Did I Just Find My Love?

Even though at first glance there was a connection between us...I fall for the wrong person


P.O.V: Jung Jinyoung


Don’t dream about me either I remembered her words when I stood under the hot shower. Did I actually dream about her last night? I tried to remember what my dream was about.

When I was done showering I still couldn’t remember anything. Aish maybe the guys were right calling me Grandpa ‘Anyway then I don’t have to feel guilty.’ I chuckled.

After having change into a pair of black jeans and a red plaid shirt, I ran down the stairs and sat down at the huge dining table to have my breakfast. When I chewed the Kimchi, I opened a new page in my composer notebook, tapping a beat with my pencil.

~When I see you, my heart, my whole body, everything seems to stop. Still I like it, if I only see you. Forever my own (superstar dazzling girl.)~

‘Oh young master you are already awake?’ The housemaid asked me surprised, when she started to wash the dishes. I stopped writing and sighed:

‘What did I already told you about calling me young master?’ She covered with her hand: ‘Omo did I call you that again? Mianhe.’ She looked down in guilt.

‘Arasso, arasso…just remember it for the next time, okay?’ I said and started to write down the lyrics that were in my mind. Who’s that superstar dazzling girl? I asked myself, when Ji Hyun’s face popped up in my head.

‘Jinyoung, why are you suddenly smiling to yourself. Usually you are very annoyed when I did that mistake?’ The older woman asked me with some several spoons in her hand

‘Bwoh?’ I looked up to her. ‘Are you…by any chance in love?’ She asked out bluntly.

'A-a-ani-aniyo nooo I am not in love.’ I stuttered making her smile become wider. ‘Awww young lady will be so happy when I tell her about that.’ She beamed.

‘Telling me what?’ A voice suddenly asked behind me. ‘What…what are you doing here?’ I turned my look to the person, but Yunmi just wrapped her arms around my neck.

‘I just missed my Jinyoung Oppa, so I went visiting him, but since you came back late last night I just slept over here.’ She explained in a singing voice. ‘Anyway what did you want to tell me Mrs. Kim?’

I glared at our house maid signaling her that she shouldn’t tell Yunmi about her invernted storys. ‘Oh…euh nothing special.’ She denied quickly. ‘Jjin-jja?’ Yunmi sounded disappointed.

‘Anyway shouldn’t you already be outside? Your driver is already waiting for you.’ She tapped my back. Oh damn. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the kitchen.

'When I see you, my heart, my whole body..’ I ran back in hurry, when I heard Yunmi reading my book.

'Ask for permission first before looking through my private stuffs.’ I hit her lightly. She puffed her cheeks ‘Still so violent.’ She mumbled. I chuckled ‘Still using aegyo? You know it doesn’t work on me.’ I ruffled her hairs

‘Hmpf I pity your future girlfriend. She has to deal with a hot-headed guy, who doesn’t fall for her aegyo.’ She stuck out her tongue.

Actually I do fall for a certain aegyo I responded mentally.



When I entered the classroom I sighed relieved. Mrs. Park was still not there and I already saw Ji Hyun sitting on her usual seat. However her face was buried in her arms, resting on the table. Was she sleeping?

When I sat down on my seat next to her, I tapped her arms. ‘Hey wake up.’ ‘Aniiii…let me sleep a little bit longer.’ She groaned. I shocked my head in disbelief.

‘Look Mrs. Park has entered the classroom.’ I lied, then she quickly looked up, revealing the dark circles under her eyes.

‘Hahahah…, look at your face you look like a panda.’ I pointed at her dumbfounded face, laughing. She turned her face to me and stared at me angrily.

‘Bwoh, you lied to me. Mrs. Park is still not here.’ ‘Hahaha, I just wanted to know why you are still so sleepy at that time. By the way your messy hairstyle is very y.’ I .  

‘Aish’ she quickly fixed her hair. ‘Stop teasing me.’ She glared at me. Should that actually scare me? An angry panda sure is cute. ‘Arasso, arasso Miss panda.’ I raised my hands.

‘Jerk.’ She mouthed and took her sleeping position. ‘Hey why are you so tired?’ I pocked her again. She looked like she would have stayed up the whole night.

‘Aniyo, stop bothering me…let me sleep.’ She said her face still buried in her arms. ‘I’d already sent you a message last night. How come that you still thought about me the whole night becoming like that?’ I chuckled ‘You are not funny.’ She stated, still not facing me.

‘Hey Mrs. Park is there.’ I told her, when the strict-looking, old woman entered the classroom. ‘I won’t fall for the trick twice.’ She stayed in her position.

'Shin Ji Hyun, does my presence already bore you, so that you have to sleep?!’ The teacher yelled at the sleeping girl.

