Zip lining

What's wrong with me?

Next morning


Jimin woke to the sound of horns blaring.

"Sugar, does the horns wake us up every day?"

"yeah, get used to it"

Jimin looked over to Junkook the youngest here, to had said it to him.

" You not gonna get your beauty sleep every day pretty boy"

J hope shouted over at him.

"Guys, just shut up and get dressed"

Rap monster, the counselor said to them.

' jungkook, that idiot. He has no right to tell me what to get used to or not'


Everyone! Zip lining today! We're going to have a competition between Cabin 6 girls and Cabin 7 boys, okay!"

Everyone cheered and got ready.

Jenny was waiting in line when some one pushed her. She started falling almost over the zip line drop when someone caught her. It was Jungkook!

"long time no see!" She gave him a big hug. 

" Glad I caught you! Because of this jerk Jimin" she widened her eyes at the guy from yesterday, "tripped you, I actually got to meet you"

"Well, thanks for catching me Jungkook! Or else I would have died"

ugh, I should have caught her, not Jungkook. Dang it!

" you should have caught me? I don't think so"

" let me ask you something, can you read my mind?"

"um, no. By the way, my name is Jenny and don't even think about tripping me next time"

almost got caught. What if he finds out? I'll be a dead piece of crap.

"okay, ladies first!!!"

Junie from Cabin 6 went first, then Melissa, then Ari, then Tori, Lucy, Lanie, then Jenny.

She jumped off and completed the the course quickly.

" 1 minute and 15 seconds! Well done girls!"

"boys next!"

Jungkook went first, then Rap monster, Suga, J Hope, Jin, V, and then finally Jimin.

the guys were ahead of the girls, and Jimin could win them.

Jimin jumped off and started the course. 

He flew throughout the air, and started screaming for help when he saw how high he was. He swung to the side and held on to the tree, and refused to complete the course. 



"Yeah Ari?"

"Sorry, but can you go bring Jimin back from the course?"

"what?!? Fine. But on one condition"

"I get to decide what to do with the boys when they lose the bet"

"fine with me"

She jumped off the platform and rode to where Jimin was.

"Dude, stop hanging on to the tree. It doesn't love you back."

"Try to get me off"

Jenny back hugged him and Jimin breathed sharply.

She was hugging him!!!

Suddenly, she ripped him off the tree, and flung him down the rest of the course to the ground platform. She followed after him to make sure he didn't become a tree hugger again. 

"Aaaaaaaahh! Help! I'm gonna die!"

Jimin opened his eyes to see BTS (aka cabin mates) glaring down at him.

"We lost, thanks to you" Jungkook said.

they walked off. Suga helped him up. "Hey, don't take them seriously. They just don't like to lose"


Back at the cabin, Jungkook started to get really mad.

"dude, chill"

"it's not that, Jenny hugged Jimin! I should be hugging her, not him!"

" That's why your upset? Then just fight for Jenny rather than kick the wall and pout"

"Aish, J Hope hyung, I will kill you someday!"

"try me!" And Jhope ran off laughing.

I will get you back for this Jimin.

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bangtan671 #1
Chapter 11: Aahh poor kookie...will there be an update soon?
chimchim04 #2
Chapter 11: pleasssseeeee update!!!!!!!! soionnnnn
KPOPbtsarmyjimin #3
Chapter 9: Omg yes finally an update yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you
chimchim04 #4
Chapter 8: Update soon!!!! Author-nim i'm getting exited in this story!!!!
chimchim04 #5
Chapter 7: I'm crying rn so cute!!

Fighting author-nim!!!!
Luexolu2 #6
Chapter 5: Hi readers!!!!! I'll try to write more next time! Enjoy!!!!
Chapter 3: Love the chaptee<3
update soon authornim
Luexolu2 #8
U too ^^
Chapter 1: gahhhh!
i need more ㅋㅋㅋ
update soon~