Chapter 1

Never Forget


‘That sound.’ Seohyun thought, as she scurried towards her balcony to hear the melody clearer. She had noticed this music not too long ago and she fell in love with it. “Well, at least someone’s been practicing,” she sighed to herself. She wished she could play her piano as well but she couldn’t, as she has to study for upcoming examinations.

Seohyun started learning the piano 10 years ago on her own with the help of her closest cousin, Lay. She has grown an attachment to it and when she starts to play, she would shut the reality out and linger to her reverie. However, no one has ever hear her play except her cousin. Her thoughts were interrupted when the music stopped. “I want to hear that enchanting music again! And not this dull and boring piece of mine, which is studying. Ugh!” Seohyun groaned as she dragged herself back to her study table.

“Sigh, I’m so tired! It’s like I’ve been studying for days! How long have I been studying?” As she yawned and stretched her body, she glanced at the clock. “Ugh, it’s only two and I have only studied for four hours.” She whined until, she realised something. “Oh. My. Gosh. It’s two already?!” As fast as she could, she dashed to her bathroom to wash up and change. She was supposed to pick up her oh-so-beloved cousin at the airport at two and she’s late. Very late. “Oh man, oh man, oh man, he’s going to kill me!!” She quickly went to her car and drive in a flash. 

Tap tap tap

“Ugh, where could she be? It’s close to three!” Annoyed by his little cousin’s lateness, he continued tapping his shoes while waiting. He had been waiting for her for almost an hour. Just then, a car stopped in front of him. 

“I’m so sorry Lay! I wasn’t aware of the time.” Seohyun apologized when she opened her car door for Lay.

“Hmph, you and your tardiness!” Lay expressed after loading his luggage in the car and has seated comfortably on the front seat.

“Ahahah awh, come on! I know you’re going to forgive your little cousin right right?” She kept poking him until he forgave her unwillingly.

“Alright, alright! Apology accepted, as long as you stop poking me and start driving.” 

With a grin on her face, she turned the engine on and drove back to her place. 

“Wow lil cuz, no wonder you’re always late!” His eyes scanned her apartment. Her place was in a mess. Papers and books were stacked on top of one another and other things, such as her clothes, were left lying on the couch. 

“Tch, well at least I can find my stuff..” She protested. 

“Oh really? In this mess?? Unbelievable!” 

Exasperated, she grabbed the nearest object and aimed it perfectly at his forehead, Luckily, it was just a rubber ball. 

“Ouch! What was that for? Are you even a girl?! You hit my head so accurately at that distance, no wonder nobody likes you!” 

“Oh please, I have tonnes of admirers that I rejected everyday and if you want proof, you’re standing next to a stack of love letters I received in school.” As she pointed to the stack of unopened envelopes beside him. 

“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe this!” Taking one envelope to another, he just couldn’t accept the fact that she was telling the truth. “I simply cannot believe this!”

“Then don’t, you’ll see it sooner or later anyway.” As she passed by him to get to her room. 

“Wait, what do you mean by sooner or later?” 

She rolled her eyes when she faced him. While pointing to the respective rooms, “Your room is here, which is facing my room. The toilet is next to yours” 

“And what’s that room for?” Lay pointed at the room that was beside Seohyun’s room and which was opposite the toilet. 

“Oh, that’s the so called my-relax room but you can go in whenever you want. Anyway, have fun unpacking your luggage while I’m going to drown myself back to studying, so don’t disturb me.” When she was about to close the door, she remembered something related to his question earlier. “About the sooner or later, your mom asked me to do her a favour to register you in my school and although I hesitated, I still helped you anyway because I am your nice little cousin, am I right? So, you are starting school next year with me. I don’t think you’ll have any problem fitting in and making friends since you’re ahem, handsome and excellent in ahem, almost everything, am I right again?” She gave a teasing wink at her dumfounded cousin before closing the door. 

“Argh I simply cannot believe this! Why did my mom ask me to live with my cousin!” Lay grumbled while tidying his things in his appointed room. It was much neater and tidier than what’s happening outside his room. “Little cuz is so bad at maintaining tidiness.” He commented which was loud enough for Seohyun to hear by his door. 

