chapter ⒐ Yesung & his plans

Mr. Gentleman's Other Face

lol last time I updated EXO still had 2 members now everyone already revealed XD I favored Kris tbh :3 my same age friends, ChanYeol, Baekhyun, and Chen as well ^^ even though bad rumours ever spread around them, I really love their songs titled "Into Your World" :)

in other notes, 3 of my friends crazily flew to Singapore for the sake watched SS4 and asked them how they look in real life. Just so you know, one of them is Kyu fan and other both is Min's. They said SiWon just handsome as his pictures so they didn't impressed that much, Wookie is cute, Eunhyuk's skin as white as milk, SungMin is vigorously gorgeous, Kyu is handsome, Teukie didn't had wrinkles at all (lol), Henry is as cute as his nickname, Zhou Mi is just handsome (and tall lol), Shindong is handsome for real XD they said YeSung had this negative scarry aura around him otl and lastly but not least is DongHae, they said this boy is perfectly handsome as perfect he can be, they are all gone speechless the moment saw him in such distance XD in addition they also saw my Amber and Sulli! Amber is very handsome they said! lol while Sulli is cutely pretty :3

okay my note ends here;;


He as woken up by the shaky feeling from his surroundings, opening his eyes he saw no one but empty seats, but he realize the bus is in somewhere, a room. He quickly jump of the bus and look out there he receive breeze of wind. "Oh, you're awake!" there's Mi Ran who just get down from stairs. "I'm just about to waking you up since we'll start sailing off!" she said in happy tone. With still his sleepy eyes he try to collect his consciousness, "Ramyeon," his volume so low almost like whispering, "Where am I?" he try to walk approaching Mi Ran with his wobbly feet. "The sea!" she exclaims happily, "Hurry, get upstairs! You'll just get more sick if stay here!" she takes his hand and drag him upstairs. As soon as they reach upstairs the fresh air hit him and awake him completely. "Hello there, sleepy head!" Heechul come to him while slouching his arm to his shoulder. "Hyung...," he whine because Heechul start dragging him. "Enjoy the sea air, Kibum-yah!" but Kibum keep whining and get back to the center of the deck where there are seats there. "Where are we going?" he asks as sit down on one of those seats. "My island!" YeSung said proudly. "Aigoo, our hyung so cool just buy an island~" KangIn who standing not far from YeSung teasing him. Kibum who heard that just peered his eyes and choosing to sleep on the seat. "He seems in bad mood," DongHae said while approaching Mi Ran.
"You're right," she look to him worriedly. "But no worries! I bet he'll get better once we arrive!" 
"Hopefully so, he look so unenergized since this morning,"
"He hate to be waken up like that, Mi Ran-ah. Besides Yesung's island really pretty and perfect for a trip like this!"

After about an hour they arrive in a small yet beautiful island, they greeted by Yesung's maids and butlers. "Kibummie, wake up~" DongHae shook his shoulder gently. He groan a little but when he said they already arrive he finally gets up from the seat. Apparently everyone already got down and walk to the mansion that located in the middle of the island. When they approach the mansion, Mi Ran quickly notice them, "Oh, you finally wake up!" she greet them along Henry who seem about guiding her somewhere. "Going somewhere Mi Ran-ah?" DongHae asks as looking to Mi Ran's hand holding a map.
"Yes, I saw the forest around the island earlier and ask Yesung about it, he said I can walk around if I'm curious,"
"You're going with Henry?"
"Yes! Since the others seems busy, hyung!"
"Huh? Busy?" Donghae look around and found some of them playing by themselves
"See?" Henry shows his eye-smiles, "Wookie-hyung is cooking, Sungmin-hyung helping him and Kyu-hyung I guess,"
"You want to join us?" Mi Ran asks them
"You're not going, Kibummie?"
"No, I'm not interested,"
"Okay then, I'll accompany him here!"
"Okay, see you guys!"

When they finally left, DongHae just smiling to Kibum continously, "What?"
"You tell me,"
"What do you mean?"
"You're interested with her, am I right?"
Kibum frown his eyebrows, "If not, how can she makes you change your decision?"
"It's not like she change my decision, I haven't made my decision yet,"
DongHae still smiling knowing what he's saying isn't all true, "Kibummie, I knew you for too long, don't even think you can lie to me,"
Kibum glares at him, "Then why don't you answer the question yourself,"
"Just to make sure," he chuckles, making Kibum pout
it's not like I'm interested with her...,ugh why am I thinking what he's saying now?

