5 : our New Member

TITLE: the Rocking Angel

I walked down the hallway, humming an infamous tune. No one really bothered to say hi to me, so I just kept walking, until someone grabbed my hand from behind.

I turned around and found a relatively short boy with dyed brown hair.

"You're the one who gave the umbrella to C.A.P hyung, right?" he asked. C.A.P?

"C.A.P? Who is...." I stopped. "Oh, that's his name? Hm, people sure have weird names these days," I said.

"Hey, watch your mouth," he warned. "Anyway, we kind of wanted to talk to you, so come with us?"

Without waiting for my answer, he pulled me by my hand. We earned weird looks on the way, but he didn't seem to care.

We climbed up the stairs and finally reached the school roof.

"I brought her~" he announced happily.

The other 5 boys turned around at once, and I recognized the C.A.P guy. He seemed to be lose at the situation as well.

"Um.... hello?" I said, slightly bowing. Why am I here?

"Hey~~!!!!" one of them with a baby face greeted. He sprang up to his feet and came to shake my hand. "I'm Yoo ChangHyun! But people call me Ricky, so you can call me Ricky too!" he introduced way faster than I can ever talk.

"Ricky back off, I think you're scaring her," one with purple hair said. Wow, the purple looks really nice on him.

Another boy with a streak of red in his hair came up behind Ricky and smiled widely.

"Let me introduce you to this group," he offered. "I'm Choi JongHyun, or ChangJo, that's L.Joe hyung and Niel hyung. The one that kidnapped you here is ChunJi hyung, and the one that you burrowed the umbrella from is C.A.P hyung," he said.

"Nice to meet you all," I said, still trying to recall the names I just heard. L.Joe only waved his hand, Niel smiled widely, and C.A.P remained standing.

"So, what's your name?" ChunJi asked.

"___ ________," I answered.

"That's a pretty name, noona," Ricky commented. I smiled at him, which made him smile even wider.

"So uh.... why am I here exactly?" I finally asked.

"We want you to be our friend~" ChangJo answered.

...I only just met you guys, and you're telling me to be your friend..... That's a bit... odd.

But I like odd things.

"I'm in," I replied, smiling. L.Joe's eyes shot open in surprise. C.A.P was still staring at me, probably too lost at the situation.

Don't worry guys, I'm not grasping the situation either.











For this chapter, I just moved the original fourth chapter and fixed the ending a tiny bit.

I hope the last chapter kind of helped build up to this....


Please feel free to leave a comment, and I will reply~^^



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Sushi-monster #1
Chapter 15: I missed this fic, and I look forward to reading more of this interesting fic ^^
Chapter 11: All I can think about right now: how did they just randomly learn how to play those instruments, but I can imagine it though. ;)
Chapter 10: I really should keep up with you more. You're doing great. ;)
Chapter 8: I feel kinda bad, I completely forgot how the story went.. but now I do remember I love it. :3
Chapter 7: Honestly, I don't know anything to comment, but I'll just post so ething to let you know I'm still reading. ;3
Chapter 6: Well, that's what you get when you're hanging with Teen Top. Fame! XD
Chapter 5: School is such a pain.. but this chapter is nice. Don't get annoyed by the morning calls. ;3
Chapter 4: That awkward moment when something happens right in front of you, but you don't know what. Don't worry CAP, you'll be fine. ;3
Chapter 3: You just got yourself a new subscriber. Keep it up! ;3
Chapter 2: this is so cute!
he would so do that!