We need to talk...

It Started with a Fall


            “Babe! What’s up? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all day!” Taekwoon could hear loud music in the background.

            “What are you doing?”

            “Oh… um you see, Im at the club.”

            “Were you looking for me at the club?”

            “Um… yea, but you’re not here so I better get going!” Taekwoon could hear some guy in the background asking Hakyeon if he wanted more drinks. Taekwoon just smiled to himself and knew that Hakyeon had met yet another guy at the club.

            “No, it’s alright stay there, I was just calling to tell you that I want to hang out tomorrow, and I need to actually talk to you about something.” He could hear that guy telling Hakyeon to put the phone away and Hakyeon telling him to hold on.

            “You’re the best babe! I’ll see you tomorrow! BYE!” With that he hung up the phone and started to walk home. He was finally going to do it. He was going to break up with his best friend. In all honestly, he was extremely nervous, he knew Hakyeon had a temper, and was a wild card when it came to stuff like this. The last thing he wants is Hakyeon to never talk to him again, but if that’s what it would come to, to be with Hongbin, then so be it. He was also scared of the fact that Hakyeon might go all ghetto girl and try to fight Hongbin. Just thinking about it made Taekwoon even more nervous.


            The next day came and Taekwoon found himself pacing back and forth in the living room, he had made sure to put away any sharp objects he had last night, just in case Hakyeon would go out of control. They had scheduled to meet at his house at 2pm, it was now 1:55pm. He kept going through what he was going to say to him and how he was going to say it. While he was thinking, he heard a knock at the door, Taekwoon froze in place.

            “Taekwoonie~” Hakyeon singed as he waited at the door. . Taekwoon did not want to answer the door, but he knew he needed to do this. He slowly walked to his door and hesitated to open it again, but in the end he opened it, letting a very overly excited Hakyeon in.

            “He-yyyy” Taekwoon couldn’t even say hi, Hakyeon had pretty much tackled him to the couch and was now sitting on his lap and kissing his neck, which was Taekwoon’s weak spot.

            “Woonie why does it feel like we haven’t seen each other in forever? I miss you baby!” Hakyeon was talking in Taekwoon’s ear while still trying to kiss his neck. Taekwoon could feel all tingly down his body and knew if he didn’t push Hakyeon off right now that he wouldn’t be able to stop.

            “Hakyeon,  ah, wait, hold on.” Taekwoon was trying so hard to be nice about this, but he knew it wouldn’t work. “Hakyeon!” He finally grabbed the tanned man and threw him off of him. Which really caught Hakyeon by surprise.

            “What the hell?” Hakyeon just looked at Taekwoon who was trying to catch his breath.

            “I told you I wanted to meet so that we could talk…” Taekwoon said calmly.

            “We can talk afterwards.”

            “This… This really can’t wait…” Taekwoon could feel a knot in his throat. He was terrified about what he was about to say. “Please, just sit down.”

            “…Fine…what?” Hakyeon sat down next to Taekwoon and was impatiently waiting to see what Taekwoon wanted to talk about.

“…ok… You know I care about you right? And you’re my best friend, and I wouldn’t want that to end, no matter what…” Taekwoon couldn’t even look at Hakyeon he had his head down the whole time. Hakyeon’s impatient face disappeared and now he had his full attention on Taekwoon. “Listen, what I’m trying to say is… no matter what happens between us, I’ll always be there for you… and I hope you’ll be the same…”

Hakyeon by now was getting the hint and his face became angry. “What the are you trying to say Taekwoon…”

“I… I think we sh-hould break up.” Taekwoon finally said, when he said it he actually looked Hakyeon straight in the eyes. Hakyeon didn’t know what to say, all he felt right now was anger.

“You’re breaking up with me? Really Taekwoon? After everything I’ve done for you? After everything we’ve been through!? Are you ing serious right now?” Hakyeon couldn’t control himself he felt like he was about to burst.

