Beside You

      Weeks passed by, Blaire and Lay were having the best time of their life. Blaire already introduced Lay to Chanyeol and Lay said that they have already met. Lay's smile could reach the sky because of his feeling right at the moment and so does Blaire. Chanyeol faked a smile and said that he was happy for her but deep inside, pain was to be felt and he could feel the agony which lies in his heart. 

    The three strolled along the park to reminisce their childhood memories. Chanyeol tried to catch up with them. It was Blaire's idea to have a picnic with her two loved ones. They sat together and told stories. An ice cream vendor showed up and Blaire remembered that Chanyeol and Lay loves ice cream. She stood up and told them to wait for a moment. The boys nodded and finished the food they're eating. 

   "Chanyeol, thank you for taking care of my Blaire. For making her happy when I wasn't there. I do owe you one." Lay stated as he took a bite of a juicy, red apple. Chanyeol nodded and before he could respond, Blaire went back holding ice creams at both of her hands. "Here. For Chanyeol and for Lay." She gave them the ice creams and smiled sweetly at them. They both thanked her and ate it. 


     The sun was about to set and they had a good time. Before they could say goodbyes to each other, Chanyeol left first while Blaire and Lay were left with each other. They sat at the common bench under a common oak tree where their names were carved twelve years ago. Watching the sunset, Blaire leaned on Lay's broad shoulder and held his hand. Lay intertwined their fingers and enjoyed watching the sunset. He whispered, "Can I keep you forever?" while putting a lock of hair behind Blaire's ear. Before she could respond, three unrecognizable masked men cornered them. One of the men shouted, "Get them!" 

    Lay tried to protect Blaire and fight back but three against one is much too difficult to win. They pinned them and placed blindfolds that blocked their vision. Lay cried out loud, "Don't you ever hurt her! Leave her alone! Just take me instead!" One of the men kicked him in the stomach, not once but twice, leaving Lay falling to the ground and fainting. Blood was flowing in his mouth before he gasped, "Blaire.." 

   Blaire called out his name as loud as she could and tried kicking them but it was useless. They had both of them and they knew that they couldn't fight much longer. 


     Lay woke up at the sound of Blaire's shrieking voice. His arms and legs were all tied up but his blindfold was gone. He lies infront of Blaire, whose arms were tied up at a chair where she was seated, crying. He tried to stand up but his legs were too shaky and too tired and sluggish to move. 

    The men then cornered him and started abusing him. Kicking as hard as they could and jabbing him with their strong and vigorous fists. Blaire cried out loud telling them to stop. "Please stop hurting him!" 

    Blood came out of Lay's suave and handsome face while bruises were marked all over his body. They heard a clicking sound of a bullet entering the chamber of the gun. Blaire was sure that they're going to shoot him. The man pointed the gun at Lay and a loud, deafening gunshot was heard. Lay roared and Blaire's lifeless body was lying in his arms. Blaire was the one that got shot not Lay. She protected him at the very last minute and was the one who received the bullet. Lay's bewailing was heard all over the dark, abandoned cellar. 

   It was the most dreadful night for the lovers. Losing Blaire was enough but losing her twice is too much for Lay. 



     Chanyeol hurriedly went to the hospital as soon as he heard the awful news. He went inside and saw the mahogany haired girl whom he fell in love with. Trying to stop his tears from falling, Chanyeol went near the hospital bed where she's sleeping. She's full of bruises and a bandage was prominent or to be most seen on her head. An oxygen mask was placed on her nose, letting her breathe peacefully and carefully. He looked at her terribly, held her cold, pale hand and kissed it gently.

    "I'm so sorry for what I've done.. I didn't mean to hurt you nor Lay. I just felt sullen and I just couldn't control myself. What I did was unforgivable. I'm the most awful person in the world.." 

    Chanyeol was the mastermind of the crime. Selfishness can lead you to do something you really don't want to do but you just have to do it. In the end, you'll feel regretful and remorseful of the sin you've just commited. Chanyeol was a victim of it. 

    He planted a kiss on her forehead. His last kiss for her. Blaire was in a comatose state for having a severe head injury. The bullet was sucessfully taken out. He then left a letter on the side table and left without a trace. Park Chanyeol was now nowhere to be seen. Vanishing as if nothing had happened. Chanyeol knew that he'll still be friendzoned and the best choice was to leave. But leaving his feelings for Blaire was too hard for him. He still loves her and nothing has changed. 


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Chapter 7: Wow this is a good story dear :) I love the way you end all of your chapters with those cliffhangers, and wow I didn't expect that Chanyeol would do that I mean it suddenly happened and I was like wait what is this who are these men kidnapping both of them lol. But anyway, this is a good story and I really like it. Keep up the good work ❤