Deciding on Plan P

Even though at first glance there was a connection between us...I fall for the wrong person


P.O.V: Jung Jinyoung


I laid down on the couch and took my phone scrolling down the contacts, stopping at the letter Y. Yunmi seriously why does she have to be late at every important appointment? I shocked my head and placed my phone back in my pockets.

‘Come on, Hyung, stop being so lazy and join us.’ Gongchan said, when CNU succeeded to take away the basketball. ‘You keep giving us reasons to call you Grandpa.’ He sniggered.

‘I’d already P.E classes today, so leave me alone.’ I groaned and searched for my IPod.  Nowadays these kids don’t have any respect for their leader anymore.

‘Our leader is so sluggish. You know that girls like athletes.’ Baro retorted and succeeded his shot. ‘See I am the whole package.’ He made a victory sign.

‘Whatever.’ I groaned and plugged in my earphones to get rid of their annoying comments.

Plan P, I still didn’t find one I remembered and looked at the ceiling, when suddenly the bell rang.

‘That’s probably Yunmi. Maknae go open the door!’ Baro forced Gongchan to go downstairs. ‘And you called me sluggish?’ I scoffed.

‘The Maknae in the group is always supposed to do those things.’ Baro shrugged I guess he never feels guilty.


 ‘Hey guys.’ Yunmi waved. ‘Jinyoung, why are you lying there so lazily?’ She yelled at me. ‘See everyone thinks you are lazy.’ Baro teased and wiped away his sweat on his forehead.


‘So Ji Hyun sang for you?’ Yunmi let out a squeal while pinching Baro’s arm who sat beside here. ‘Yah!’ He yelled rubbing his arm. ‘Is that a reason to hurt me? Seriously because of your love life I am going through hardships.’ Baro gave me an accusing look.

‘Don’t make such a fuss.’ Yunmi frowned. ‘Hardly surprising that no girl is dating you.’ She teased.

‘Says the one, who’d never had a boyfriend before. At least there are many girls who have already confessed to me.’ He glared at her.

‘Have you ever considered that those two have feelings for each other?’ I whispered to Sandeul remembering that I have read something about love-hate relationship.

‘I’d already laid my eyes on them for a long time.’ Sandeul smirked. ‘You did?’ I asked surprised. ‘You know I see everything.’ He shrugged. He truly is weird I remembered that he saw through me the first day.    

‘I still have an essay to write, so can we please finish this quickly?’ CNU scolded them. ‘Okay so shouldn’t you start with your plan P?’ CNU elbowed me.

‘About that.’ I scratched my head. ‘How about one of you starts first.’ I said. Damn how am I suppose to say them that haven’t come up with a good plan P?

‘Ani you keep complaining that we don’t respect you nowadays. So leaders first.’ Sandeul pushed me to the center of the circle.

‘No the Maknae should be more respected. Gongchan how about you being first?’

‘Sounds fishy.’ Gongchan eyed me, the others agreeing with him.

‘Okay I don’t have one. Are you guys satisfied?’ I raised my hands in defeat and lowered my head.

‘Now that makes sense.’ Gongchan chuckled and of course the guys couldn’t stop themselves from teasing me.




‘Fine, so my plan P is that you invite her to go to a fancy restaurant. There we will knock of those weird singers and you can feel free to sing to her.’ Baro explained his plan proudly.

‘Rejected.’ We all said in unison. ‘Wae that was some epic plan.’ He complained. ‘You do have the money to invite her to a fancy restaurant.’ He shrugged oblivious to the fault of his plan.

‘I do have money but I don’t want to pay for the bail in order to get you guys out of the prison.’ I hit his head.

‘Oh come on, all is fair in love and war. It’s not like we kill them, they are just taking a nap they didn’t want to have’ Baro tried to convince us. 

‘I am too young to go to prison.’ Gongchan raised his hand and everyone agreed with him.

‘I thought that you could just call her and sing through the telephone, that’s something for shy people’ Gongchan beamed. ‘Booorrriiiinnnggg.’ Baro booed from the side obviously mad at the fact that no one liked his suggestion.

‘How about we wait till the next annual festival at our school and we could perform together as B1A4 and impress her?’ Sandeul brought in his idea. ‘You just want to impress your fangirls right?’ I shocked my head.

‘Yeah fan service~~!’ The two youngest agreed with his idea.