Time for lunch finally arrive, like before all of them attack the dining room instantly. RyeoWook kindly put a plate full of the cooking to Mi Ran knowing those boys won't minding whether she get her part or not. "Thank you! Your cooking always delicious!" Ryeowook just smile proudly as he hears such compliment from a long time. This time the less talker Zhou Mi was sitting beside her, he eats a lot but still eat it elegantly in some way. "Yah, why are you looking to me like that? Eat your food before its get cold," he chuckle to her as he caught her starring to him. "I wonder if every rich person always have this elegant aura when eating," she mumble to herself, "Even you guys eat a lot like pig...," Zhou Mi look to her curiously because he can't hear what she's saying clearly, "You're...saying something?" Mi Ran flinch a bit and comeback from her daydreaming. "N-nothing! Just eat! Anyway you speak more than I thought," Zhou Mi instantly smile again. "Ahaha, you might be thinking me as someone quite and reserved? I'm not really like that, just I don't talk so much like Heechul or Teukie did," he's glancing to both of the names he's said. "Oh, I haven't been hear them talks a lot in front of me," Zhou Mi's eyes widened a bit, "You better not, they really talks a lot," then he chuckles again, making Mi Ran chuckles too. Kibum who caught the scenery just shaking his head by himself. Mi Ran's attitude isn't that way to him and she's deniying about having another face. "AHEM!" DongHae make him jump a bit from his seat, "What?!" he protested. "You should treat her more nicely if you want her to be nice to you, Kibummie," DongHae smile sweetly to him but just receive an angry face from Kibum. "Guys!" Yesung suddenly stand up while clapping his hands, "I have an announcement! Tonight we'll do a walk through the forest!" everyone start protesting, "Agh, don't say," Kyuhyun who sit not too far from Mi Ran start to whine. "It's exactly what you think, Kyu," SungMin rolls his eyes. "What do you mean?" Mi Ran butting in their conversation. "You know, that thing you do in school when we have trip, when they put up fake ghosts and stuff to scarry you," Zhou Mi who sit beside her the one who explains. Looks like everybody already know what in Yesung's head. Mi Ran look to Kibum to knew his expression, as she expect he look unamused. "We'll be drawing who will go with who now! But since I'm not going to participate someone have to go by themselves!" everyone just let out a sigh because they're not interested at all and don't really care if they go by themselves.

"I'll go by myself!" all of the eyes shot to the voice owner which is Mi Ran. "Mi Ran-ssi, you-," Zhou Mi look to her in shocked eyes. "Why? I don't mind go by myself," she said non-chalantly. "It would be dangerous, noona! Let me accompany you!" Henry shout accross the table. "No, let me accompany her instead," DongHae stare to Henry like saying something to him by eyes. "O-okay, hyung," Henry had to agrees it. "Okay, so then who will be go by himself?" Yesungs offering the oppotunity again before the drawing start. "I will," Kibum said while raising his hands. "Okay then! Now let's begin the draw!" Yesung pull out a glass filled with rolled papers. When they drawing, Mi Ran converse DongHae,
"Yah, I can go by myself!"
"No! We used to this but not you! Even it's just a child play to us, you don't know how far Yesung can go!"
"What do you mean?"
"Yesung can be serious even it's just for fun, you don't know what's going in his head,"
"But I explore the forest already with Henry!"
"It's not about it, Mi Ran-ah, trust me,"

The drawing continues and make some odd couples. ZhouMi goes with Heechul, SiWon with Eunhyuk, RyeoWook with Henry, SungMin with ShinDong, HanGeng with KangIn, and Eeteuk with Kyuhyun."What on earth-!" HanGeng suddenly speaking in Chinese, Zhou Mi try to calm his down as he knew what he's saying. "Did I just saw HanGeng cursing?" Mi Ran widened her eyes. "Yes, you did," DongHae answers her then chuckling. The night reaching faster then they knew, everyody prepare themselves for the walk. They bring flashlights and wearing jackets, only Kibum casually wear a think denim jacket with his t-shhirt underneath. "Yah, you'll catch cold!" Mi Ran scold as soon as she sees him. "Why are you yelling to me like that?! And don't act like your my mother!" he protests while fixing his denim jacket. To be honest, he feels cold too and regret didn't wear a sweater or a thicker jacket, suddenly something wrap around him. "Just wear it! I still wear my sweater anyway," it was Mi Ran put on her jacket to him, she quickly walks away before he can pull back the jacket to her. Pouting, he put on her jacket and feel the warmness from it, he also can smell a sweet scent from the jacket.
Is this her scent...? It smells nice...and sweet

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Miran is so lucky >.< and kibum here is soo cute too~<br />
But.. If Kibum is going to engange w tiffany, what about Mi Ran? They perfectly match together <3 <br />
uuu.. Update please<br />
<br />
ps. Please check my story Unspoken Feelings. <br />
Thanks :)
EstefaniaSirens #2
OMG finally someone else has kibum as their bias !!!!!!!!! And nice story!!!
AyraLovesKibum #3
mi ran is pretty :D
interesting.. update soon :D
Emerald #5
interesting story<br />
anticipating the next update
luvlollipop #6
nice new fanfic!!!!