Beside You


     Years have passed and Blaire grew up to be a fine, charming young lady. She grew up and became a beautiful flower. She made new friends as she grew up but one friend stands out the most. 

    "Hey Blaire! Do you want to go to the park with me?" Chanyeol caught Blaire's shoulder and asked while chasing after her.

    "Sure Yeol. I've been wanting to go to the park with you." Blaire answered with smiling eyes as she looked at him.

     Park Chanyeol was her closest friend and soon-to-be fiancè when Lay lefft her. Chanyeol was the one who made Blaire smile again after that incident. Chanyeol was just a replacement for Lay, but nobody can be a replacement for someone. That's why farewells are difficult. 

     They went running straight to the park. It was full of children playing near the playgrounds, little boys playing kites to see who could have the highest kite among them, old people sitting on wooden benches and lovers having a picnic on this lovely day. Blaire tried to not remember those memories whenever she's here with someone else. She would not want someone to worry for her or to even ask why she's crying. She believed in the saying to leave the past behind you. You can only run away from it or learn from it. A wise man once said to Keep moving forward. She tried doing it but ended up failing. She still wants Lay to be with her.

      "What a great day for a picnic! What do you think?"  Chanyeol cheerfully said.  

      "You're right. Come on, let's have fun." Blaire smiled sweetly as she looked around. 

      Chanyeol finally set up the picnic. Everything was according to plan - blue skies, warm weather, not a bad vibe to be felt, for short, it was a perfect day. He hoped that Blaire would be able to appreciate his effort. He wants to court her but doesn't know how to ask her. How will he do it? Where? When? Now? No. She's not yet ready. He doesn't want to end up like any other boys who confesses their love for her but gets rejected. He hopes she would choose him. 

       Blaire sat on the picnic mat and put down her bag on the grassy ground. She feels as if everything was like twelve years ago. Those sweet and lovely moments when Lay was still with her. She tries to forget what she's feeling right now and tries to focus on Chanyeol, who was busy setting the food for them to eat. "Here try this." Chanyeol handed her a homemade tuna sandwich. She thanked him and smiled. "I'll eat it well." She took a bite and loved it. She loves homemade sandwiches. Especially sandwiches that she and Lay make. 

      Chanyeol sat beside Blaire and started a conversation with her so that the akwardness would fade between them. Chanyeol knows about Blaire's past - the moments with her childhood friend and their bitter ending. He wants Blaire to forget it and wants to see her smile cheerfully and whole heartedly for he cares for her.

        "Hey, smile." Chanyeol tried to pinch Blaire's cheeks for her to smile. Blaire just looked at him with teary eyes. "I miss him so much. I wonder if he misses me too. What would he look like? All grown and matured." She tried to smile while looking at the sandwich she's eating. "Blaire I'm here. I don't want you to think about him while you're with me." Chanyeol cupped her cheeks at kissed his forehead. "I'll make you happy alright? I'll do anything to see you smile again." 

      She hugged Chanyeol while making her tears go away. Chanyeol's right, she needs to forget Lay. She needs to move forward and look ahead not behind. Chanyeol's her friend and she should also be a good friend to Chanyeol. She has to try.



       It is a very cold day today in Canada. Everyone living here are all wearing furry clothes  to keep warm, beanie hats made from crochet and sweaters or jackets to stay warm as the climate and temperature begins to lower.  Riding his bike to roam around town, Zhang Yixing grew up to be a fine gentleman. He currently lives now in Canada with his family because of a business to take care of.  He is the heir of his grandfather’s company which means more work and he needs to follow the steps of his grandfather. He doesn’t mind it at all for he’s got everything he could’ve ask for, except one -  the love of his life. 

     His phone suddenly went ringing, stopped his bicycle to answer the call. “Yes Appa?” He scratched his head as he had a conversation with his father. He dearly loved his father very much and would follow his orders. This was another reason why he left her twelve years ago. 

      While putting his phone in the left pocket of his pants, he took off for home because his father has something to say to him. He wonders, what would his father tell him? Is it about the business again or something more important? 


     Blaire and Chanyeol spent another day together doing stuffs that was fun. Having a picnic, strolling around the park, watching movies, playing video games and eating in different kinds of restaurants. Chanyeol’s family is part of the family elite groups which means he could afford anything for he has the power of money. Blaire sometimes thinks that this was the reason why her father wants her to hook up with Chanyeol. 

    They look good together, like a sweet couple having a date for another memory to store. Blaire finally smiled. Chanyeol felt his heart leap as he saw her smile again. He held her hand and planted a kiss on her forehead. “You finally smiled.” Chanyeol smiled sweetly as he gently puts a lock of hair behind Blaire’s ear. 

     Blaire flushed and stared at her giant friend. Chanyeol was really tall compared to Lay, has a fair skin and has long eyelashes with crystal like eyes. He’s a beautiful man. She smiled and held out her phone, “Let’s take a picture.” Facing towards the camera, they took a picture together -  Blaire doing a peace sign while Chanyeol putting his arms around her shoulders and smiling at the camera. 


      Months passed by, Lay stood at the airport. Holding his luggage in place and strolling  towards the exit, his black limousine waiting in front and a chauffeur opened the door for him to get inside. South Korea was still the same as the last time he was here - Cosmopolitic, historic, busy, interesting, vibrant, and modern. He really wanted to go to where he spent his childhood. 

