
Fighting For Love; the Story of the Girls who Won

“Jessica,” Natasha shook me. “Wake up, you’re having a nightmare.”


I jolted awake, soaked in tears. “Natasha,” I gasped, my breaths hitched from the sobs that shuddered through my body.


Natasha folded me into a hug, kneeling beside my figure as I remained in a fetal position. “Don’t let yourself cry on your birthday,” she whispered comfortingly. “It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare.”


The worst part was that it hadn’t been a nightmare. It was a dream so beautiful I had wanted it to be real.




I glanced down at the kid pulling at my hands. He was small, a handsome young boy, but unrecognizable. “Sorry darling, I’m afraid you’re tugging the wrong person.” I squatted down beside him. “Do you want me to help you find your mommy?”


The child giggled. “Stop it, Mommy.” He pointed at the playground. “Can you push me on the swings for a little bit? Please?”


I felt slightly bewildered. “Okay,” I replied hesitantly. Was I really his mother?


Ah, but of course. I was dreaming.


I smiled to myself as my son dragged me to the swingset. Oddly enough, the more I looked at him, the more he appeared to resemble someone familiar. “Where’s Daddy?” I asked.


More importantly, who was Daddy?


“He’s getting ice cream,” my son sang as he climbed onto the swing. I pushed him into the air, watching him squeal with delight. Higher and higher he flew.


The sky rushed towards him, engulfing him in a sea of blue. The blue was everywhere. I was everywhere. I was soaring towards the clouds.


Suddenly, I fell back, swooping towards the ground on my swing. “Push her higher, Daddy!” My son shrieked in delight, clapping his hands wildly.


He was behind me.


I craned my neck to see his face, twisting my head as far as I could. No matter how hard I stretched, I couldn’t see him.


Suddenly, I tumbled off my swing, falling into a sea of confusion. I fell faster than the wind. I was screaming, crying out his name.


He caught me.


“Be careful, sweetheart,” Minseok said with a grin, handing me an ice cream cone. “You’re falling too hard for me.”


I threw the covers off of me as I rolled out of bed. “I know this sounds crazy,” I said slowly. “But I’m thinking of doing it.”


“Doing what?” asked Natasha.


“Meeting him. Minseok.” As soon as my words left my mouth, their impact finally hit me. “Wait, no.” I promptly sat down on my bed. “What am I saying?” My life would be over once I stepped foot in Canada.


She gave me a knowing smile. “I guess you accidentally let your heart speak, for once.”


I couldn’t bring myself to argue. “I’m taking an early shower,” I yawned, ambling off to the bathroom.


I emerged some time later dressed in my favorite outfit: a lace red top and jet-black tights alongside black boots and sparkling earrings. I decided to smear bold red lipstick on my lips, topping off my look.


Suddenly, I heard a chorused cheer. “Happy Birthday!”


Whirling around, I beamed at the boys who had sneakily gathered behind me. Now, they were more than the EXO members I had always pictured them to be. They had evolved into my brothers, my friends and my family.


“Oh my gosh,” I breathed. D.O.’s face shone behind the cake he held in his hands. “You shouldn’t have.”


“It’s your favorite,” he whispered, his eyes reflecting the flickering candles. “Butter cake.”


I would have buried him into a tearful hug if it wasn’t for the cake between us. “Thank you, Kyungsoo.” D.O. had been one of the few members who deeply touched me during the course of our vacation.


The boys broke out into song, drowning my words as I spoke. Natasha and Chanyeol were there too, linked in a gentle embrace as they rocked back and forth. If Minseok had been here, he would have been singing along too.




Was it possible? Would my parents be able to accept him? I imagined myself returning to Canada, hesitantly confessing to my parents. I imagined chaos. I saw doubt. I saw painful consequences.


It couldn’t last forever, could it? My parents would eventually simmer down. They would eventually come to relent, as they let go of me and sent me free. I might have to suffer through the thunderstorm, but it would be worth seeing the sunshine afterwards. Wouldn’t it?


Would it?


Sehun nudged me. “Jessica.”


I blinked. Everyone was watching me expectantly, waiting for me to blow out the candles.


Clasping my hands together, I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them, I blew out the candles in one breath. “Congratulations!” boomed Kris. “You’re finally twenty years old.” The boys applauded, and I gave a humble bow.


“Thanks so much, guys. It really means a lot.” I spoke from the bottom of my heart.


Once everyone had eaten a bite of cake, I ushered them out of my room. The last member to leave was Luhan.


“Jess,” he murmured. I saw him throw a glance at the other boys before continuing. “Suho says that your presents are piled up in the living room.” He slipped a piece of paper into my fingers. “Whenever you’re ready,” he added quietly.


Once Luhan slid the door shut behind him, I unfolded the paper in my hands.


Xiumin phoned me. He says that the dinner starts at 9:00pm.

He’s waiting.


Whenever you’re ready, Luhan had said.


My iPod’s ringtone drew me out of my thoughts, and my heart skipped a beat. “Hi,” I greeted my parents, bringing my iPod to my ear.


