WM High School Gets A New Kingka

Even though at first glance there was a connection between us...I fall for the wrong person

P.O.V: Jung Jinyoung


I walked down the halls of my new High school. The moment I entered this building I have already noticed all the looks more or less every girl, was giving me. I sighed, thinking about the chances that I would be stalked the same manner as in my last High school. It was unfortunately horrifyingly high. The guys have already told me before that they were quite popular among the girls in their school. Now I finally realized how many fans they actually had, when I saw a big poster for Baro's fanclub, next to Sandeul's. The other two had probably also their own fanclubs.

'Yo Jinyoung Hyung!' Someone tackled me from behind, I turned around to see Baro one of my close friends. 'Hey Baro how are you doing?' I noticed his usual red cap and asked curiously: 'Are caps allowed at this school?'

He grinned and fixed it. 'Actually not, but my teachers let me get away with it. Guess it's the charming aegyo from HamBaro' he stated proudly. 'Yeah I saw the poster of your fanclub.' I said amused, then stopped as I saw a small, cute girl standing in front of us.

'Good Morning Baro Oppa this is for you please accept it' the girl handled him a teddy bear with a red cap.

Wow this thing was cute. I like cute things. But who was this girl ? He didn't tell me that he was dating someone. 'Euh thanks ...' I saw him trying to remember her name avoiding any eyecontact.

I pitied the poor girl who was wasting her time for someone who didn’t seem to care for her.

'It's Baek Hee, Oppa did you forget?' She pouted and I saw her eyes getting watering. 'Mianhe’He scratched his head ‘I will be memorizing it okay?’He smiled using one of his aegyo pose which made the girl cheer up immediately.

I had the urge to throw up because of his acting, so I turned my look to her instead. She slightly blushed thinking that I’d pay attention to her. Oh boy, I should focus on something else.

'Hi.. you must be Jinyoung Oppa right...nice to meet you.' She beamed. 'Ye, nice to meet you too Baek Hee-shi' I bowed politely. ‘But how did you actually know my name’I titled my head.

She giggled ‘The girls already found out nearly everything about you and passed their information around.' I didn’t get enough time to adapt her words when the bell suddenly rang.

'Sorry we have to go..see ya around' Baro said and I was dragged away from the girl, when she was out of the sight he whispered to me 'Yah don't be too polite Prince charming'

'Better than being a player you don't even remember her name even though she is giving you stuffs.' I responded

'I can't remember all their names! You couldn't either.. that was just one out of hundreds!' I hit him lightly. 'Don’t be too cocky, whatever talking about names, where did this girl get my name? I didn’t really get her answer'.

‘Well remember when we said that we were quite popular here?’I nodded ‘I saw your posters.’‘Then you should already have guess that there are people in our fan club, who tries to find out everything about us and in everything I mean, hobbies, favorite foods, music taste, family, friends ah and most specially ideal type.’He grinned.

‘Ideal type?’‘Yep which type of girl would make your heart beat those kinds of stuff’he explained ‘Anyway you know what?’He jumped up and down.

‘Maknae became a real player when our fans asked us this question, he responded that he liked all kind of girl!’

Bwoh this didn’t sound like the innocent Gongchan at all I thought, but what frightened me even more then the mature image of our Maknae was the fact that some crazy fans would try to find out everything about me, including my family issues.    


P.O.V: Shin Ji Hyun


I was stabbing my notebock with my pencil seeing a girl whose face was covered with tones of make up flirting with Joon. She was practically sitting on his lap..aish that , I insulted here mentally. But the fact that Joon was actually flirting back, laughing about her 'blonde' jokes, made me even madder. I sighed frustrated: 'Otoke?..What should I do with him?' and hit my head on the table.

'I don't even understand why you are surprised…we are talking about THE player Lee Joon. It's obvious that he's flirting back to that .' Krystal shrugged.

She was my best friend and some people gave her the title of an ice princess because of her fierce glares and her trait to say what she was thinking out loud without considering others' feelings. However we have known each other since the first year of middle school and she had always been a good friend of mine.

'I know...you are right but...you know...he actually sent me sighs saying I am pretty and being gentle to me when we meet each other alone...should I do the first step and asking him out? Maybe he's just shy.' I mumbled.

Krystal scoffed 'You're such a Babo! Always protecting this player. Shy? Counting his girlfriends better called as s would take probably months! You call this guy shy? I call him . Aish..seriously you are so smart and every boy wants to date you, then you fall for that jerk...you deserve better than that!'