‘Isn’t the next annual festival in summer? We have December now.’ CNU brought the three back to reality, who were already planning their stage excitedly.



After hours of severe headaches, we finally agreed on Yunmi’s plan I guess watching dramas helps a lot. ‘Yunmi Noona’s plan is so good. I am sure Ji Hyun Noona will like it a lot.’ Gongchan clapped his hands happily.

‘I really hope so.’ I mumbled. ‘Cheer up Hyung, if something’s going out of control, the rest of B1A4 will always come to your rescue! I mean we are like brothers right?’ Gongchan said making me smile.

‘I never thought that you would be so greasy.’ I pretended to be disgusted. I am glad that I have you guys.


P.O.V: Shin Ji Hyun

‘Joon just admit that yesterday’s incident wasn’t an accident’ I said for the 100th time. We were both walking together to school, since he picked me up this morning.

 ‘I didn’t do it on purpose.’ Joon denied putting on an innocent face. ‘Yeah right.’ I rolled my eyes. ‘You may trick other people, but I can see through you.’ I pointed two fingers at my eyes then to his.

Instead of feeling intimidated, he just took my hand ‘Come on Ji Hyun-ah why do you care so much about him.’ He pouted.


‘Hey stop using aegyo, it doesn’t work on me. You have hurt Jinyoung and you didn’t apologize properly.’ I tried to look accusing but his aegyo was making my heart beating faster.

Joon in front of me let out a sigh when he realized that I was serious, but before he could respond something a girl’s voice interrupted him.

‘OMO Joon Oppa, are you dating Ji Hyun? Why are you two holding hands?’ She gasped.

'Ani I don't date her.' He quickly released my hand 'We are just friends.' He left me behind and joined his fangirls. Is it so embarassing for you if we two would really date? I asked myself and moved quickly through the crowd.





'You should really give up on him!‘ Krystal shocked her head when I was telling her what happened in front of the gate.

‘I mean there are so many other guys out there, who are way better than Joon. Jinyoung for example why don’t you take a closer look at him?’ She shrugged. ‘I keep seeing you two guys together. He’s even your ideal type as far as I know.’

'He's not my ideal type.' I denied but when she raised an eyebrow and gave me the I-don't-believe-you look. I sighed and admitted that Jinyoung really had every trait that I am searching in a guy.

'But he's probably not interested in me anyway.' I said.

'I think he does.' Krystal grinned, making me look at her confused. 'The way he looks at you tells me that he really cares about you A LOT.' she emphasized the two last words.

'Yeah whatever, I still can't give up on Joon so quickly, after all he has been my crush for years, plus I only see Jinyoung as a friend.' I explained her.

'I think you are denying your feelings for Jinyoung, I can see that you start having feelings for him. Just because you had fallen for Joon first doesn't mean that you are obliged to stay that way forever. Especially when he is obviously not returning your feelings!'

'Sorry I didn't want to sound so harsh.' Krystal apologized when she saw my hurt face. 'No I understand.' I faked a smile. My mind was telling me the same things you did, but why can't my heart let go of those feelings?





Author's Note: So I am finally back with an update ~~hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter ^^ btw have you already listened to B1A4's OST? ~~So happy that they are doing well :D!

Special thanks to mcflurryxx & candycane96! I forced myself to update (even though I am having this huge writer's block) because of the lovely comments of you two ^~^ !

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This is SO good, it's not even funny. Update^^
I'm just roaming all your stories waiting for you to update since you're an AMAH-ZING author~ Best in my opinion (=
Of course, dbskgirl4ever never disappoints either...XD
I feel like a stalker.
I'll shut up now.
cutynup #2
Heeeyyyy You should update this fanfics~ I'm a BANA that search for a nice Jinyoung story, and this is one. Not to mention B1A4 has already make a comeback stage kkkk xD update soon
mcflurryxx #3
I swear ive read this before lol I always get so happy upon seeing this fic in my updates folder...i love it xD
ilovedreamingx3 #4
Woah, that's creepy... I swear I remember reading this update before...
I really like this story!, Jinyoung is such a cutie! update soon!!
Hello,new reader here ^^ just finished the whole 12 chappie today :3 , its super good,deffo goes to my best fanfic collection! Cant wait for update !! :D
mcflurryxx #7
Awww ..whats the plan!?! Lol
mcflurryxx #8
I always wait for your updates I love this its so cute xD <br />
Plse update moree ^~^
mcflurryxx #9
Yay update :)