Chapter 3

Never Forget

Another year has come and it’s the final school year for Seohyun and Lay. After that, they’ll have to take their parents’ place in the business. 

“First day of our last school year.” Seohyun groaned while munching on her breakfast. 

“Just think of it as another milestone of our lives.” Lay tried to cheer her up but she just rolled her eyes. “Hey, don’t give me that kind of look!” But Seohyun just stuck her tongue out at him. “Anyway, do you have any guy friends?”

“Yeap and their annoying fangirls call them the Superfour or S4 for short. You’ll know them really soon. I have two other girl friends who I heard are called the talkative divas by some students, pshh. Anyway, They’re all excited to meet you.” Seohyun said nonchalantly as she glanced at him before finishing her toast. “You seemed surprise. I have such an oh-so annoyingly cool friends right?” She smirked at Lay. 

“Uhm yeah…” 

“Well, let’s go to school soon after we are done eating. My friends will be there early just to meet you, except for one, since he has something important to do.” She stood up and went in to the kitchen area while Lay gobbled up his breakfast. 

Even at an early hour in Seoul Arts High School, there were already a few students busily chit-chatting with one another about their holidays. Until, some of the girls noticed a new face who just came out from a car, but not just any car. It was a Ferrari FF. And the only person who owned that luxurious and versatile car, is none other than, Seo Joohyun. The girls started gossiping with one another, whispering ‘Seohyun finally has a boyfriend’, ‘Who is that attending the same school as us?’ or ‘That guy is so handsome’. At the same time, some of the guys were filled with jealousy that they glared at the unknown guy with Seohyun. 

“Uh Hyun, why are the guys looking at me so weirdly?” Lay was trying to look down, avoiding the stares given by the male students. Seohyun looked around and indeed, some of the guys, even who are younger than her were looking at Lay threateningly. 

She chuckled and shrugged her shoulders, “Probably feeling jealous because you’re with me.” 

“What? Why would the- Oh right, they are your fanboys and admirers.” 

“Right you are! Now, just ignore them and let’s head to the General Office to get your documents and stuff.” 

“Yes yes, I would gladly do that but their stares are really menacing..” 

Seohyun rolled her eyes at her cousin, “Sheesh, just ignore them!” 


“Ah, Tae! Tiff! How are you guys?” Seohyun squealed and ran to her friends after knowing who called her name. Lay had no choice but to follow her as the stares were still given in the corridor. Who knows what could happen to him if he’s alone. 

“We’re great! And oh, is that your cousin, Hyun ah?” Taeyeon asked when she saw Lay bowed nervously as he approached them. 

“Oh, yes. Girls, meet my cousin, Lay who lived in China. Lay, these are my friends, Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany Hwang, though the guys aren’t here yet.” Seohyun introduced Lay and her friends to each other. 

“They said that they’ll be here soon but I’m not sure how soon pshh" Tiffany grumbled while checking her phone in which she almost slipped it off from her hands when she heard high pitch screams coming from the gate. “Well well well, speak of the devil.” 

“Or you mean devils.” Taeyeon corrected scoffingly. 


Every morning, some of the female students, from the junior to the senior division, they would wait by the front gates for their heart throb guys. The boys would usually ignore their requests and gifts as it would make more chaos if they accept it. Furthermore, some of the presents were at the extreme cases where they received underwears from one of the fangirls. Thankfully, those situations were lessened. 

Getting annoyed, the boys immediately ran towards their friends as soon as they saw them. They know that the fangirls would probably avoid them, especially when Seohyun is around. 

“Yo girls, why do we have to be here so early?” 

“Don’t you remember why I told you guys to be here early? I’m introducing to you my cousin, Lay who’ll be studying the final year with us.” Seohyun explained to the hipster looking guy. 

“Hey dude, I’m Kim Jongdae but you can call me Chen, the awesome singer in this school.” As he clicked his tongue and winked at Lay. 

“Aish please ignore Chen, even though he’s a great singer but he can be a little arrogant. I’m Kim Minseok or Xuimin but I’m not related to Taeyeon though, Chen is. If you’re wondering, yes they are twins and they do have the talent of singing.” Xuimin reached out his hand to shake hands with Lay. “And that tall guy, he’s Oh Sehun. He acts cool and all but actually he’s just a cute shy boy.” He whispered the last few words to Lay. 

“Ah I see. Well, hello everyone, I’m Zhang Yixing but you can call me Lay, from Changsha, China. I came here in Korea since my mom requested me to.” While Lay was bowing politely, someone suddenly bursted out laughing. 

“Ahaha Lay ah, stop with all the politeness and stuff. They’re just my friends, you know, loosen up!” Seohyun patted her cousins back. “Well, I got to go. Just be er cool with them.” With that, she rushed off. 

“Um why is she in a rush?” Lay asked like a lost kid while the rest looked at each other until Taeyeon decided to speak up. 

“Well Lay ah, she’s the President of the School Council.” 

Lay was speechless, he couldn’t even imagine his cousin as a Class representative but the President of the School Council? 

Taeyeon continued, “I know that it is quite hard to take in since you would usually see her quirky side. But when it comes to seriousness, she’s just pure excellent.” Tiffany and the boys nodded their heads, agreeing with Taeyeon. “And do you remember just now, when these guys were surrounded by those crazy fangirls? But when these boys approached us, the girls started to disperse and went back to their classes, if you have noticed them.” Taeyeon paused to let Lay ponder for a while. 

