
My Story Stronghold: Fic Recs [UNDER CO.]
Might I just say this: REAL SAD. I am not usually a fan of angst but these are so beautifully written, I felt it would be a crime to not add this author to my fic rec! Anyway, these are not for the weak of heart.
just keep the width in 200DESTATI [M]
In which Sehun is cursed with breaking everything he touches. When he falls in
love with Luhan, the pretty boy next door, he is restricted behind glass, unable to
touch him.
just keep the width in 200HAREBELL [M]
In which Sehun and Zitao work in a flower shop and are offered the job of providing flowers for the royal wedding where Sehun meets the young Prince Luhan who
secludes himself away from the world.
just keep the width in 200SATELLITE HEART [M]
Luhan feels Sehun in his heart.

Warning (highlight to view): character death
just keep the width in 200TITLE +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum, riddsus sed tincidunt tincidunt, leo velit vehicula sem, sit amet tristique quam lorem eu mauris. Donec a sem elementum, gravida justo sit amet, facilisis erat. Etiam at blandit justo. Integer at lorem vestibulum, viverra magna nec, ultrices libero. Proin sit amet neque et nisi dapibus bibendum. Morbi eleifend luctus blandit. Etiam orci nunc, viverra eget lacus ac, scelerisque auctor lorem. Sed porta urna et neque consectetur fringilla. Etiam egestas condimentum blandit. Nullam venenatis nisi in odio sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare quam sed bibendum laoreet. Nunc ut velit ultricies, suscipit ipsum quis, imperdiet dolor.
just keep the width in 200TITLE +
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum, riddsus sed tincidunt tincidunt, leo velit vehicula sem, sit amet tristique quam lorem eu mauris. Donec a sem elementum, gravida justo sit amet, facilisis erat. Etiam at blandit justo. Integer at lorem vestibulum, viverra magna nec, ultrices libero. Proin sit amet neque et nisi dapibus bibendum. Morbi eleifend luctus blandit. Etiam orci nunc, viverra eget lacus ac, scelerisque auctor lorem. Sed porta urna et neque consectetur fringilla. Etiam egestas condimentum blandit. Nullam venenatis nisi in odio sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum ornare quam sed bibendum laoreet. Nunc ut velit ultricies, suscipit ipsum quis, imperdiet dolor.
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