“Happy birthday, darling,” they chanted.


“Wait,” my mom interjected. “Why can’t we see your face?”


“Turn on the camera, sweetheart,” my dad added. “We need to see our twenty year old daughter.”


I took a shaky breath, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. “I-I can’t.”


There was an awkward pause. “Why not?” My dad demanded.


“We called to tell you about him,” my mom said slyly, oblivious to my tone.


I was silent for a minute. “I won’t be able to face you after letting out my confession,” I finally admitted, my words rushing out one after another. “But I hope that you’ll grow to accept it.”


A slight movement in the corner of my eye startled me. Natasha had been peeking from the doorway. Waving her in, I saw that she understood exactly what was going on.


Our eyes locked and Natasha nodded encouragingly. I had to tell them now.


“What are you--”


“I have a boyfriend,” I blurted out, cutting off my dad’s voice. My heart began to pound wildly. “Well, not yet. I’m going to go tell him that I want to be with him. Tonight, at the dinner party. I even picked out a dress.”


A stunned silence punctuated my words. “What?” My mom screeched incredulously.


A stupid giggle escaped from my mouth. I couldn’t help it; Natasha was rolling on her bed, in tears of laughter from my nonsensical ramble. “What just happened?” she gasped.


My emotions were running high, and adrenaline pumped through my veins. I felt like I would explode if I held it all in. “His name is Kim Min-seok. If you want to google him, his stage name is Xiumin. He’s the oldest in the group.” I had lost all control over my words. “He’s quiet but says the most interesting things when he speaks. He’s funny, cute, and charming all at the same time. He’s caring and generous. He’s always willing to listen. He’s intelligent and intriguing.” I paused to take a breath. “He’s going to be mine.”


He’s going to be mine. A flush rose to my cheeks.




“It’s my birthday,” I reminded my mom hastily. “Minseok’s waiting for me, and I’m finally ready to meet him.” I had never seen Natasha look so proud. “Whatever arrangements you’ve made for me...prepare to cancel them,” I finished boldly.


Before I could hear a response, Natasha stole the iPod out of my hands. She jabbed at the screen, canceling the call. “Natasha,” I gasped. “Did you just--”


“You did it!” She squealed, pouncing on me. “You went all out and told them everything.”


“I wasn’t planning on hanging up on them afterwards!” I spluttered. “I’m in huge trouble when I get back to Canada.”


“Whatever happens, we’re in it together.” Her eyes danced with excitement. “I have some explaining to do myself.”


I nodded, heaving a sigh of relief. There was no point in worrying now. It was over.


Natasha pulled me to a chair. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” she said eagerly. “Allow me to be your makeup artist of the evening.”


“You’re going to give me a makeover?” My eyes widened. “No way.”


“Baekhyun!” Natasha yelled over her shoulder. “She’s ready.”


Baekhyun dashed into the room. “I finally found my eyeliner,” he panted, holding it up. “Let’s do this.” He grinned. “You’re going to look gorgeous,” Baekhyun added reassuringly.


I couldn’t wait.


An hour later, Natasha finally swivelled me towards the mirror. “You look perfect,” she gushed proudly.


Natasha had styled my hair into a half updo, and it fell over my shoulders in perfect ringlets. Minseok’s hairpiece embroidered my hair, giving a royal touch. My eyes were lined, shimmering with the gold dust layered on top of them. The lipstick that was swiped across my lips was a pink, innocent but lusciously highlighting my smile. I could barely recognize myself. “I should let you do this more often,” I gasped. Baekhyun had gifted his own special addition while lining my eyes, topping a winged edge to my look.


Before I could admire myself any further, D.O. timidly rapped on the door. “I wanted to give you this myself, in case you didn’t open your presents before leaving the dorm,” he said quietly. Kyungsoo stretched out his hand.


Two glimmering golden earrings shone in his palm. They were elegant and charming, matched perfectly to the necklace he dangled from his fingertips. “Oh Kyungsoo,” I sighed, fighting the sudden urge to cry. “You’ve done so much for me and I don’t know how to thank you.”


“Promise me you’ll be my friend even after your stay with us, and that will be more than enough.” Kyungsoo smiled gently.


His smile hid the wistful look in his eyes. I knew that he didn’t want to see me leave him so quickly, having chosen Minseok over him.


I smiled through my tears, wrapping the necklace around my neck. “Okay.” My fingers paused to touch the pendant. “I promise.”


Once I was left alone in my room, I slid on my dress and heels. My look was now complete.


The girl that watched me through the glass was wide-eyed, nervously shuffling in her heels. She was beautiful, glowing in the golden dress that elegantly flowed down her body. She was a girl who had just turned twenty years old, a girl who had decided to leave everything and give up whatever she had to be with someone from a different world. The girl in front of me was a different person, a changed person who was about ride the rollercoaster of a whole new adventure.


I watched as a slow grin began to spread across her face. She was totally ready.