“That’s because they respected Seohyun so much. I mean who doesn’t? She tops the class, beautiful, she knows how to maintain her hour-glass figur-“ Chen interrupted and continued blabbering until he realised what he just said. “Oops, I mean she’s just the perfect example of an excellent student!” Everyone laughed at Chen while Lay was still processing the things her friends told him about his cousin. 

“Don’t worry Lay, you’ll know her student-like side sooner or later.” Xuimin reassured the confused looking guy. 

“Ah thanks and oh, I almost forgot. Hyun mentioned that there are four of you guys but there’s only three of you and why are you called the Superfour or something? And talkative divas to the girls?” 

Taeyeon and Tiffany chortled and the guys chuckled while Xuimin answered, “Woah woah so many questions ahaha. Hmm, the forth guy had something to do in which we don’t know yet but we assumed that it is part of the school council since he's the Vice-President. He’s Byun Baekhyun by the way. And for the Superfour, because we are fou-.” 

“Four guys with superb appearances and talents!” Again, Chen cut in. “We are smart, talented, handsome and cool.” As he made a striking pose but was hit on the head with a newspaper by Sehun. “Hey! What was that for Oh Sehun!? I’m just showing our dear friend here, how awesome we are!” Once more, he was hit on the head. “Where and how did you get that newspaper anyway? You don’t even read newspapers!” As he snatched the newspaper from Sehun’s hand while the rest laughed. 

“Anyways, about the talkative divas, well, we just talk a lot!” Tiffany finished off the answer. “So, any more questions? If not, let us take you around the school before checking to your new class, hmm?” 

“Ah, yes. Thank you guys.”


Someone stopped from his tracks as he heard a familiar music, coming from one of the rooms. He walked closer to the door, contemplating whether to open the door to see the person playing that sweet melody. 

“And here’s our garden next t- Luhan? Luhan! What’re you doing there??” Baekhyun was showing the campus to his friend but the latter seemed to have been fascinated by the door. “Are you in love with the door?” He whispered as he approached the latter. 

“Shh!” Luhan was trying to keep Baekhyun quiet but in the end, the music stopped abruptly. “See, now look what you’ve done. I was trying to listen to the song that’s being played there.” 

Baekhyun looked at the door curiously, “Ah, is this the song that’s stucked in your mind? Lucky you, that person is studying here. By the way, some students have crazy imagination and would always think that there’s a ghost. While I think not. That person plays that song repeatedly and it isn’t always complete. Somehow that person can’t seem to finish that piece.” Luhan nodded interestedly and Baekhyun continued, “Hmm let’s continue the tour Lu ah, so that you’ll have more time to settle down to your new class.” As they resumed to their tour.

Luhan was still intrigued and decided to asked some questions about the song instead about the campus. “No one has ever seen that person playing or coming in and out of that room? When did this music started, Baek ah?” 

“Aish, are you really really really interested about that person?” Baekhyun ruffled his hair annoyed by his friend’s questions but received a shyly cute nod from the latter who doesn’t usually show this to anyone as Luhan wanted to look manly instead of being cute. “Alright alright, um no one has seen that person and it just started last year, hmm a few days before you came here in Korea, I think?” 

“Do you know anyone who’s a piano prodigy here or something?” 

Baekhyun scratched his head, “Hmm as of what I know, my friend’s cousin’s a piano, wait, he’s an instrument prodigy but he just arrived to this school just like you. So he couldn’t be the one. And we asked every piano learners and even the teachers but they don’t know who that person is and they’re wondering the same as well. It’s really a mystery.” Baekhyun glanced at Luhan who has a look on his face. “Lu, what’s that look? Oh, please don’t tell me you’re gonna investigate this problem.”

“Right you are my dear friend!” Luhan placed his arm around his friend’s shoulder, “I’m gonna find out who this person is whether that person is a she or a he.” As he gave a huge grin to Baekhyun who just groaned at him. 

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Chapter 6: Wow! Great! Lol I don't know what to say but update soon~
Chapter 6: I love this part! ! Update soon! !^^~
seohanSone #3
I really like this story.Update soon.The story line is very good.
loikyungsoo #4
Chapter 6: Keep up the good work!
itsmemyself #5
Chapter 5: Omgeee update juseyo! And continue the good work!!
Chapter 5: Aigooo luhan now u fall in love hah hehe btw update soon ♥♥
eugenenni #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update author-nim!!!
Chapter 4: The person who is playing piano is seohyun right? I love this story sooooo muchh ♥♥ Update soon author nim !^^~
Seororo_Hannie #9
Chapter 4: You describe Seohyun really well, that is how she is in real life.. She's pure angel and innocent but she has an aura.. she's strict and it made boys scared to approach her. She has a very strong impression, and I guess who ever that have a crush on her will get nervous especially Luhan ^-^ But sometimes he dares to go near her like walk beside her during Smtown ending but sometimes he's afraid of going near her. Maybe thats how Luhan is, anyways we all know he loves Seohyun♥ Thankyou for this and please update soon~
Chapter 3: Anticipating!! Update soon!! ❤️