Falling In Love????

What's wrong with me?


"Kyaaaaah!!!! Jungkook oppa fighting!!!"

"Aniya, Jimin oppa fighting!!!!!"

"Ani, Suga oppa!!!!"

Jenny winced as she heard the girls cheering for the soccer competition between some guys.

Jungkook, J-Hope, Rap Mon, Jin, and V were on one team, and Jimin, Suga, and three other unfamiliar boys were on the other team.

She watched one of the mystery guys on Jimin's team flash a smile. She turned her head to the other side of the field and saw the same guy, except with a slightly different shirt. Wait, what? She was confused.

"Hey, Ari? Why are there two same guys on the team?"

Ari chuckeld. "They're twins dummy. The taller one is Kwangmin, and the slightly shorter one with slim face is Youngmin. The other guy is Minwoo. They're part of a group called Boyfriend, but those three agreed to play with Jimin and Suga."

(The guy on the left is Youngmin, and the guy on the right is Kwangmin. Aren't they absolutely adorable???KYAAAAAH!!!!!

The guy under is Minwoo. He's really cute, too. *Fangirling and spazzin' right now!!!!!)

"Whoah.... they're really cute."

Ari smiled. Yeah, but I think Jungkook is cuter.


Meanwhile on the field, the competition was getting really tough.

Jimin passed the ball to Suga.

"Hyung, over here!!!!"

All of a sudden, J-Hope ran by and stole the ball. Another point for Jungkook's team.

Over the megaphone, "Guys, there's gonna be a 20 minute break. We'll get back to the game later."

Jungkook jogged off of the field and got a drink of water.Up in the risers, he saw Ari and Jenny. He waved and flashed a cute smile.

As Jenny waved back, she felt something push her back.



Jimin looked up from his talk with Suga to see Jenny fall and hit her head on the ground.

Her body hit the ground, trembled once, and then was still.

"Jenny!!!!!NO!!!!!! Are you OK!?!?!?!" Ari screamed. She was sobbing.

Ari watced.Jimin instinctively ran over to where Jenny was. He held two fingers to . She still had a pulse. Thank god.

"Jenny, are you okay?"

At the same time Jungkook came over.

"Is she okay?"

"What happened?"

"Who pushed her?"

Someone pushed through the crowd and went to where Jenny was lying.

"Guys, back off. She's unconscious and needs some space."

It was Youngmin and Kwangmin. "Youngmin, you pick her up and bring her to the nurse's office. I'll be there before you and get some stuff setup."

Jungkook spoke up. "Do you guys know what you're doing?"
"Yeah, duh. Like our mom is a doctor, and we both want to go into the medical field."

At that, Youngmin picked Jenny up gently and started walking towards the nurse's office.

"Jenny, you're going to be fine, ok? Me and Kwangmin will take care of you, okay?"


Me and Kwangmin will take care of you, ok?

The voice kept ringing in her head. She slipped in and out of conscience. 

Everything was blurry. There were voices around her.

"Will she be fine?"

"Mmmmhmmm. She'll be fine.Now stop being a worry wart and be quiet."

"Are you sure?"

"YES. For the millionth time, she is going to be FINE. Now listen to my brother and shut up."

"Ok, ok. Just double checking. You're sure she's fi---"


Jenny opened her eyes and saw four guys standing aroud her.

She was lying in a cot, at the nurse's office.

There were those twins, Youngmin and Kwangmin.

There was Jungkook, looking concerned and worried.

And... There was Jimin??? What was he doing here?

"Guys, what happened? Why am I lying down?"

Youngmin spoke up. "You were pushed and fell off the bleachers. Me and my brother here, Kwangmin, helped you get back together. And these two stupid worrywarts here who claim to be your friends doubted our work."

Jungkook bent his knees beside her bed. "Are you okay? I was so worried."

"I'm fine now Kookie. It's okay, you don't have to worry about me anymore."

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Yes. Now get back to your cabin."

"Ok. BTS was so worried about you."

"Awww. That's sweet. Well, tell them that I'm okay now. And tell Ari I'm fine too, ok? Thanks."

"Ok, bye. I'll see you later. Be careful, okay?"

"Ok,ok. Shoo, shoo."

Jungkook smiled and walked out the door.

Jimin stepped up. "Uh, are you fine? You seemed to fall pretty hard?"

"You heard me talk to Jungkook.  I'm fine,so don't worry about me."

"Uh, ok. Bye"

He awkwardly stalked out of the room.

"I don't know why they're so worried about me."

"I'm worried about you, too. Everyone's really worried. You could have died!!!" Youngmin's voice grew almost hysteircal.

"Ok, ok. Calm down."

He sighed. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I was just worried."

"It's fine. Go take a breather. I'll be fine. Your brother is here anyways, so...."

"Ok. Bye."

Jenny sighed. What was wrong with all three boys? Why were they so awkward?

"They're so weird.Why so worried about me?" She muttered to herself.

Kwangmin watched and smiled. He shook his head.

How can a girl be that blind? Did no guys ever like her?

Outside, Youngmin was mad at himself. I was so scared. Really. What was wrong with himself???? He barely knew Jenny.

Kwangmin poked his head out the door. "Dude, come back in. It's cold out."

"Kwangmin, what's wrong with me. Why did I say I was worried about her?"

"How should I know, its you that said it, not me."

"I think I like her." Youngmin blurted out.

"I think I already know."

"Is it that obvious?"

"NO..... I just happened to read your mind. Of course your obvious. I was so scared. Where did that come from?" Kwangmin asked incredulously.

"I just know I like her. Nothing else."

"Well, bro. I don't have anything to say except that you hae competition. I think Jimin and Jungkook like her,too."

"Dang it! The popular kids out of all the people who could have liked her!" Youngmin moaned.

"Figure it out on your own. Just follow your heart." Kwangmined suggested. "She might like you."

"I'll try. Thanks Kwangmin. I owe you one."

"I'll remember. You don't know what favors I might ask you to do." Kwangmin chuckled.

"I take back what I said." Youngmin joked.

"Come one, let's go inside. It's cold."

The two brothers walked inside with their arms slung over each others backs.







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bangtan671 #1
Chapter 11: Aahh poor kookie...will there be an update soon?
chimchim04 #2
Chapter 11: pleasssseeeee update!!!!!!!! soionnnnn
KPOPbtsarmyjimin #3
Chapter 9: Omg yes finally an update yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you
chimchim04 #4
Chapter 8: Update soon!!!! Author-nim i'm getting exited in this story!!!!
chimchim04 #5
Chapter 7: I'm crying rn so cute!!

Fighting author-nim!!!!
Luexolu2 #6
Chapter 5: Hi readers!!!!! I'll try to write more next time! Enjoy!!!!
Chapter 3: Love the chaptee<3
update soon authornim
Luexolu2 #8
U too ^^
Chapter 1: gahhhh!
i need more ㅋㅋㅋ
update soon~