“Hakyeon, please don’t use that against me, I know what you’ve done for me and I’m extremely grateful that you are in my life, but you can’t hold that against me forever… I… I don’t have feelings for you like that… I’m sorry Hakyeon.” Hakyeon was on the verge of tears.

“You don’t have feelings for me?” his voice became softer, still full of anger but soft. “You’re telling me, after everything we’ve done together, all the moments we’ve had together, that you don’t have an ounce of feelings for me like that?” Hakyeon was hurt beyond belief, he couldn’t believe what Taekwoon was telling him, he knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend but he still thought Taekwoon at least felt something for him.

“I’m sorry, when we first got together, I really thought I did, but I was confused. But now I know that I don’t. This, right here… isn’t love.” With those last words Hakyeon cried. Taekwoon watched his best friend cry and felt horrible. “Hakyeon… I still want to be in your life I still want you to be in mine… I still want you to be my friend.” Taekwoon grabbed Hakyeon’s hand but he pulled away and started to smile.

“Taekwoon… even though you didn’t have feelings for me, I still have feelings for you, even though you don’t love me, I still love you, and because of that, I don’t think we can be friends.” He started to walk away but Taekwoon wasn’t done.

“Hakyeon, come on, be honest. If you really loved me then you wouldn’t be sleeping with other guys while you’re still with me. You wouldn’t be going to the club practically every night doing who knows what! So please don’t use that as an excuse to make me stay with you. That just makes me angry, so don’t lie to me, please.” Hakyeon was beyond surprised at what Taekwoon said, he’s never in his life, talked to Hakyeon like that, ever.

“What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you talking to me like that? You know you’ve changed. Ever since you…” and then it hit him. Hakyeon started to laugh, and it made Taekwoon extremely uncomfortable and very confused. “Its cause of Hongbin, isn’t it? The reason you want to break up, it’s so you can get with him? Right?”

Taekwoon looked away not saying anything. He really didn’t want to bring Hongbin into it, fearing Hakyeon would want to hurt him. Hakyeon started to laugh again.

“You really think he can love you like I do? You think that what ya’ll have is love? Don’t make me laugh. Trust me, once he’s done having fun with you, he’ll get tired of you and throw you away like your parents did. And then you’ll be crying to me like you did back then. But when that happens, trust me, I won’t be around to wipe your tears.” With that, Hakyeon really did leave. Leaving Taekwoon speechless, he couldn’t believe the words Hakyeon just said.

Taekwoon was so done, for the rest of the day he turned off his phone and went to the dance studio to burn off some steam. Little did he know, Hongbin was trying to reach him all day. Hongbin had no idea what had just happened, so all he was thinking was that Taekwoon was ignoring him.

“Did I do something wrong?” Hongbin was at home, in his room, staring at his phone. He really wanted to talk to Taekwoon, he liked the conversations they had yesterday and was hoping to talk to him today, but no matter how many times he called his phone, there was no answer. After 15 calls and 20 text messages, Hongbin decided to leave him alone. That day, Hongbin went to sleep early, he decided that if Taekwoon was going to ignore him, then he would do the same tomorrow at school. 





Hello my subscribers! Hope you liked this chapter! 

Sorry it took me longer than usual to update~

Just wanted to let ya'll know that this story will only have a couple chapters left /.\ 

Thank you for reading my story! love you guys!

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cuteknightmare #1
Chapter 12: Aaaww the ending was cute
Chapter 12: adorable ending :) I'm just a bit sad Ken & Ravi only showed up now, but overall it was an amazing fic
Chapter 11: I seriously want someone to punch N in the face... He went too far with the parents thing... AND MY POOR HONGBINNIE IS ALL WORRIED AHHH OTTOKAJI
cuteknightmare #4
Chapter 11: O.O poor taekwoon
Chapter 10: Awww Hyukkie, I'm so proud of you /pats his back
And yes Taekwoon, do the right thing
cuteknightmare #7
Chapter 10: Did you notice that those dorks were playing rock paper scissors behind N's back
Chapter 10: THE GIFS AT THE END MADE ME SO HAPPY~~ but another cliffhanger U_U