She was finally ready.


~     ~    ~


Lanterns surrounded me as I stepped out of the van, illuminating the night as they gently bobbed and swayed in the breeze. The night was cool and refreshingly crisp, reminding me of the many walks I had taken weeks ago alongside Kyungsoo.


“Be careful once you’re in there,” Suho called out from inside the van. “The media’s everywhere.” He flashed me an encouraging smile. “Good luck, and have a wonderful night.”


I beamed at him happily. “Thanks, big brother.” My eyes followed the van as Suho sped off into the night.


Taking a deep breath, I glided towards the entrance of the hall. The ceiling rose high above me, chandeliers dangling down like frozen showers of fireworks as they lit up the building. Men in classy suits accompanied women in fancy gowns as they sipped champagne and wine, chatting leisurely as they tasted the exquisite foods surrounding them. There were photographers too, adding bright flashes of light to the setting as they clicked photos of each and every couple. A young man offered me a platter of small delicacies, but I declined. I was too nervous to eat.


It felt as though I was a princess lost in a castle. I didn’t know where to find my prince.




My heart skipped a beat as it began to thump hard against my chest. It was him. I knew that voice.


Slowly, I turned to face Minseok.


His hair was spiked and perfect, and his jet-black suit complimented his tie handsomely. Minseok’s eyes widened as they moved up my dress. “You look beautiful,” he finally said, a slow grin spreading across his face. “My princess is finally here.”


I smiled bashfully as he wrapped an arm around me, guiding me towards another entrance further down the hall. Minseok led me into an even larger room, the lights dimly lit to give a subtle glow to the tables surrounding us. In the middle of the room was a large dance floor, and classical music played as guests swayed to the tune.


Minseok had specially prepared a table for us. It was elaborately decorated, two glasses of champagne separated by a red rose planted in between. Beside the rose was a small cake, a single candle burning on top of it.


“Have a seat,” Minseok said with a smile. As I lowered myself into the seat, he took the cake into his hands.


“Minseok,” I murmured gently. It was the first word I had said since entering the building. “What are you doing?”


Minseok kneeled in front of me. “Happy Birthday, Jessica.”


He was being too sweet. I grinned, bringing my hands up for a cheerful little clap. “Thank you,” I replied, gently blowing the candle.


Once he returned to his seat, a waiter came and cut us each a slice of cake. “I was worried that you wouldn’t come,” Minseok admitted, once we had each taken a bite. “I was worried that you were too afraid.”


I was silent for a moment before answering. “Me too.”


Minseok put down his fork, his eyes shifting to stare deep into mine. “But here we are.”


“Here we are,” I agreed.


“Here we are, weeks after we first met,” Minseok stated. “Within a matter of minutes, I met you. Within a matter of days, I befriended you. Within a second, I fell for you.”


I laughed. “That’s the cheesiest thing I’ve ever heard from you, Kim Min-seok.”


His eyes broke away from my gaze, suddenly embarrassed. “I know,” he sheepishly replied. “As stupid as it sounds, it’s true.”


I was speechless for a moment. “Minseok,” I finally said. “Within a matter of decades, I decided to be with you.” I reached for his hand. “Even though I took forever to make my decision, I’m never going back. I’m riding this roller coaster to the very end.” I smiled. “We’re going to enjoy every minute of it.”


When his eyes met mine, I had never seen Minseok look so happy. “Thank you, Jessica,” he sighed. “I guess I can finally tell my parents that there’s a special girl I want them to meet.”


I giggled, and after a clink of our glasses we sipped our champagne together. By now, a cluster of photographers had found us through the crowds of people. They swarmed around us, snapping millions of pictures as we talked. Minseok gestured to me, and we got up from our seats to pose for a few snapshots.


Once the paparazzi was satisfied, they left us alone in search of other celebrities to photograph. Minseok’s arm remained wrapped around me. “You know what my favorite memory of us was?” he asked softly. “It was when Kai was teaching us to dance.”


I smiled. “It was fun, wasn’t it?”


Minseok pivoted me towards the dance floor. I watched as he nodded to someone in the distance, raising his hand high above him before snapping his fingers once.


The music changed, transforming as light piano began to stream through the speakers. I knew that song. “Miracles of December,” I breathed.


Minseok stepped away from me, offering his hand. “Will you have this dance with me?” he asked, a charming smile playing across his lips. “I remembered how much you love this song,” he added.


I beamed at him, suddenly teary. “Yes,” I answered. “I would love to, Kim Min-seok.” I slipped my fingers through his, and Minseok drew me to the middle of the floor.


I heard EXO-K’s voices fill the room as Minseok and I moved together to the song. We were finally together, finally where we were supposed to be. Here we were, dancing together through the night of my twentieth birthday. It couldn’t be more perfect.


My birthday wish had come true.


“I love you,” he whispered.


I love you. They were three simple words that couldn’t have touched me so deeply if they hadn’t been spoken by him.


“I love you too.”


I was happy. I was finally happy.

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