Beside You

      Walking past the lockers, Lay suddenly smashed into someone. His books suddenly fell as it happened which startled him and apologized immediately. "I'm so sorry. It was terribly my fault. I wasn't looking at where I was going." He looked at the person apologetically. The boy accepted his apology and quickly helped him pick up his books. "It's alright." He handed him Lay's textbooks. 

      Lay stared at him and pulled out his hand, saying an introduction. "Thank you. I'm Yixing by the way, Zhang Yixing or Lay for short." The boy was surprised to hear that name -  That familiar and mundane name. He shook Lay's hand, "Nice to meet you. I'm Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol observed and noted Lay's face. This black haired and brown eyed boy who is standing right infront of him is the one Blaire's been searching for all these years but he was not quite precise if it's really him. His facts quite still lack evidence. There could've been thousands of boys with the name "Lay" adding the features of black hair with brown eyes. Chanyeol has doubts. 

       "Well, nice to meet you Chanyeol." He replied back and asked, "I was wondering if you would know where the infirmary might be? I'm kind of lost and I'm actually quite new to this place." 

     Chanyeol nodded and notified him the right directions. Lay thanked him and went right away. Chanyeol looked at Lay's back and thinks if he should follow him or not. He become anxious and nervous. What if he was the Lay that Blaire was talking about all these years? What if they got together again and Blaire would leave him? He's afraid of losing her. He's unused to being the loser and accepting defeat. He followed him from behind without Lay  noticing it. 


     Blaire is seen resting and sleeping on her bed. Her eyes then opened and she looked at the wall clock. The clock read that an hour had already passed. She scratched her eyes and was awakened by the sound of voices coming from the nurse's office. She curiously listened to what the conversation was all about. 

     "Here, fill this up so that we could have a record of you here." 

     She could hear someone scribbling and she tried to stand up to sneak a peek at what's happening there. Blaire is quite curious in everything. But as the saying goes, "Curiosity killed the cat." 

    "So, uhm, Zhang Yixing, age 16 and birthday is on October 7?" 

     Lay nodded and answered all of the nurse's questions. 

    "Great. We'll have your check-up then. All new students should get their medical examination once they step inside this campus."

    Blaire immediately went back to her bed and laid down. They went inside and the nurse checked on her to see her condition. "Feeling better Miss Blaire?" Blaire nodded her head while looking at Lay. He was also staring at her as he heard the name "Blaire." Could this be it? Did fate lead them to each other once again? Lay couldn't believe that his first love was right infront of him. He could feel butterflies in his stomach as he was stupefied by her radiant looks. Blaire also couldn't take her eyes off of him. She couldn't hold the fact that her bestfriend and other half is standing right infront of her. Their eyes locked for a moment. 

    They were about to say Hi to each other when the nurse interrupted them. "Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Right this way Mr. Zhang Yixing." The nurse assisted him and continued doing the medical examination of Lay. Blaire smiled and is still looking at him. She was awed with his charming looks, on how he grew up to be so fine. Lay is still starstrucked as if he just saw an angel. He went on staring at her when the nurse was already done with her task. She then left them and continued on her work. 

      Lay went near and sat on the bed beside Blaire. He opened his mouth to say something when Blaire hugged him as tightly as she could. She shed a tear and whispered the word "I missed you" over and over. Lay also hugged her tightly and held the back of her head carefully while saying, "I missed you too." They were so overjoyed and felt as if time had stopped and they're floating in the air. They couldn't express how much they were so glad to see each other again. Missing each other like crazy and all those daydreams about being with each other finally came true. 

   On the other side,  Chanyeol was too late. He saw defeat right infront of him. Seeing them together again breaks his heart even more. The confident Chanyeol turned into a weak Chanyeol. He closed his hand into a fist and tried to stop himself from barging at their moment. He bit his tongue but he wants to scream out. His heart tries to say don't give up on Blaire but the back of his mind was saying "Accept defeat." 

   It was the happiest moment for Blaire and Lay but the most horrid and awful moment for Chanyeol.


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Chapter 7: Wow this is a good story dear :) I love the way you end all of your chapters with those cliffhangers, and wow I didn't expect that Chanyeol would do that I mean it suddenly happened and I was like wait what is this who are these men kidnapping both of them lol. But anyway, this is a good story and I really like it. Keep up the good work ❤