SOS Why Do I Feel So Flustered Around This Person?

Even though at first glance there was a connection between us...I fall for the wrong person

P.O.V: Shin Ji Hyun


As I got home, I went directly to the kitchen taking out the ice cream bottle from the fridge-freezer. When I searched for a spoon and found one in the cupboard, I started to eat the chocolate-flavored frozen dessert.

People said that chocolate would help overcoming the depressing state, so I just checked if this statement was true. I actually help for a scientific development I smiled to myself.

Unfortunately apart from gaining probably some weight I didn't feel anything, although I almost finished the whole bottle. I throw the spoon furiously at the kitchen sink and let out a squeal.

Aish why did I felt so damn flustered around this ert Jung Jinyoung? From the moment we met, he had always teased me making me angry and giving me the desire to punch him. Then again I remembered the scene when I tripped over my own foots and when Jinyoung was protecting me from falling on the floor. Just thinking about his gentle touch made my cheeks redden. 

I ruffled my hairs what’s up with you Ji Hyun normally you just get flustered around one person and that is Lee Joon. What has this fake Prince charming done to you?

‘Why are you always red or pink in front of me?’ I scrunched my nose remembered his teasing, then looked in the mirror and pocked my cheeks. I was more the pale one, so if my face colour change, even an idiot like Jinyoung could recognize it easily.

Maybe I should try some thick make-up? I quickly shocked my head in disgust thinking about those girls who had more make-up than brains.

'Are you an idiot? Just control your hormones, he may be handsome but he's the biggest jerk', I said to my reflexion. Seems like I really needed help, if I am talking with myself.

I grabbed my phone from the table and went quickly to the coach lying down on my tummy.


To: Krystal


          SOS I need your help!! And this time it’s not about Joon Oppa <3 Euh can someone get flustered around someone she doesn’t like?? >_<’’ ~~




From: Krystal


           Idk, it depends on the situation~~ is it someone scary? o.O Tell me if someone bothers you I will kick his if he harassed my Ji Hyun ^_^~~


I laughed, Krystal always got protective even though she was my dongsaeng. Jinyoung scary I thought about it and laughed again He was thinner than a girl.


To: Krystal


           ㅋㅋㅋㅋYou’re always so protective remember I am your Unni and not the other way round :P ~~ No he’s not scary just a jerk who likes teasing me~ T_T


I waited some minutes but didn't get a reply...seems like she had something to do. I looked at the clock, well it was almost 8 pm her mother probably called her for dinner. I placed my phone next to me on the couch. Since I had already eaten the bucket of ice cream I wasn’t really hungry.

There wasn’t anything to do in this house so I the TV and put myself upside down on the couch, my head dangling off. ‘Oh my school’ was on, so I watched it.

Today Lee Kikwang was there as a special guest, he was one of my bias in Beast along with Junhyung. I was watching the dance battle between him and Yoseob and couldn't feel other then pity for the main vocalist who was teased by his band mate. Even though I felt bad for him I was also squealing along at the Television when Kikwang showed his fine chocolate abs.

Then my phone vibrated telling me that I received a new message. 



From: Krystal


           Mianhe my umma called for dinner and didn’t let me text you -_- so back to your story the jerk you were talking about is he handsome? :P ah and have you eaten?~~


Well I couldn’t deny that Jinyoung was more than handsome. Why did jerks always get pretty faces?


To: Krystal


           Okay don’t worry I’ve watched ‘Oh my school’ while waiting for your message ^_^ Yes this jerk was born with perfect genes -_- and I have just eaten a bucket of ice cream ^w^ ~~



From: Krystal


           Wae eating ice cream and skipping meals is not healthy. Eat something healthy. I think you may have a crush on this handsome jerk ;D ~~


I screwed the water that I drank. A crush on Jinyoung? No it’s not possible I wiped my mouth. Someone should be insane to fall for him.


To: Krystal


           Aniyo that’s not possible I am not falling for a jerk >_< also I have already Joon Oppa <3 <3 <3~~




From: Krystal


           The fact that you like Joon just proves that you have a tendency to fall for jerks! However remember your healthy meal :) ~~



After having read this message, I scoffed: ‘Joon is not a jerk, well sometimes but not every time.’

I went to the fridge to listen to Krystal’s advice, but noticed that it was empty. Aish I hated buying groceries late, but in order to stay healthy- okay the ice cream thing didn’t count- I forced myself to go out even though it was dark and cold.

I took the blue sweater which was on the coach and grabbed my keys and phone.   


P.O.V: Jung Jinyoung


‘Have a nice evening. I’m going to head back since it’s already late.’ I said bowing. ‘Arasso do you really don’t want to have dinner first, and thank you for helping Chansik with his homework.’ Gongchan’s mum said wearing her kitchen apron.

‘Aniyo I will eat at home and Gongchan is my dongsaeng of course I have to help him out.’ I responded and moved into my sneakers.

'You are always so polite and caring; your parents have to be proud of you. Give them my regards. Well if they would show up at Christmas eve’ I thought but responded instead 'Arasso.’ with a fake smile. I always hated it if people are mentioning my parents.

