
My Story Stronghold: Fic Recs [UNDER CO.]
just keep the width in 200✭ IN DREAMS
Suho's good at pretending. Pretending to be okay and unaffected. Pretending that an
eclipse means nothing to him. That seeing Chen doesn't make his heart skip a beat.
He can pretend some more. He needs to do it.

Note: bonus of Revolution.
just keep the width in 200NIGHTFALL
Oh Sehun is what Luhan calls a victim of his own nightmares.
And Luhan knows how people like Sehun can never be saved.

Author's Note: This is a prequel to Nocturna Suppressio. If you haven't
read that yet, I suggest you don't read this and read NS first. This
contains a lot of spoiler for NS. But if you don't dig KaiSoo and would
rather read this, sure go ahead.

just keep the width in 200✭ REVOLUTION [M]
Luhan is captured and used as an experiment. It leaves him confused and
desperate for answers. They make him do stuff he isn't able to do, have his body
bonded intimately by someone he doens't know and according to his captain, all
this is for one thing:
to save the world.

"Why am I here?"
"Because the world needs you."
"That's not really an answer."
just keep the width in 200✭ SERENDIPITY
Sometimes, the most beautiful things in life are found through accidents
and complete silences.

just keep the width in 200TITLE +
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