P r o l o g u e

Beside You



        She sat on an old, wooden, brown bench underneath a very old oak tree at a park that was very memorable to her. She really loves this place more than anywhere on Earth. This was the place of happiness, sadness, hatred and confusion at the same time. For Blaire, this was the only place where she could remember him. Remember his annoying but unique laughter, all those jokes even if they're corny and she still feels that his presence was still there. She misses him so much. Every night, she prays that he'll come again. Every sleepless night, she wishes he would come back for her but she knows it'll be hard. She wants him back and to be in his loving arms once again.

        "Is that really hard to ask for? "

       Another starry evening and Lay went out to the balcony. The cold, sweet air met with his skin and he looked up straight to the starry sky to ask the same wish again and again. He wants to touch her rosy cheeks. Her mahogany rich hair and oh her sweet, sweet smile along with her glassy, hazel brown like eyes which made him love her more.

       "I want to be with her again... I wish she still remembers me..I still love her... Does she feel the same way? "

        He was the one who was always there for her. Chanyeol did everything to amuse her and to make her laugh and smile again. For him, she was the apple of his eye and the missing puzzle piece of his life. He loves her more than his own life.

        "I want her to see that I care for her deeply and whole heartedly but how could I show that to her when she always thinks of him?"

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Chapter 7: Wow this is a good story dear :) I love the way you end all of your chapters with those cliffhangers, and wow I didn't expect that Chanyeol would do that I mean it suddenly happened and I was like wait what is this who are these men kidnapping both of them lol. But anyway, this is a good story and I really like it. Keep up the good work ❤