't get it.." Sujin said..She tried to think about why..

"Well,there's a possibility we can get him IF we found some of 'his' finger prints or somethign we can get from 'him' so we could scan it and get his identity" Yoseob said and explain it well for Sujin..

"Oh i get it oppa..But there's also a possibility we can't.." Sujin said and inside her was very scared and want to scream for help..

"Oh and yeah there is..See..IF we can't get any evidence they might give up looking for 'him' and it seems liek he use typewriter to write little notes..And that can't help us..DuJun hyung said IF he came and maybe barge in your house we can get his foot print but since IF he would do taht he'll get you away from me.." Yoseob explain it again to Sujin..

"Oh." was everything Sujin could answer..Yoseob is right..

But then suddenly somethign pops out of Sujin's head..

"Oppa," Sujin callYoseob who was sitting beside her..

"Nae?" Yoseob look at her and ask her..

"I heard a crashing sound yesterday and i called Junhyung oppa to come by here because i was scared.." Sujin said and pause a little.. but continues..

"Well, he might leave some foot prints around the house.." Sujin said

Inside her was happy because she has her hopes back and there's a POSSIBILITY they could catch 'him' and put him in jail...





Wah!! I have a new subscriber..Thanks for subscribing..

Sorry i can't thank you in your wall..I'm quite busy and as always i have tons of homework..

And sorry again for not updating..I'm lazy and i admit it sorry for the subscribers..

Well i update so Thanks and i hope you enjoy this update :)


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Short update!


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GOSH ! you better update it ASAP Dxi'll be waiting ~ i cant wait for the next chapters ~ you make me curious Dx
Omo, love it.! UPDATE SOON (:
I updated,but seems like no one is reading ..<br />
Anyways keep commenting...More comments, more updates :)<br />
Thank for commenting and subscribing guys :)
seobii #4
update soon !
bellaxjoker #5
this is good,,<br />
continue please^^
Read the foreword and I'm already loving this story <3 ^^
this is junah right??<br />
ill subscribe and read tomorrow:))
Wow the foreword seems really mysterious! Update soon(: