what we share

Everything Has Changed
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"Bao Bao, Wake up! We will be late!" Yoojung said as she tries to wake up minseok.

"Bugyy its still early! I dont have any board meetings today and I informed my secretary that I would not be in today so why the hell are you waking me up at 5 in the morning?!" he says as he glares at her.

"Garden party at 10am remember?! mom would be mad again if we are not there to welcome the guests. and i still dont have anything to wear! its because of you and your stupid xbox" she sat at his bed and shake minseok's shoulders.

"hey, its not my fault that you lost. its just that your skills are getting rusty." he then laughed which earned him a hard shoulder slap from her

"ouch! okay okay! just chill! its still early! we have 5 more hours. just try to sleep again then i'll help you pick a dress later. Arasso?" 

"i cant go back to sleep. you know that! tsk" she said as she stood up and fix her bed. 

Yes. Her bed in Minseok's room. How? Well eversince the night they met each other their parents made them see each other every day. The Choi's even bought a new mansion just in front of the mansion of the Kims. They became playmates then instantly became the best of friends. they were inseperable. Attended the same schools from preparatory up until Highscool. They even entered the same University. Yoojung studied Hotel and Restaurant Management majoring in culinary while Minseok entered Business Administration. 

They are so inseperable that they consider each other's home as their own. they both call each other's parents as omma and appa. And they dont even use separate rooms during sleep overs. Their parents bought them pull out beds since both of them cant help but to sleep next to each other when one of them comes over.. They even have their own clothes in each other's cabinets and toiletries in their bathrooms. it is basically like living with each other. 

minseok and yoojung's pull out beds


If you are an outsider and you saw how they are with each other, you would probably think that they are together. But for them, they are like twins. They both know each other so well that they dont mind changing clothes in front of each other. They know eah other's secrets. They tell everything to each other. They save each other's asses. They even know each other's moods and feelings even before they could say it. They just have this special connection that anybody would just be jealous of. That's how they've been since they are 5 years old. And for them, their friendship is the most prescious thing in the world.



Since Yoojung could no longer go back to sleep, she decided to go to the Kim's kitchen and make breakfast for everybody. She went to the pantry and gather everything that she needed. She also knew very well that the smell of crispy bacon would immediately wake up minseok so she got 2 packs of honey roasted bacon strips which is his favorite. She then started making Red velvet pancakes with a light cream cheese spread instead of butter. She also made sure to make Minseok's hot chocolate drink with 3 mini marshmallows. The drink that would surely calm the grumpy minseok since she woke him up so early. This is the unique thing about Yoojung. She is the only one who knew that the chocolate drink with 3

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idle_xoxocryx #1
Though has that long in reality...still the stOry is a like LIKE!!!
Good luck for your more stories to come!