A Monkey Picked a Tomato and Threw it on a Drooling Puppy

Defying Life's Boundaries

Nobody’s POV


The weather is great, not so cold and not so hot. Cool wind passes by refreshing every bit of human skin. It is indeed a very fine day.


For some, but there still one person that keep on sulking while sitting on a bench in a nearby. It is none other than the Seoul’s only puppy, Jonghyun.


Jonghyun’s POV


‘Ugh! I dunno what to do? I don’t know what to think?’ I told myself followed by a hearty sigh. One moment, I was trying to hit on Sooyoung. For puppy’s sake! She’s the girl I had a crush on for the longest time. She’s kind, she’s sweet, and she’s tall, beautiful, and y.


Damn! Who wouldn’t fall for that? I had my chance when we were at the very far far place during our field trip.


Yeah! We used to bicker and trying to pry, and insult each other but we both knew it was just a friendly tease and all of it was joke. I was kind of getting used to it and tried to keep on bugging her and let her fall for me, but for some reason I am doubting now!


I guess it was because of my friend/best friend and now kissing buddy, Minho! Yeah really! Thanks to him that now I’m confused, and whatever.


The first time we kissed was just purely an accident! Accident? Really? Well that I don’t know! Maybe we just so fed up on me because I kept on teasing him, and he just did that to shut me up. Forgivable, right? But after that whenever we were left alone we always end up on a kissing galore.


The way he kisses me feels so different. I never felt that kind of light, and fulfilled whenever I kissed a girl but with him. Everything seems stopped, and everything around seems to fade away leaving just the both of us.


His lips are so soft, and sweet. It’s addicting.


Addicting, so much…



Eunhyuk’s POV


I miss Donghae very much. I tried to avoid him since the event that I witnessed during our school field trip.


As much as I want to forget him the more he keeps on getting into this stupid brain of mine.



I sighed as a cool wind passes by, leaving soothing sensations which calmed my senses. Only two things make me feel this way, one was this, and the other one was Donghae’s touch. Which I prefer the latter.


I walked down the park as usual. This has been my hobby every week to release some tension from school works and other personal matters.  The park in the morning during weekend is not as crowded as it was in the afternoon, so it adds to the calmness and inviting aura of the place.


I strode down the playground while drinking my very favorite strawberry milk, when I spotted a familiar figure sitting on a bench. I draw closer to clearly see his face.


I almost chocked to death when I saw his face.  Seeing his face right now with that kind of funny state is not healthy when you’re drinking or eating something. His face was total idiot. His eyes are staring out of nowhere but it seems he’s looking at the face of someone he longed, while his mouth is slightly hanging open. Only a slight drool will complete the package.


“What was he thinking?” I muttered to myself, as I got a bit tensed since the next thing is unpredictable.


I stood straight into my feet and burst of out laughter when I saw a slight drool hanging loosely on the side of his lips.


Jonghyun’s POV


I snapped out of the trance, when I heard someone laughing his heart out. I looked around and saw Eunhyuk laughing while pointing his finger on me. I instantly threw a death glare to the voice owner, and muttered a deafening, “YAH!”

I successfully shut him up when he saw my burning eyes fixed on him. He walks a little to close a huge distance between us. Even though he wasn’t laughing I know that he’s trying to suppress it. By the look on his face, he’s biting his lips as if his trying to stop something to come out of it.


“Damn idiot! What’s funny?” I hissed at him.


“Well, the last time I check you’re the on who looks like an idiot!” he retorted back.


Am I that showy? Am I that obvious? Was my face show what I was thinking?


“Yes!” he answered back which gives me a creep.


“What are you a witch?” I asked him, still can’t believer that I was that transparent.


“The ways you contort your face when you’re thinking make you obvious!” he said instead of answering my dumb question.


“No its not! It’s just because you are weird!” I retorted back, trying to defend my defeated pride.


“Oh really? Sure” he said while shaking his head and stood up, “but the next you think of something delicious or irresistible please try to contain it you’re self as well as your drool!” he continued, he gave me meaningful smiled before he starts to walk away.


I was stunned by what he said. I subconsciously wipe the side of my lips only to find out that what the monkey said was true.


I blushed so hard that you could have mistakenly picked me rather than a real tomato.


The !

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Chapter 17: Wow so many character dynamics!!
This is such a fun read!
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 11: Lol wookie is about to cut jonghyun's mushroom
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 6: Aweeeee the combo is so funny i like it
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 5: Looool big mushroom xD
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 4: Poor Hyukkie.. I think i like the ploy
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 1: Wooiwww.. I think its going to be interesting
Chapter 17: ;-; they're trying to break up kyuwook~ ;n; nuu~
i told you i'll drop by and read c;
but OTL eventho im really really happy for kyuwook being in love and everything...
fbnabdka- kyuhyun cant die ;A; pleaaaaase T^T he cant dieeeee ;~~~~~;
/le sighs
poor hae tho ouo i hope more haewook will be going onnn c: poor hyukkie too, not to mention >w>
and jongho! <3 hahaha. i like them ouo
kyuuuuu ;n; you cant die T^T
update sooooon? <3
pumpkinsomnia #9
It's so funny, imagine jonghyun expression..
LOL i can't stop laughing hehe.. :D
The jongho is so cute!!! Hwaiting kyuwook!!!