I laughed about her statement 'You have a point.. I am smart”I stuck out my tongue, she hit me lightly ‘Hey I am serious about that!’’I sighed and rested my head on my palm ‘but..he's still so perfect and I really like him.'

When I finished my sentence, Joon suddenly stood up from his place and moved towards me. I sat up immediately, getting all excited. Krystal also saw that and moved away giving us some privacy. I know she couldn't stand him but she was a good friend supporting me with my crush.

Good Morning Beautiful.' Joon said curling a loose wisp of my hair around his finger and then placed it back behind my ear. ‘How was your weekend?’‘Euh it was quite okay and yours?’I asked

‘I was a little bored since I didn’t have the chance to see you.’He winked. My heart started to race hearing his sweet words. ‘Do you want to eat with me at the cafeteria today?', 'Just-just the two of us?' I asked shyly. He gave me one of his eyesmiles then he went back to his seat and mouthed 'Maybe.'

My shoulders deflated immediately.. Aish I hated it when he teased me. Krystal had followed all our movements and pated me 'Asking you out if you wanna join him at lunch?', 'How did you know?' I turned my head to her surprised.

She hit my head with my notebook. 'Babo he's always using this method and after that you guys end up at a table for 14. He of course flirting like as if there was no tomorrow and you being depressed because you thought it would be just the two of you. Just stop falling for him. I mean it. You deserve much better!' She scolded me.

Luckily the school bell rang so that Krystal couldn't continue her yelling. She moved to her seat two rows in front of me and gave me a last fierce glare. I pouted and she shook her head trying to hide a smile. I knew that she could never stay mad at me forever.

I rested my head back on my table and looked outside the window, maybe Krystal was right and I should give up on Joon, he never told me that he liked me, so maybe I was just imagining things.

Then again I reminded myself that he was my first love, my first friend in kindergarten, the first person who befriended me when I moved to this place and who was by my side when I was bullied back then. How could you give up on someone who was your first in everything?

I was completely lost in my thoughts, when Mrs. Park entered the classroom. I looked up to see why people started to whisper and saw that she was followed by a tall, handsome guy with brown dyed hairs. Hmm..this colour looked somehow familiar I titled my head. 'Hi everyone starting from today you have a new classmate, please introduce yourself.' Mrs. Park said looking at the familiar looking boy.

'Annyeong haseyo my name is Jung Jinyoung, please take care of me.' He said bowing politely, he had a warm nice smile on his face. Many girls started to giggle, even that from before seemed to have interest in him. I looked to Joon, he seemed pissed off that someone received as much attention as him. Now you see at least who is faithful to you I thought and looked again at the new guy.

All of sudden he caught me looking at him and I remembered instantly his face.

Oh my god, it was the guy that I met yesterday at the library, whom I told that he was too handsome.

I tried to hide my face, please don’t remember me I prayed but then he moved towards me. What why is he moving toward me?

'Ji Hyun are you day dreaming? I told you to raise your hand, so Jinyoung know next to whom he had to sit.' Seriously why did I have to embarrassed myself in front of this guy all the time? 'Mianhe, ye.' I raised my hand.

When he sat down next to me he turned his head to me and chuckled 'Hello Miss Why-are-you-so-handsome' My hopes got all crashed, okay he did remember me…



Author's Note: So instead of learning for my biology exam tomorrow I've rather prefered to write my story :P ..the numbers of view are surprisly high..(well in my opinion ^^ ) however I would really appreciate it if you guys left me some comments. Please don't be a silent reader... you don't have to subscribe if you find the story boring but thank you for those who did it :D ! Otherwise I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)


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This is SO good, it's not even funny. Update^^
I'm just roaming all your stories waiting for you to update since you're an AMAH-ZING author~ Best in my opinion (=
Of course, dbskgirl4ever never disappoints either...XD
I feel like a stalker.
I'll shut up now.
cutynup #2
Heeeyyyy You should update this fanfics~ I'm a BANA that search for a nice Jinyoung story, and this is one. Not to mention B1A4 has already make a comeback stage kkkk xD update soon
mcflurryxx #3
I swear ive read this before lol I always get so happy upon seeing this fic in my updates folder...i love it xD
ilovedreamingx3 #4
Woah, that's creepy... I swear I remember reading this update before...
I really like this story!, Jinyoung is such a cutie! update soon!!
Hello,new reader here ^^ just finished the whole 12 chappie today :3 , its super good,deffo goes to my best fanfic collection! Cant wait for update !! :D
mcflurryxx #7
Awww ..whats the plan!?! Lol
mcflurryxx #8
I always wait for your updates I love this its so cute xD <br />
Plse update moree ^~^
mcflurryxx #9
Yay update :)