
Fighting For Love; the Story of the Girls who Won

I blinked. Then blinked again.


I must have heard wrong.


“Jessica? Are you present?” The announcer called out, straining to make his voice heard over the thundering wave of cheers and applause. I remained in my seat, frozen.


There was no way.


Suddenly, something forcefully collided into me. Natasha laughed, her arms suffocating me in an overjoyed hug. “Jess! It’s you!” She screamed, a high pitched cry of joy. I gasped, realizing I had held my breath.


“Natasha! What--”


But there was no time for questions. Arms stretched out to me from every direction, pulling me towards the announcer. I stumbled on stage breathlessly, clutching every hand I caught for support.


“Jessica.” The announcer smiled at me. “Congratulations.” As my breath slowly returned, I felt a smile slowly stretch across my face. I had won!


It was a random draw that I had been entered into, an early birthday present. My friends hadn’t bothered to tell me until the day of the draw, the draw that would pick one lucky girl who would have the unimaginable chance to spend one month vacationing with none other than the 12 members of EXO. Natasha had introduced the band to me, and it had only taken a month to fall for them. So, of course, hearing that I had just won the draw was unbelievable.


“I…thank you!” Unsure of how to respond, I awkwardly bowed. Giggles erupted from the audience.


“Jessica, the draw gives the winner not only the opportunity to meet and spend time with the 12 EXO members, but also allows the winner to choose one other friend to live this chance of a lifetime as well!” The announcer turned to flash a grin at the audience. “Have you thought of a friend? Who would you like to tag alongside you?”


I turned to the audience as the announcer handed me the mike. Scanning the sea of faces, I smiled. The choice was obvious.


I took a deep breath. “Natasha! Would you like to join me?” She nodded vigorously, her eyes bright. As she made her way up to join me, my eyes rested on the announcer.


“And there you have it, folks! The winner and her lucky friend will now have exactly 24 hours to pack before embarking on their one month vacation with…EXO!” Applause erupted from the audience as Natasha and I excitedly waved. Once we were escorted off stage, Natasha pounced on me. We bounced together, screaming in our overwhelming excitement.


This was it. The chance of a lifetime. The announcer couldn’t have worded it any better.


I was ready.

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