'Hyung you almost forgot your phone' Gongchan yawned leaning at the door. 'Thanks Maknae..' 'I put the phone in my pockets and felt Ji Hyun's necklace that I didn't return back to her yet. This girl didn't even notice it.

'Hey why did this huge smile suddenly appeared out of nothing. About whom were you thinking?' He moved his eyebrows. I hit his head 'Go sleep you start to imagine things.' and left the house before he could response anything.

When I got outside I shivered, wow it’s getting pretty cold outside but well it was already December so it was not surprising.

I took out my phone to call for my driver when I heard a familiar voice humming a lovely melody. She had a sweet voice I looked at the girl and then noticed that it was Ji Hyun.

I blinked because she looked really pretty in her dressing. Her collar bones were covered by a knitted white scarf, and the white beanie matched with the faded blue sweater that went to her mid-thigh. Her white skinny jeans seemed to match my white jeans. I smiled realizing that we were dressed like a couple.

‘Hi Miss Red-cheeks, you know that it’s dangerous for girls to walk alone so late, what are you doing anyway?’ She turned around, seeing me, her eyes widened.

‘Bwoh what are you doing here are you following me, how come it that I have to see you almost each single moment of my life?’ I chuckled, she had the appearance of an innocent angel but now she was yelling at me. 

‘Me, a follower? I am not a stalker, actually I am asking myself the same question are you also some fangirl of mine?’ I moved my face down to hers to stare directly at her eyes.

I wanted to add some teasing but her warm chocolate brown eyes distracted me leaving me speechless.She’s even prettier in close up. Then she smacked me.

‘Yay, that hurts!’ I yelled but was glad that she woke me up from my trance. Why did I get flustered around this girl, am I sick? ‘It meant to hurt you.’ She said and started to walk away.

I didn't know why, but my feet moved again towards her, even though my brain reminded me that I might look really like a pathetic stalker of her. Hearing her she seemed to think the same about my action

'Hey you pathetic stalker, get a hobby and stop bothering people.' She glared at me. Keep it cool Jinyoung I told myself. 'I keep following a certain someone who still owns me a favor!' I shrugged and saw open then close. I smiled seeing her surrender.

'Fine' she hissed 'How much do I own you.' She took out her wallet. Money is definitely the last thing that I needed, since my parents own a huge company.

'I don't need money. I want you to repay me with something else.' I said in a seductive tone.

'Wh-what do you mean with something else?' she said. I saw how her cheeks turned pink. She was really adorable with red cheeks. 'You know what I mean.' I winked just to and see her reaction. As expected she turned even redder.

'Wh..what want me to repay you with my..' then I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore seeing her acting like that. ' should really see your face. Relax do I really look like a ert jerk?' I said faking to wipe a tear away. ' really..'

But then my stomach growled cutting her words. Aish I hold on my stomach I still didn't have dinner. I heard her laughing, seeing her that way made me blinking hypnotized. She never really laughed around me, I didn't know that she could be this stunning.

' should really see your face.’ She pointed at me. ‘Why are you looking at me so weird?' She raised one eyebrow 'You never laughed before in front of me.' I responded honestly.

Her smile faded and she pouted 'Hey I am not a meannie I just didn't laugh before because you were never funny!' She crossed her arms probably remembering all my teasing.

'However instead of following me go back home and eat. It’s not healthy to starve, look at you, you are even thinner than a girl' When she wanted to leave me alone at that spot I grabbed her arm. 'Yah Miss Red-cheeks don't leave me like this, because you have to repay me with a dinner.'  



Author's Note: Hey I kind of manage to update again haha I am so proud of myself, well actually it was thanks to the comments that Juju-H and kaylaya left me that I was motiviated enough to write this chapter. Also thanks to my new subscribers and hope you guys keep up the comments :D ~~Enjoy the chapter!


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This is SO good, it's not even funny. Update^^
I'm just roaming all your stories waiting for you to update since you're an AMAH-ZING author~ Best in my opinion (=
Of course, dbskgirl4ever never disappoints either...XD
I feel like a stalker.
I'll shut up now.
cutynup #2
Heeeyyyy You should update this fanfics~ I'm a BANA that search for a nice Jinyoung story, and this is one. Not to mention B1A4 has already make a comeback stage kkkk xD update soon
mcflurryxx #3
I swear ive read this before lol I always get so happy upon seeing this fic in my updates folder...i love it xD
ilovedreamingx3 #4
Woah, that's creepy... I swear I remember reading this update before...
I really like this story!, Jinyoung is such a cutie! update soon!!
Hello,new reader here ^^ just finished the whole 12 chappie today :3 , its super good,deffo goes to my best fanfic collection! Cant wait for update !! :D
mcflurryxx #7
Awww ..whats the plan!?! Lol
mcflurryxx #8
I always wait for your updates I love this its so cute xD <br />
Plse update moree ^~^
mcflurryxx #9
Yay update :)