Responsibility, Determination, and Selflessness

Defying Life's Boundaries

Ryeowook's POV

I was a light sleeper, so a little nudge next to me makes my eyes flutters and open a litte. I studied and familiarized myself with the surrouding. I somehow reconigzed the place, I was still at the school clinic. Darn, I might have sleeping for over an hour now. I looked at the guy next to me who won't stop from moving. I felt a bit nervous and worried when I saw Kyuhyun sweaty and while shaking his head violently. I tried to shake him to wake him up but he won't budge. I immediately seach for his hand. Once I found it I enclosed it between my hands and hugged it against my chest. I lowered my heard and whispered to him, "Shhh.. Kyuhyun its ok I am here. Calm down now". I was a bit relieved when I saw his face turned to normal and his breathing in a steady manner. My dad used to do this to me whenever I am having a nightmare, I didn't know that it also applies to others.

"You seems so fragile, scared, and lost. From now on I'll take care of you no matter what." I whispered again, hoping that everything will be alright. I lay down next to him and starts to drift of to sleep, besides the school clinic operates up until late in the evening especially if they have circumstances like this.

Donghae's POV

Once I head about Ryeowook being with Kyuhyun makes my blood boil as a fang of jealousy is ripping my heart out. I followed Sungmin withouth him noticing me. I bet he's too worried about his friend. But in a situation like this I think it is more logical to be worried about Ryeowook since he's much more fragile than that .

I stood frozen in my place, and so as Sungmin as we saw what just happen. My head want to explode, while my heart want to pound out of chest, fall on the ground and broke down into pieces. Did I heard right?, Did Ryeowook really cared about Kyuhyun that he even wants to take care of him?  I still don't know what to do. I am angry. I am jealous. I am extremely sad. I had this so much bad feelings that won't settle down and the life out of me.

"No..." the only word that manage to get out of mouth as run away from the scene. My head felt big while my heart felt weak.

I run, and run without any direction or idea where to go. All I could think of is to get as far away as I could from that place. I didn't notice a hump a head of me since my eyes were filled with tears. Everything around me is so blurry, once the protruding hump got my feet, I stumbled down the alley. I rolled and rolled to no end. I am aware that I got too many scratches due to that fall, but to my surprise I felt nothing. I was numb. The feeling and seering of pain that lingering inside me is much extreme and overwhelming that I can't feel any wounds or bruise coming from the outside. My strength comes to an end to get up and leave, and so I just decided to stay where I am and bawled my eyes out.

"Get up!" a voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I even got confused if it is my head turning me to get up and move on, or it is a different person talking to me. I didn't came up with an answer as pair of hands pulled me by my arms, trying to lift me up to stand. I didn't complied, instead I just looked up and saw Sungmin staring blankly at me.

"Are you just gonna cry there all night long and do nothing about it?" He says. I am a bit plastered by the way he was talking to me. He didn't even address me as his 'hyung'.

"Go away!" I replied trying to send him off and leave all alone here and die.

"We have to stop them!" Sungmin says sternly, "I know were not that close but we need to work together to pull them apart!" he continued with a ice cold tone.

"Why?" I replied, confused why he was doing it.

"I am myself is madly and deeply inlove with Cho Kyuhyun!" he answered casually, "I can't let anyone stole him from me!" he finished before he turned his back and leave.

I was stunned by fact that Sungmin is much more younger but can handle the situation more maturely than me. I shook my head and stood up. He's right, I need to fight for someone who is supposed to be mine. Mine alone!

Kyuhyun's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, and look around. Yeah, I was at the school clinic due to that bad fall I've encountered earlier at the restroom. I felt that familiar warm embracing my hands. I looked at the guy next to me. He was sleeping peacefully while hugging my hands next to his chest.

That must be the reason why suddenly a nightmarish dream becomes a happy and hopeful dream. I stared at him adoringly. I wanna wake up every morning seeing a face like this next to me. I wanna see this face next to me even before I drift to sleep. Those ideas making my heart grew ponder and happy. Everything could actually be like this. This is so ideal. What stopping me is that I'm scared. I'm scared of being hurt so much, I am scared to hurt someone like him so much. I am scared to give to this person a hope that I can actually hold on to it forever.

Call me pathetic and stupid but as much I love to be with him, I need to send him away from me. Even if it means hurting, bashing, and insulting him and worst of all I need to do it myself.



A/N : I know it is short but I guarantee you that this chapter is kind of like important towards the .

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Chapter 17: Wow so many character dynamics!!
This is such a fun read!
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 11: Lol wookie is about to cut jonghyun's mushroom
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 6: Aweeeee the combo is so funny i like it
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 5: Looool big mushroom xD
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 4: Poor Hyukkie.. I think i like the ploy
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 1: Wooiwww.. I think its going to be interesting
Chapter 17: ;-; they're trying to break up kyuwook~ ;n; nuu~
i told you i'll drop by and read c;
but OTL eventho im really really happy for kyuwook being in love and everything...
fbnabdka- kyuhyun cant die ;A; pleaaaaase T^T he cant dieeeee ;~~~~~;
/le sighs
poor hae tho ouo i hope more haewook will be going onnn c: poor hyukkie too, not to mention >w>
and jongho! <3 hahaha. i like them ouo
kyuuuuu ;n; you cant die T^T
update sooooon? <3
pumpkinsomnia #9
It's so funny, imagine jonghyun expression..
LOL i can't stop laughing hehe.. :D
The jongho is so cute!!! Hwaiting kyuwook!!!