The others in the room laughed, when Ji Hyun quickly straighten her back. ‘Ji Hyun is so cute.’ Some boys stated. ‘Ani-aniyo…I…Mianhe.’ She stuttered with red cheeks.

'See you should listen to me.’ I grinned, but she just hit me. We seemed to get closer I thought, when I suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at me.

Joon who sat far away from our table had put on a straight face, but when he noticed me looking at him he gave me the stay-away-from-her-look.

'Hey Jinyoung…the teacher asked you to read out the lines from the play with me. Were you dreaming?’ Ji Hyun’s voice brought me back to reality. ‘Oh…sorry.’

'So are you two ready?’ The teacher asked slightly annoyed. ‘Yeh.’ Ji Hyun nodded. ‘Read this.’ She whispered and showed me the lines.

‘What shall I swear by?’ I started Romeo’s lines

‘Do not swear at all. Or if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, which is the god of my idolatry and I’ll believe thee.’ She read out in a calming voice.

‘If my heart’s dear love.’- ‘Well, do not swear. Although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden – Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be.’

I looked at her astonished, when I realized how beautiful she was just reading out the words from Juliet and when she reached the end of Juliet’s confession ‘But to be frank and give it thee again: And yet I wish but for the thing I have. My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.’ I found myself hoping that those words were meant for us.

I shocked my head, when the teacher praised us for having delivered the feelings from the characters in this play well. Was I starting to fall for Ji Hyun?



P.O.V: Shin Ji Hyun


‘So for tomorrow answer the question whether the action of those two lovers was too rash, sudden and what importance the marriage played for them.’ Mrs. Park told the class at the end of the lesson.

Somehow I got the feeling that Jinyoung was looking at me quite a lot of time today. Even now when I quickly wrote down the task, I felt his eyes on me.

‘I know that I look like a panda, but is that a good reason to look at me the whole time?’ I asked out bluntly. ‘Wh-what I wasn’t staring at you the whole time.’ He responded, his cheeks slightly red. Did he just blush?

Before I could ask him, Joon was standing in front of our table. ‘Ji Hyun-ah, can I walk you home today?’ He asked me with a gorgeous smile. I saw Jinyoung next to me tense up a little bit.

‘Euh…I actually have to buy groceries today.’ I gave him an apologetic smile. Damn if I had thought about it last night, I would have walk with him back home.

‘No problem, I can go with you to the convenience store.’ He grinned. I immediately brighten up ‘Really? Thank you so much Joon Oppa.’ ‘Then see you after school.’ He waved goodbye and left the classroom.

‘Joon Oppa?’ Jinyoung asked me in a weird way.’ ‘Yes I always call him that way, he’s older than me.’ I shrugged. He furrowed his brow.

‘Why do you like him?’ He asked straightforward. ‘You know that’s not a question you should ask to a girl straightforward, especially not when you are not that close to her.’ I laughed but his look turned cold

‘I see.’ He said blankly and went out the door. Why was he suddenly acting like that?    



‘Sorry have you already waited for a long time?’ I asked him between my breaths. ‘No, but why are you so out of breath?’ Joon asked me seeming quite worried.

When I finally could breath normally I explained ‘I had to discuss with some teacher about my school project and I ran the whole way to get in time, but still I was late and I am very sorry about that.’

He chuckled ‘Next time, don’t run take your time I’ll always wait for you.’ Hearing that my heart beat a little faster, he surely knows how to make a girl fluster.

‘So do you already have a list of the things you want to buy at the store.’ He turned to me and moved his face closer. My eyes got bigger What was he doing?

When ours face was only a few inches apart someone just bumped into Joon making him almost lose his footing. ‘Sorry.’ Jinyoung said nonchalantly.

‘You did that on purpose.’ Joon glared at him angrily. ‘No, why should I? I just didn’t see you.’ He glared back at Joon and then looked at me with a hurt expression ‘If you two don’t want to be disturbed just move in some secret hide out.’ He said and then left us alone at that spot.

‘This jerk is weird.’ Joon hissed and his eyes followed Jinyoung who just crossed the street with his earphones plugged in. ‘He really acts weird today.’ I mumbled. In the morning he was still the usual one I remembered the teasing Jinyoung.

‘Whatever let’s just go to the convenience store.’ Joon shrugged and led the way. Why was I feeling so guilty when I saw the look he was giving to me? I asked myself. I watched at Joon’s back

. Why do you like him? I remembered Jinyoung’s question. Actually he wasn’t the first one who asked me that.


~~I buried my face in my arms that were wrapped around my knees. I didn’t want them to see me cry. It only gave them another reason to give me names and bully me.

Urghh you live in an orphanage? I remembered how the group of boys has pointed at me with disgusted faces. No one dared to approached me, treating me as if I had a contagious disease.

