
Fighting For Love; the Story of the Girls who Won

We boarded the plane at 6:00p.m. the next day. I wore stockings with a cream colored dress that hugged my body. Hues of sunset enlightened my outfit with bursts of color. Natasha wore a green dress that flowed behind her, and golden earrings dangled from her ears. We had promised each other that we would doll ourselves up for our first meeting with the band, so we had curled our hair for the occasion.


When we arrived at Seoul, we were greeted by 6 men in suits. “What’s going on?” Natasha asked.


“Must be bodyguards,” I whispered. “For protection?”


The men bowed. “Welcome to Seoul,” one of the men greeted us. “Please come with us. Do not worry about your bags. We will carry them for you.”


Natasha bowed in response. I decided to follow suit. “Thank you.” I smiled. I liked the formality in their tone.


Natasha and I followed the men, looking around in wonder. Everything was so neat, cleanly polished and glowing white. Families bustled past us, running to catch their flights. I took a deep breath, composing myself.


Suddenly, I saw them. 12 men, wearing black and white outfits that were all different yet similarly alike.


I caught my breath, suddenly feeling heat rush into my face. My heart began to pump like crazy. All the nerves that had remained oddly quiet during my flight suddenly washed over me, wave after wave, as I felt adrenaline running through my veins.


Natasha’s hand flew to clench my arm. “Oh my god,” she breathed.


“It’s really them,” I said in a hushed voice.


One of the members stepped forward. “1, 2, 3!” Suho called out. He smiled at us.


“Hello, we are EXO!’’ The members chanted their slogan, then deeply bowed. I bowed as well, blushing.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Natasha replied breathily. I nodded, still mute, with an awkward grin plastered on my face. Slowly, I raised my eyes to look at each of the 12 members.


First, there was Suho. He wore a simple black sweater that contrasted with his hair, which was ice blonde and swept to the side. “Suho,” I announced. The members all turned to me. “EXO-K’s leader...debuted after 7 years of training, and has a hidden talent for karate.” Surprised and pleased, Suho bowed again. The other members guffawed, giving me a round of applause.

Second, I turned to Kai. He wore a grey toque, and his hair covered his forehead. I liked the checkered shirt he wore. “Kai...definitely one of my two favorite dancers!” He bowed, grinning. “You’ve got some strong thighs, too,” I teased. “All the members would keep losing to you, from what I remember.” The members erupted in more laughter, Chen laughing the loudest.


“Ah, what is this...” Kai threw a hand over his face in embarrassment. Giggling, I looked at Chen. His laughter faded, although a grin remained as he met my stare.


“Chen!” I returned his grin. “My favorite handsome troll! Your laugh is my favorite, and your smile too. You’re very kind-hearted.” Satisfied with my response, Chen thanked me with a bow.


Next I turned to Sehun. Then Lay. I moved through each member: Luhan, Xiumin, Baekhyun, and Tao, while complimenting each of their unique features. There was Sehun’s “Yehet,” Lay’s compassion and adorable dimples, Luhan’s ‘manliness,’ Xiumin’s character, Baekhyun’s wit, and Tao’s cuteness and incredible karate. Each comment I made was met with applause, laughter and bows.


“Chanyeol--” I began, before Natasha interrupted me.


“Chanyeol!” She burst out. Chanyeol turned to her, startled, as all attention shifted to my friend. I chuckled. Natasha’s favorite EXO member had always been Chanyeol. “I...your ears,” she stammered awkwardly, turning pink. Chanyeol blushed too, as everyone else broke out in laughter. I hugged Natasha, giggling along with the others. “Wait, wait!’ As the laughing toned down, Natasha continued. “Your rapping is really good. I love your voice.”


“You’re really fun,” I added. “A good prankster.” Chanyeol thanked us, bowing.


I then turned to Kris. “Ah, Kris. My fellow Canadian!” Kris grinned, raising a fist. After I pounded him, I continued. “EXO-M’s leader. Seems like we need to find something that really fits your style though. Something in the galaxy, maybe?” Kris laughed, nodding with the other members.


And lastly, I slowly turned to him.


He was the one who I had seen first when I noticed the band waiting for us. He had made my heart jump as my breath quickened and shook in my chest. I had avoided his eyes during my encounter with the band, but I felt his stare during the entire time I spoke to the other members. Now, I hesitantly raised my eyes to meet his, my heart thumping so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest.


D.O. met my eyes with a steady, intent stare.


“D.O.” I laughed nervously, desperately trying to remain calm and collected. He returned a small smile, and I suddenly felt warm. “You’re my favorite…” I faltered, unsure of where to start. I liked everything about him.


I felt like his eyes were drowning me in their intensity, which made thinking even harder.


Baekhyun laughed at my unusually long pause. “What’s this, guys, Kyungsoo’s her favorite?”


The laughter broke me out of my trance. “D.O., I love your voice. And your quiet nature. You might not be the strongest, but it’s adorable.” Bit by bit, my inner thoughts began to tumble out. “I feel like even though you’re the quietest, your mind is the loudest. I always want to know what you’re thinking. You’re so...mysterious.” Suddenly, I stopped. Did I say too much? I bit my lip. Why did I always do this?


D.O. looked pretty surprised himself. “Thank you,” he responded formally, adding a deep bow. “I’ve never...heard a fan say that about me.”


“Wow,” Xiumin added, grinning as he applauded with the rest of the band. Natasha nudged me teasingly. I awkwardly looked down, embarrassed. Did I just ruin my image? I sounded like a desperate fan especially obsessed with D.O. Or was I just overthinking my words?


Before I could ponder any further, Baekhyun clapped a few times. “Attention, everyone! Now that we have been introduced by our new friends themselves, we will now go back to our flat for supper and a chance to get to know our guests a little better.”


Sehun grinned at us. “Jessica, since you won this contest and have been given the chance to vacation with us, you and your friend will share a room in our dorm. Does that sound good?”


Sharing a room and living with the band members in their dorm? Of course it sounded good.


“All right guys, let’s go!” Suho called out. Natasha grabbed my hand, and we exchanged excited glances. Our chance of a lifetime was finally beginning.

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