
Change of Heart

Key Pov


This has easily been one of the worst weeks of my life.

I don't understand why everyone thinks Jonghyun is so great. Walking around the school like hes a God while his idiotic friends protect him. Like everyone in the school should bow down to him while girls are throwing themselves at him, begging for any kind of attention. Why? I have seen a better personality in a peanut than in Kim Jonghyun.  

All I did was try to be nice to him and introduce myself since we would be sitting next to each other all year and he acted like I was some peasant begging for change. How am I supposed to put up with this douche all year? There was only one good outcome and that was meeting Taemin. He didn't care that I was different from everyone else.  When I sat behind him in English class he immediately turned around smiling and said "You must be new here! I'm Taemin. What's your name?" 

I could genuinely tell that he was glad to be talking to me. You could tell by his eyes, when ever he smiled his eyes would light up. No, I was not attracted to Taemin, he was too skinny and I could tell at once that he was straight. He knew I was gay though. Most could tell by the way I dressed and the way I acted because I was not afraid to hide who I was. Yes I wore makeup and yes I wore tight colorful clothing. It made me happy and I wasn't about to change that for anyone. Especially since their were so many things that made me unhappy now a days. 

My parents didn't even call to see how my first week went. My grandma said that they were "too busy" and would call soon but I knew better. They couldn't wait until I was out of their hair and sent away to my grandmothers. They would never have to look at their disappointment of a son again. My grandma was very nice and she cares about me a lot but it still hurts that my parents couldn't even look at me after they found out that I was different. They should love me no matter what. They act as if I chose this just to spite them and ruin their lives, as if I wanted to be different. Having people laugh as I walk by or better yet be thrown into lockers by the school jocks, is just what I wanted. Ha.

I have never found girls attractive but sometimes I wish I did. What I would give to be normal, to not be the weird kid that no one wants to talk to because they don't want to catch the "gay" disease. I did have many friends at my old school, but they were all girls. Once I came out and told my guy friends, they shunned me. They acted as if I would come on to them since they were guys. Ridiculous. The girls at this school just point and giggle at me like I'm some exhibit at the zoo. Has anyone at the school known a gay person? Its not uncommon yet they act as if I'm from another planet. Thankfully its my last year of high school and I wont have to see any of these people again.


Sadly its Sunday and that means I have to go back to that hellhole called school tomorrow. At least Taemin is coming over today. His eye bruised pretty bad and he wants me to show him how to put makeup on it so people wouldn't notice. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want anyone to know either. I hear a knock on the door, pulling me from my thoughts. I open the door and Taemin is standing their looking slightly timid. 

"People aren't going to be able to tell I'm wearing makeup right? I don't want to give Minho another reason to pick on me." Taemin says worried. 

Maybe that's why they pick on me. Ha. That's probably one of the many reasons why they pick on me.

"They won't be able to tell I promise. Its just foundation and I have extra so you can take some home and put it on for school."

"Alright" Taemin says semi relieved "I just don't want my mom to keep questioning me on why this happened, she was very worried."

Must be nice. Instead of acting sour to him I push my feelings aside and lead him up to my room. I tell him to sit in the chair near my desk while I dig out my very large makeup bag. I always keep it in the lower drawer because although my grandma knows I wear makeup, I don't want her to know exactly how much I have. I am a bit of a shopoholic and she'd probably scold me for spending so much money on it. 

"How come those guys pick on you?" I ask him nervously. Maybe it was something personal and he didn't want to tell someone he met only a few days ago. But he answers willingly.

"I'm not exactly sure but when ever they make fun of me they always point out how skinny I am and how my face looks like a girls. They like to call me little taeminnie and then usually push me on to the floor or something." He says bitterly.

"Well I don't think your face looks girly. They are pretty stupid though, I have Jonghyun in a class and he stares at the paper like its an alien. So maybe they can't see straight either." Taemin chuckles. Well its a start, hopefully I can make him laugh more. He really seems upset with this whole situation so I decided not to tell him about the bruise that danced from my hip bone to the bottom rib cage. I didn't want him to worry about me especially since he was so upset already. Not wanting to stress him out more, I decide kept my mouth shut and wrote him directions on applying the foundation for when he was by himself.

After we finished with the makeup I decided to ask him to go get dinner. I thought it would cheer him up.

"Sure learning all this makeup crap was making me hungry anyway." And he smiled at me. I was ecstatic because for once a guy wanted to go out with me and not feel like it was a date. Finally I had someone who wasn't afraid to be my friend. 

I told him I would pay and even though he fought me on it at first, he finally agreed to it. I was just giddy to have made a real friend. 



 After I dropped Taemin off I went home and laid in bed. I really didn't want to deal with Jonghyun or his band of idiots tomorrow. More importantly, I didn't want them to mess with Taemin. I could see how much it affected him and it broke my heart. After the years of constant name calling and being beaten up in school, I have gotten used to it. It still hurts on the inside but on the outside I don't show it. Sometimes I think that if they see it doesn't affect me then they will leave me alone but most of the time, it doesn't work. Maybe if they saw that it didn't bother Taemin they would leave him alone. Hopefully I can talk to him about it because I'm not sure I can stand it if they continue to pick on a innocent kid like Taemin. 











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Shawol365 #1
Author-nim please update soonㅠ.ㅠ
I love this story sooooooo much><
Please update;--;
quicking #2
Chapter 9: please updaaate
Chapter 12: Such naughty boys xD one thing that left me wondering though is what happened to the mother? I mean she was there when kibum arrived ? And this poor needy xD boys just had in the house where the mom also is Kekeke what's gonna happen? Update soon *^*
Chapter 12: the scene was good for a first time ;) now im curious how jonkey will act in school and vise versa (especially minho)

and with minho, i think he's crushing on Taemin but is ashamed and the only way to let it out is to bully taemin. Idk thats just the feeling i get
Chapter 11: Ah no!!!! Jonghyun fighting!!!
Chapter 10: damn AGAIN...so close again...so close. Why must you tease me authornim?
magicbananas #7
Chapter 10: Ooooohhhh my feeeeeeeeels~~~
quicking #8
Chapter 9: please updateeeeeeee
Chapter 9: ah the chapter thoooo~~~ they kissed again!
keymymistress #10
Chapter 9: :0 update right now! I must see what happens next pleaseeeee