
My Story Stronghold: Fic Recs [UNDER CO.]


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He was born as a sacrifice to the heavens.

Each century a prince is born with the blood of the gods pulsing within his veins. They were deemed the special ones, the ones that the entire world would look up to. They were humanity's glory, life's symbol, and they had only one purpose: to die.

Oh Sehun sat waiting. It was a game to him. How calmly could he await death that was sure to befall him? The blood that ran through his veins was his sustaining force, yet would also be the cause behind his ultimate ruin. How cursed it was to be blessed. His entire life was marked for death. Yes, he was a prince. Yes, he was worshiped and loved. But what did that matter when on the last moon of his last autumn day, his blood would be collected by Heaven's Priest?

His blood had the power to heal, the power to bless, the power to all things. That was the magic of blood. Yet, it was useless to Sehun because his blood was not his to use as he pleased.

But for him... for him, Sehun was hesitating. He could save him, but at what price?


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Kris spent three years coding perfection, but as his code comes to life, Kris realizes taht he had thought too simplistically about the program.
How much did it take to make something human?
The lines between living and not, human and not were blurring.
Test subject 2034, Zhang Yixing, was real.
Kris had programmed life itself.


just keep the width in 200


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