“Why, thank you my dear cuz!” Seohyun said it sarcastically as she invited herself in his room. 

“AHH! What are you doing here? I know that this is your apartment but we are living together. This is my room and I need some privacy!” 

“Woah woah hold your horses, calm down!” As she raised her hands up. “I came here to ask you what do you want for dinner because I’m really hungry and I need some boosting! And I’m sorry for being rude just now okay?” 

“Sigh alright, that’s okay. I guess I was too busy bursting out my anger. I’m sorry for nagging at you.”

“Awh, why are you so cute cuz! I know you’re older than me but you seem so much cuter than me!” Seohyun ran towards Lay and pinched his cheeks but stopped when he was giving her a glare. 

“I’m too old to be cute. I am, and I mean, we are already 17.” 

“Aigoo, it was just an expression. Why so serious cuz!” And still, he was giving her the glare. “Anyway! You know, you’ll be a great boyfriend someday.” 

“Uh what makes you say that?” Confused by her seriousness and bringing up the topic of relationship all of the sudden. “You don’t usually talk about these kind of stuff..” He placed his palm on her forehead. “Are you sick? Or are you some kind of a doppelganger of my cousin? What are you? And what have you done to my cousin??” Eyeing her closely but was hit on his shoulder by Seohyun. 

“Dude! I’m fine!” She exclaimed.

“Yeap, you are my cousin alright.”

“Aish. Uhm, I don’t know. Sometimes, I do wonder whether I’m going to meet someone to be with in my life or stay single for the rest of my life.” As she leaned on his shoulder.

“Hmm okay...? I’m actually freaked out by you today, you’re acting weird.”

“Lay!!” Seohyun sat up and hit his shoulder again. 

“Ahaha! Hmm, well I guess it is time for you to change and see who you really are, am I right?” Lay genuinely smiled at his little cousin who has her eyes shining at him. 

“Yeah!” She made a fist pump in the air but slowly putting it down. “But how? And when and what to change?” 

Lay patted her shoulder. “It’ll come naturally, slowly but surely. And about that special someone, he’ll come! Just wait and see.” 

Seohyun giggled at his response, “See, this is why you’ll become a great boyfriend!” 

“You may never know, I can be a playboy.” Lay wiggled his eyebrows while Seohyun pretended to vomit. “Hey, I’m not that bad!! And I was just kidding!”

“Aigoo Lay ah.. Anyway, so about our dinner, is pizza alright for you?” 

“Yeap, anything.” As he continued arranging his things in his room.

“Alright, I’m going to call for the delivery now. Oh, what flavour do you want and how many boxes?”

“Hmm Hawaiian should be fine and maybe just one because I don’t think you’re gonna finish a whole box right?”

“Nah, I’ll just order two!” As she dialled the number for delivery.

“Ahaha whatever you say. If you can finish a whole box of pizza, yeah sure why not?” 


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Chapter 6: Wow! Great! Lol I don't know what to say but update soon~
Chapter 6: I love this part! ! Update soon! !^^~
seohanSone #3
I really like this story.Update soon.The story line is very good.
loikyungsoo #4
Chapter 6: Keep up the good work!
itsmemyself #5
Chapter 5: Omgeee update juseyo! And continue the good work!!
Chapter 5: Aigooo luhan now u fall in love hah hehe btw update soon ♥♥
eugenenni #7
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update author-nim!!!
Chapter 4: The person who is playing piano is seohyun right? I love this story sooooo muchh ♥♥ Update soon author nim !^^~
Seororo_Hannie #9
Chapter 4: You describe Seohyun really well, that is how she is in real life.. She's pure angel and innocent but she has an aura.. she's strict and it made boys scared to approach her. She has a very strong impression, and I guess who ever that have a crush on her will get nervous especially Luhan ^-^ But sometimes he dares to go near her like walk beside her during Smtown ending but sometimes he's afraid of going near her. Maybe thats how Luhan is, anyways we all know he loves Seohyun♥ Thankyou for this and please update soon~
Chapter 3: Anticipating!! Update soon!! ❤️