Suddenly I felt someone tapping my arm, I looked up with watery eyes and sobbed ‘You shouldn’t sit next to me, people will look at you weirdly.’ The handsome little boy with brown hairs titled his head looking extremely confused.

‘Wae? I don’t understand, are you saying that because you are a girl and I am a boy?’ I shocked my head that was half buried in my arms ‘I am an orphan.’ I responded. I didn’t want him to find out later, so better tell him that right away.

'Hahaha…sorry but actually I am not that smart.’ He scratched his head in embarrassment. ‘What’s an orphan?’ My eyes got wider hearing his question. Was he serious?

‘I don’t have parents.’ I explained him. His mouth formed an O-shape ‘I see. I am sorry about that.’ He tapped my head, when suddenly one of those boys who treated me meanly saw us and yelled ‘I know you were dumb, but I didn’t know that you weren’t smart enough to avoid an orphan.’ He laughed.

Joon beside me tensed up and moved to the boy. Just then I saw that he was taller than the bully. He grabbed the boy by his collar and punched him.

‘Stop insulting random people. Is your life so crap, that you have to let out your anger on other people. If yes, then you are the one who is extremely dumb.’ He hissed, the other boy tried to punch Joon, but he was stronger and just blocked him.

When he knew that he couldn’t fight against Joon he quickly ran away cursing us. Joon then sat down next to me on the grass; I saw a bruise on his hand so I took his hand into mine.

‘You-you’ve been hurt because of me.’ I stuttered. ‘ Aniyo not because of you. It was the other guy.’ He pointed to the direction where the bully ran away.

‘I-I didn’t mean it that way, you got into a fight because you wanted to protect me and that’s why you got hurt, so it’s basically my fault.’ I looked down ashamed.

He laughed ‘Why do you think so complicate? The one who punched me was the one who hurt me, so it’s this boy’s fault. Your way of seeing things is just too complicated for me.’ He shocked his head.

A smile slowly crept over my face being with him made me feel so happy.

'Oh-oh it seemed like this ajusshi saw your fight, he’s coming over.’ I took Joon's arm and hid behind him.

‘Hey Joon I saw you fighting with this other guy to protect this little girl is that right?’ I gulped nervously. Is Joon going to get scolded because of me? ‘Yes, you’re right.’ Joon shrugged.

Suddenly a smile appeared on the face of the ajusshi ‘That was really brave from you, Joon. I am proud of you, here take this as a gift.’ He handed him some candies and then left us two alone at that spot.

I raised an eyebrow Why was he acting like that? I asked myself but Joon didn't seem to care.

‘Wowiiii…today is my lucky day. I got to know a pretty girl and got candies because I protected her from a jerk that I wanted to punch for ages.‘ He danced a victory-dance ‘~Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah Oh Yeah, Yeah Yeah~’ He sung and dance randomly. I laughed at this scene.

‘I like you’ I smiled. He then stopped his dance and handed me some of the candies he got from the ajusshi. ‘I like you too.’

And now tell me how I can’t fall for him?            



Annyeong guys~~ actually I wanted to update when some readers would leave me some comments, but since today's a special day, I really tried my hardest to write this chapter. I have to admit that I had serious time pressure, but luckily I've kinda made it and I really hope this chapter didn't turn out crappy :/ This chapter is extra long :O and I included some information about Joon :). Plus I quoted some lines of B1A4's song "My Love" btw have you guys already checked the live performance *__* ? Okay okay I guess I should stop here, as for the Shakespeare-part : it was of course not my play, so should I quote Shakespeare's name here? xD Idk.
Anyways hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Please leave me some encouraging comments or subscribe if you like this story ^_^ ~~

PS: Happy Birthday to our beloved Jinyoung <3 :D


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This is SO good, it's not even funny. Update^^
I'm just roaming all your stories waiting for you to update since you're an AMAH-ZING author~ Best in my opinion (=
Of course, dbskgirl4ever never disappoints either...XD
I feel like a stalker.
I'll shut up now.
cutynup #2
Heeeyyyy You should update this fanfics~ I'm a BANA that search for a nice Jinyoung story, and this is one. Not to mention B1A4 has already make a comeback stage kkkk xD update soon
mcflurryxx #3
I swear ive read this before lol I always get so happy upon seeing this fic in my updates folder...i love it xD
ilovedreamingx3 #4
Woah, that's creepy... I swear I remember reading this update before...
I really like this story!, Jinyoung is such a cutie! update soon!!
Hello,new reader here ^^ just finished the whole 12 chappie today :3 , its super good,deffo goes to my best fanfic collection! Cant wait for update !! :D
mcflurryxx #7
Awww ..whats the plan!?! Lol
mcflurryxx #8
I always wait for your updates I love this its so cute xD <br />
Plse update moree ^~^
mcflurryxx #9
Yay update :)