E p i l o g u e

Beside You

   Their world then shifts into a world of peace and quiet. Lay was standing at an open grassy field. The wind was blowing hard but not too hard and flowers bloomed across the field. The sound of a river running was to be heard and birds chirping on trees. On the other side of the field stood Blaire, wearing a white dress that matches her skin color. She looks so exquisite and fascinating which made Lay fall in love with her again and again. He would never grow tired of that feeling. 

   They were in paradise, as if everything was at peace and there was nothing to be afraid of. Lay and Blaire then suddenly saw their young selves, playing and being childish as they used to. Being so vulnerable as children would be but having innocent and naive faces, spending the rest of their lives blissfully and blithely. Then their teenage selves show up, leaving their younger selves behind. Doing things that teenagers would do and should do. Then their teenage selves swiftly shifted into seeing themselves as bride and groom at their wedding then growing old together.

    These things seemed so real but looked so make-believe at the same time. They finally realized that their hopes and dreams were shown. They looked at each other and promised to see each other again in the real world. 


    They are now seen at the hospital and Lay finally opened his eyes, showing his life in his brown eyes. He stood up slowly and went near Blaire. She's still asleep and looks so calm. She doesn't have any marks at all and is still as pretty as she ever will be. He carried her in his arms and went to the place where memories were all happiness, sadness, hatred and confusion at the same time. 

    Lay sat on an old, wooden, brown bench underneath a very old oak tree at a park that was very memorable to them. Years have passed but still this place is still here. He held Blaire in his loving arms and hugged her sleeping body. He told her that he loves her more than anyone in the world. That his love is unconditional and would last longer. 

    "Why did you sacrificed yourself for me? I would be ready to die for you Blaire.." He silently said while caressing her pale cheeks. He then hugged her more and sobbed. "I love you so much. Please come back to me here in the real world. We'll never have to leave each other again and we'll grow old together.." 

     Lay was having a total breakdown. He can't accept the truth that Blaire was still not waking up. To be honest, he doesn't want to wake up but to just live his life like his dreams so that he could see Blaire cheerful again and smiling as brightly as the sun. 

    The sun was finally setting and he settled her to sleep on the bench. He stood up and looked at the skies. He's now trying to accept reality which always slaps him on the face. He took a step forward but then paused for he felt someone yank his hospital shirt........ 


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Chapter 7: Wow this is a good story dear :) I love the way you end all of your chapters with those cliffhangers, and wow I didn't expect that Chanyeol would do that I mean it suddenly happened and I was like wait what is this who are these men kidnapping both of them lol. But anyway, this is a good story and I really like it. Keep up the good work ❤