
My Story Stronghold: Fic Recs [UNDER CO.]
just keep the width in 200❤︎THE DEMON WHO CAME TO TEA [M]
Kim Jongin, the most awward dark wizard ever to practice magic, gets
more than he bargained for when he tries summoning a demon for the
first time.

Title inspired by The Tiger Who Came To Tea. No character death here,
but to paraphrase Mr. Dickens, "Sehun was undead: to begin with".

Demons could take on any shape they please. Everyone knew that. That
was part of the reason why they were so feared. A demon could take the
shape of your lover and you'd never know until they were choking the life
from you. All the pictures Jongin had seen in class showed truly horrible-
looking creatures. Some had bright red skin and sharp horns, some had
crackling green scales in place of flesh. Still others had wings. But this
one, Kyungsoo, he was...
Cute. Really cute.
He didn't have red skin or horns. He had large, intelligent eyes and
messy dark hair, and a confident smirk that made Jongin want to kiss it
right off his face.

just keep the width in 200 ❤︎ UNDEATH UNDONE
Sequel to The Demon Who Came to Tea. Now that Jonging's happily
settled with demonic boyfriend Kyungsoo, Sehun has a lot more free time
on his hands - time he could be using to sort out the pesky magical
problems resulting from his resurrection. The answer to his provlem is...
not the cat he was trying to call.

The blue light shot up from the floor to the ceiling, creating an opaque
column; the humming grew louder, enough to become annoying. This was
it. Sehun crossed his fingers and hoped nothing had gone amiss this
times. With the way his magic had been going, he's probably called a dog
instead of a cat, or something like that. Still, the animal didn't mater, as
long as he could use it as his familiar.
When the column split open and vanished altogether, it left something
Or rather, someone.
Sehun frowned. "You're not a cat," he said.
"I'm not?" The pinkhaired man standing in the middle of the room looked
crestfallen for a moment, then his eyes lit up with a devilish gleam and
his lips parted in a wide grin. "I guess that explains why the collar's way
too small for me. I'm keeping the mouse plushie, though."
Sehun cursed silently to himself. He'd probably picked up one of the
townie kids. This guy looked like he fronted an indie band somewhere. He
was wearing the collar, Sehun noticed - as a bracelet. The mouse, he had
sticking out of the pocket of his jeans. Of the map, food and yarn there
was no sign.
"Sorry," Sehun muttered. He hated having to apologize. "Where are you
from? I'll get someone to take you home."
The other man didn't seem at all upset at having suddenly found himself
in a stranger's bedroom. "Do you have a car that can drive to the

just keep the width in 200TITLE +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum, riddsus sed tincidunt tincidunt, leo velit vehicula sem, sit amet tristique quam lorem eu mauris. Donec a sem elementum, gravida justo sit amet, facilisis erat. Etiam at blandit justo. Integer at lorem vestibulum, viverra magna nec, ultrices libero. Proin sit amet neque et nisi dapibus bibendum. Morbi eleifend luctus blandit. Etiam orci nunc, viverra eget lacus ac, scelerisque auctor lorem. Sed porta urna et neque consectetur fringilla. Etiam egestas condimentum blandit. Nullam venenatis nisi in odio sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare quam sed bibendum laoreet. Nunc ut velit ultricies, suscipit ipsum quis, imperdiet dolor.
just keep the width in 200TITLE +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum, riddsus sed tincidunt tincidunt, leo velit vehicula sem, sit amet tristique quam lorem eu mauris. Donec a sem elementum, gravida justo sit amet, facilisis erat. Etiam at blandit justo. Integer at lorem vestibulum, viverra magna nec, ultrices libero. Proin sit amet neque et nisi dapibus bibendum. Morbi eleifend luctus blandit. Etiam orci nunc, viverra eget lacus ac, scelerisque auctor lorem. Sed porta urna et neque consectetur fringilla. Etiam egestas condimentum blandit. Nullam venenatis nisi in odio sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare quam sed bibendum laoreet. Nunc ut velit ultricies, suscipit ipsum quis, imperdiet dolor.
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