    “I guess you have to go back to South Korea to study. You’ll finish your schooling there as a college student. I’ve got your ticket ready and you’ll be leaving next month.”

      He thought about what his father had said to him. He was astonished when he heard the words – South Korea – which means he’ll be able to go back to the past , his past. It’s kind of funny that one place can carry a bunch of memories. All sorts of memories that Lay had experienced. The memories he wanted to treasure,reminisce but some to consign to oblivion, disremember and to obliterate. 

     South Korea was beautiful and the sun was shining everyday. The weather was pleasant and the place was a scenery. “I hope to have a good stay here. And the place is still beautiful. Don’t you think Jaehyuk?” Lay smiled cheerfully at his loyal assistant. 

    Wearing a coat and tie, Jaehyuk nodded at his buoyant and optimistic master. Lee Jaehyuk was the Zhang’s most loyal butler or assistant. He’s been like a brother to Lay and would tell all his secrets to him. Lay trusts Jaehyuk with his life. 

    Lay  reclined the side of his head against the window, whispered “I wonder if she still remembers me.” 



          School usually starts the first week of September. Blaire and Chanyeol were together as they walk through the school corriders. They were about to go to the dean’s office to see what their class schedule is. Chanyeol then held Blaire’s soft hand, “I hope we both have the same class schedule.” Blaire nodded, “I hope so too.” 

        They turned the knob and went inside. The school’s dean accompanied them and helped them with their matter. Blaire then saw a glimpse of brown eyes in the window. It reminded her of Lay’s which she’s the only one who could recognize it. She suddenly went out to check but there was no one outside, just students walking. 

        Chanyeol followed her and inspected their surroundings, “What’s wrong?” Blaire let out a sigh, “I thought I saw him..” Blaire thinks she’s a bit mad or insane to have thought that Lay would be there. She shook her head and faced Chanyeol, “It was nothing. I thought I saw someone familiar.” She smiled as if she has no clue. 

       Deep inside, Chanyeol knew what Blaire was thinking. It was “him” again. Always “him” and never will be himself. Chanyeol also smiled and handed out an index card, “Here. I copied your class schedule. I guess we only have recess and lunch time to be together.” Blaire received it and overlooked her schedule. “I guess so.” She responded. 


       Lay hurriedly went downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast from his breakfast plate. “I’ll be going Jaehyuk!” He shouted as he went to get his bicycle. 

     “But young master!  You should eat your breakfast!” His loyal butler, Lee Jaehyuk, called out from the living room at his high spirited master. 

     Getting ready to ride his bicycle, “That won’t be necessary Jaehyuk!  I’d rather leave without breakfast than be late on the first day of school.” He cried out loudly then took off. The truth is, he wasn’t really that late. He just wanted to spend some time alone and he really loves riding his bicycle. It was a gift from his mother before she died. He lost his mother at a young age and Blaire was there to comfort him whenever he gets depressed though he doesn’t want to remember it. 

        Finally he got to his destination and parked his bicycle. He put on his backpack and went inside with full confidence. As he remembered, schools here in South Korea aren’t that much different in Canada. He went straight to the Dean’s office to check on his schedule when he saw a glimpse of hazel brown eyes along the hallway which was Blaire’s. Those eyes which gave him hope and admiration. He caught her staring at him also then took a run for it. He took off while blushing really hard. It's been his first time after twelve years to see those eyes again. 


       Blaire was so sure of what she just saw. Those were Lay's eyes. Memories suddenly crashed into her mind and she felt dizzy all of a sudden. She held her head as if supporting it and leaned next to the wall. Chanyeol was worried and supported her,  "Blaire, are you alright?" He examined her. Blaire shook her head, "I'm fine I guess." She was becoming pale and her lips are so dry. "No, you're not fine. I'll get you to the clinic." He carried her and walked briskly, going to the clinic.  

     The school nurse, wearing a traditional nurse uniform consisting of a dress, apron and cap all in white, assisted Chanyeol as he placed Blaire on the bed. After questioning them of what has happened, the nurse let Blaire rest for a while. "It might've been because of stress but a good rest would do the trick." The nurse winked and smiled at them. Chanyeol finally let out a sigh and was glad to hear that Blaire would be fine. 

     "You should get to class. Don't worry that much about me. I'll be fine." She gestured as if sending him away and tried to smile for him. Blaire suffered from a series of headaches these past few months. Maybe because of too much stress or maybe it's because of "him." 

    Chanyeol kissed her palm and then her forehead softly, "I'll be back okay. I'll even take care of you once I'm back. Take care." After saying his farewell, he waved his hand. Blaire also waved back at him. She's been used to going into clinics every now and then. Ever since she was young, she has experienced  different kind of illnesses and while she's still in the hospital, Lay would go cheer her up as if nothing has happened and she would feel good again. Lay was her cure and elixir but when would her cure come back to heal her again? 


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Chapter 7: Wow this is a good story dear :) I love the way you end all of your chapters with those cliffhangers, and wow I didn't expect that Chanyeol would do that I mean it suddenly happened and I was like wait what is this who are these men kidnapping both of them lol. But anyway, this is a good story and I really like it. Keep up the good work ❤