Dino's Mushroom II

Defying Life's Boundaries

Kyuhyun's POV

I'm going to die in boredom! When will be this subject going to end? I'm so darn sleepy! I just flipped off my table and chair in my mind coz for obvious reason I can't, since I'm at school where manner is very important.

After an excruciating hour, finally the bell rings. Oh so good to hear. I never felt the bells sounds as heavenly as now. I immediately packed my things and stand up to run outside the room. 'I should be there before Ryeowook got in there. I have a plan for this day that will make him regret that he chose Donghae-Hyung before me!' I thought, "What the Kyuhyun?! What got into you? You never done anything to make him chose you!" I say out loud which draws too much attention. I think my face got so red. Redder than a tomato could ever red. I sent glares to each and everyone who dares to look and smile at me. "Kya!! Mind your own business retards!" I shouted and hiss before continue walking towards my destination. Ugh! This is the second time Kim Ryeowook made fun of me in the crowd. You little mice have a lot to suffer! Just wait! Just ing wait!

Minho's POV

"Kim Ryeowookie!!" I sing sang as I called and sit next to him, "Any plan to have lunch?" I asked him and tugged his sleeves, "Come on! Let's eat! Jonghyun didn't wanna come with me." I said and pout trying to convince him with my aegyo.

"Aww! Minnie! Don't do that again. My heart just melt in an instant." He said as he pinched my cheeks. Ryeowookie is really cute and adorable and that makes me wonder why some people, most especially Kyuhyun have the guts to hate him. I act as if I'm hurt.

"Aish! It hurts wookie-ah! A bbo bbo!" I said then closed my eyes and pout my lips for a kiss. I hear him giggle then a sudden jolt of pain strikes, coming from my right ear. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" I whined. I turned to my right and found Jonghyun pinching my right ear having his famous fake and sarcastic smile with his left eyebrow raising up in the sky!

"I just turned you down for lunch and now you're the innocent wookie, and just forget about me!" Jonghyun roared, err I mean yelled in my ears and I felt like my head is going to explode.

"Mianhe Jonghyunnie, I just don't want to eat alone and besides it just a joke. I'm just trying to make Ryeowook smile because he look sad the entire period " I said while looking at the ground and busily pampering my abused ear. I looked up and saw Jonghyunnie looking at me adorably with his puppy shining eyes. Then he hugged me so tight that I almost die due to suffocation.

"Mianhe Minho minnie froggie minnie minnie tall minnie!" He said cutely, "It's just that I don't want to see you around with anyone! You know as your hyung I want to protect you from bad hyung and bad noona!" he continued while still huggung me.

"KYA!" I heard Ryeowook yelled and slap Jonghyun's arms continiously.

"Ah! Stop it! Ah! What's wrong!?" Jonghyun said while enduring the continous slapping.

"What are you trying to say huh?!! You dino t-ert-rex! That I would take advantage of Minho!" Ryeowook complained. I can't do anything since I'm amused and at the same time scared that Ryeowook will slap me too.

"Aish! No Wookie! I'm talking about the other hyungs and noonas! Not you! Aish please stop!" Jonghyun says inbetween sobs.

"Huh! You better mean what you have said or I'll cut your huge dino mushroom!" Ryeowook said proudly but later on turns red and clasped his mouth with both of his hand and got his eyes so huge. I also even chocked with my saliva due to that statement. I also noticed that Jonghyun's jaw dropped with his eyes grew wide and bigger than anyone could ever imagine.

"Ah---Ah! You mean you saw Jonghyun's mush-? Oh!" I said while stuttering.

"ItWasAnAccident!" Ryeowook said so fast that I couldn't catch some of the word.

"So you never forgot how it looks like then?" Jonghyun said while smirking trying to tease Wookie again.
"Oh well I actually forgot! Now I'm thinking about it I can say that I can now remember it clearly" Ryeowook winked at me without Jonghyun noticing it. I just smiled as a sign of accepted agreement.

"Well then I guessed you're so amazed on how almighty it is!" Jonghyun said with his pride up in the sky.

"Oh well! Honestly I was kinda disappointed because its too tiny that I can't barely notice it plus its so bushy and messy!" Ryeowook replied with his face looks convincing. I saw Jonghyun's eyes got bigger as he got suprised on how Ryeowook suddenly turns the table and now he's one who's been annoyed and teased.

"Yah! That's not true! Minnie don't believe him!" He says as he shakes his head as sign of disapproving, "If you want I can show it to you Minho, so I could proved him wrong!" he continued. I felt my heart skip a beat due to that proposal. I think my face got so red and my eyes so big that will popped out of the socket anytime soon.

"YAH! Stop it! Haven't you contented yet that you already polluted my mind and tried to pollutes Minho's innocent mind too?!" Wookie said as he dragged me to walked outside the room. Leaving the dumnfounded Jonghyun all by himself.





A/N : OMO! Mianhe for a very late update. And for those who stay, Thank you very much! <333

I think JongHo is now growing so tried to add some hope you'll like it.

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Chapter 17: Wow so many character dynamics!!
This is such a fun read!
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 11: Lol wookie is about to cut jonghyun's mushroom
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 6: Aweeeee the combo is so funny i like it
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 5: Looool big mushroom xD
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 4: Poor Hyukkie.. I think i like the ploy
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 1: Wooiwww.. I think its going to be interesting
Chapter 17: ;-; they're trying to break up kyuwook~ ;n; nuu~
i told you i'll drop by and read c;
but OTL eventho im really really happy for kyuwook being in love and everything...
fbnabdka- kyuhyun cant die ;A; pleaaaaase T^T he cant dieeeee ;~~~~~;
/le sighs
poor hae tho ouo i hope more haewook will be going onnn c: poor hyukkie too, not to mention >w>
and jongho! <3 hahaha. i like them ouo
kyuuuuu ;n; you cant die T^T
update sooooon? <3
pumpkinsomnia #9
It's so funny, imagine jonghyun expression..
LOL i can't stop laughing hehe.. :D
The jongho is so cute!!! Hwaiting kyuwook!!!