
Change of Heart

Weeks had gone by and Key still hasn’t said a word to me. A part of me feels relieved. I shouldn’t want to talk to someone like him but I cant help but feel semi disappointed.

Walking into class I expected to get the same cold shoulder from Key but he wasn’t there. Exhaling the breath I didn’t know I was holding, I sit down.

He hasn’t missed a school day yet so why isn’t he here?

Class begins and still no sign of Key. Sigh, maybe he was sick or just didn’t feel like showing up. God knows I struggle getting myself to this hellhole. Still, he doesn’t come across as the type to skip school. From what I could tell, he was very smart. He’s earned all A’s so far on the assignments while I can barely manage a C.

Why was I even worrying?

Looking up at the clock I realize that class is already half way over. Finally, only a one more class after this and I can go home.

Just as I start to plan the rest of my day, the door opens. Key walks in and hands a late pass to the teacher, and I can’t help but stare at him. His cheeks are flushed, almost like he was angry. He also looked disheveled which was unusual, Key always looked so polished but now as he takes his seat, I realize something was wrong with him.

As he takes out his notebook, I can see a red mark that flows around his wrist like a handprint. I could also tell it was bruising.

“What happened?” I asked him shakily.

He just glares at me with icy eyes and I could only assume that Minho was behind this. I want to ask him more but I can’t get my mouth to move. I know he will just ignore me like all my other attempts so I stay silent.



After my last class I meet Minho and the rest of our friends by our lockers.  I planned to ask Minho if he was the one who hurt key but now as I face him I don’t have the courage.

He would assume that I was friends with him and he wouldn’t let me live it down. I couldn’t bare the endless name calling and teasing that it would bring me.

I hear them mention Key’s name and it snaps me out of my thoughts.

“I can’t believe that little had the nerve to say that to you!” I hear Onew shout.

“Oh yeah, I hope he learned his lesson.” Minho said proudly. I can’t help but feel my insides twist as he says this but I do my best to keep calm.

“What happened?” I tried to sound nonchalant.

“Minho here was messing with that brat Taemin and that had the nerve to call Minho pathetic! We showed him who was the pathetic one.” Onew tells me. I simply fake a laugh and continue to listen to these two rave about the fight.

They would kill me I ever told him how I think messing with people is stupid and I can’t risk loosing my friends my senior year.

I never participate when they decide to pick on someone. I just stand off to the side until they’re done. They can be ruthless but they’re not that bad when you get to know them. At least, that’s what I tell myself.

Onew, Minho and I grew up together. Our parents were friends so we have known each other our whole lives. Up until last year, they weren’t so bad. They never got into fights, never bullied anyone and they were actually fun to be around. After girls started to chase us, Minho became a little full of himself and that’s when this all started. Now, people either fear us, or want us and I don’t know if that’s a good thing.

As I drive home I call this girl Sulli. Maybe spending time with with a cute girl will take my mind off Key.


Key POV  

I slam the door to my room without even looking at my grandmother. I wanted a fresh start at this school but everywhere I go, the people are the same.

Doesn’t that every get tired of picking on people, why can’t he just leave Taemin alone. Now that I have been sticking up for Taemin, I’ve made myself his new target. 

Jonghyun had the nerve to ask me what was wrong. Ha. I’m sure he knew damn well what was wrong. The thought of seeing his face tomorrow just sickens me. Of all the people in that class, why did I have to sit next to him.


Thank you guys for subscribing! This is the first story I have written so I know its not the best but still thank you!

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Shawol365 #1
Author-nim please update soonㅠ.ㅠ
I love this story sooooooo much><
Please update;--;
quicking #2
Chapter 9: please updaaate
Chapter 12: Such naughty boys xD one thing that left me wondering though is what happened to the mother? I mean she was there when kibum arrived ? And this poor needy xD boys just had in the house where the mom also is Kekeke what's gonna happen? Update soon *^*
Chapter 12: the scene was good for a first time ;) now im curious how jonkey will act in school and vise versa (especially minho)

and with minho, i think he's crushing on Taemin but is ashamed and the only way to let it out is to bully taemin. Idk thats just the feeling i get
Chapter 11: Ah no!!!! Jonghyun fighting!!!
Chapter 10: damn close close. Why must you tease me authornim?
magicbananas #7
Chapter 10: Ooooohhhh my feeeeeeeeels~~~
quicking #8
Chapter 9: please updateeeeeeee
Chapter 9: ah the chapter thoooo~~~ they kissed again!
keymymistress #10
Chapter 9: :0 update right now! I must see what happens next pleaseeeee