Job Hunting

ஓMy Foreign Affairஓ - completed -
Junsu was looking once again at the newspaper in his hands searching for a job and collecting addresses so he will go and ask in the afternoon and finally collecting five addresses Junsu placed the newspaper on the desk and walked out of his dorm, looking around no one was there is the hallways, everyone was packing for the weekend as everyone was going home, well almost everyone as he was going to stay here have a quiet time and work a little to buy some food and frankly this made Junsu happier to know he will be alone and no one will be here to bother him or hunt him down, just him and the job he will hopefully get

Walking into the first shop Junsu bowed and asked the manager about the job application but the second the manager looked at the papers in Junsu's hands he frowned a little:' you are Kim Junsu, from Mitotic privet college?'

Wondering how did the manager knew Junsu just nodded seeing him frown more as he handed him his papers back and spoke meanly:' we had already hired someone, no job available'

Stunned and not understanding anything Junsu just bowed a little but looking around the shop he sighed:' alright then can I buy three packs of instant ramen?'

'Err sorry it ran out, leave now' the manager shooed Junsu out as frowning seeing the boxes of instant ramen on the shelf Junsu walked out thinking that something was defiantly wrong with this man, maybe he hated poor people but again he was not this rich himself to start with, whatever was his problem what he did was rude!

Crossing this address of his list Junsu frowned as he took the bus to the second address, it was a small supermarket that needed people to work night shift and stack the stuff on the shelves and so and this was perfect for Junsu, he studies in the morning and work at night so there won't be any problem here hopefully

Walking into the supermarket Junsu bowed a little searching for the manager:' I'm here for the job application you published sir'

'Oh come with me'

Smiling a little Junsu walked with the old manager to his office at the back and they sat down

'So you have experience in this kind of work?'

'Yes sir I worked in a supermarket before when I was in high school'

'And you can work night shift?'

'Night shift will be perfect for me because I study at morning'

'Oh where do you study?'

'Mirotic privet college'

'Err… what is your name?'

'Kim Junsu'

'Sorry but the job is taken' the manager stood up at once opening the door saying that the interview had ended and that again for some unknown reason Junsu did not have the job and again Junsu walked out of the supermarket with a blank expression on his face not understanding as he walked to the third, fourth and fifth address and again every time he got the same answer, just as they knew his name and that he is from mirotic privet college the job suddenly became taken and he was shooed out

Walking back to the college Junsu frowning started to think if who could do this? who is powerful enough to make everyone obey him? who wants to ruin his life? who would do such a low dirty trick? Of course there is just one person, how did not he realize this sooner? Jung Yunho, the reason of all his misery well part of them as the superstar was the reason of the other part of the misery he was living in, all because he fell for someone whom he should not have even talked to, aish… his luck !

Walking into the college Junsu looked at the announcing board, there was a little paper pined there so walking he read:' for any student interesting in making extra money by helping cleaning the college to go to the cleaning department and speak with the manager there'

Sighing Junsu knew this add was it, no one else at this college would even need to make extra money they spend at a meal as he spends in a week so no one else will think of going to talk with this manager to clean the entire college for a little amount of money but right now he really needed this money so he had no other choice and so he walked to the cleaning department and knocked the door, an old man opened up:' yes?'

'I'm here for the application, I need the job' Junsu bowed a little

'Good, you can start today, everyone is going out for the weekend including us cleaners so you must stay here and clean the college'

'Alright' nodded Junsu, he was going to stay anyway and how many work could he have when no one else beside him is here? It should he just a piece of cake to do and then he can relax and rest thinking how good life could get

'Good, start tonight when no one is here' the old man shook Junsu's hand as Junsu nodded and walked back to his room, if he could get this job so easily does this mean that there is a trap or maybe something wrong? Does this mean that those brats are after it or is he thinking a lot now afraid of everything?

With Yoochun:

Waking up with a little headache Yoochun did not even go to the company today, he felt so lazy and just wanted to stay in bed but he had work, not as the CEO but as the superstar, he had an interview about his new signal (Why did I fell in love with you?) and he had to get ready now so dragging his legs out of the bed he entered the shower to take a cold shower to wake up, yesterday he went with yunho and the F4 to the night club they usually go to, they booked it all for them, it was them five and a bunch of attractive male strippers all trying to seduce him but all failing as he remembered Junsu with every move they made so wanting to take his mind off things he drank too much… too much that he got drunk and yunho had to help him into bed

Going out of the shower Yoochun threw some casual cloth on him and walked out of his room, yunho and the guys were in the room next door so knocking the door Yoochun opened it a little bit:' yun?'

'Oh hyung? You're up'

'Yea I need to go, I got an interview about the new single'

'Oh alright then, you will be late?'

'No not really, about an hour or two'

Nodding his head yunho did not say anything, Yoochun sighing knowing his brother is bullying someone at school but right now he did not care, he only cared about his lover hearing the single and hopefully coming back

Closing the door again Yoochun went to his car, turned it on and drove away to the studio where the interview will be held to meet his manager before the shooting and talk a little about how Yoochun wanted to go back to Paris soon but his manager wanted him to stay in Korea so they needed to talk, Yoochun had to make things clear that he will be going to Paris to wait for Junsu no matter what he had to do

'Oh Yoochun shi welcome' the staff bowed to Yoochun as he smiled a bowed back a little while walking to his manager. Sitting down the makeup artist and he hair stylist started working on Yoochun while he talked to his manager

'Ok Yoochun I saw the questions and… they kept nothing out limit, they are asking about personal stuff, about the Paris affair and your ex…'

'He is not my ex! He is still my lover and he will always be' hissed Yoochun warningly as his manager sighed, it was helpless to talk about this with Yoochun so it is better not to, it is better to just allow him to think and say they are still together and they will always be as long as he keeps on composing and singing those amazing songs that always reached number one on every chart

'Ok we will start shooting now' the PD came and announced so Yoochun stood up and walked to the stage and bowed to the MC before sitting down in front of him, as the PD shouted (action) they started

'So today we got the world wide superstar park Yoochun here with us in an without limit interview… the first thing everyone wants to know about is that you compose and sing your own song so where does the ideas come from and why all sad songs?'

'Well… first of all thank you for inviting me here and yes I do write and sing my own songs, and well the reason of the sad tone is my inspiration, it is my lover'

'The question is the most asked on the internet is what happened in Paris? What happened to that affair?'

'I… I met someone there, someone so perfect that I fell for him that same second I saw him, I wrote many songs for him, I sang for him but then one day he just disappeared and sis not come back… I… did not hear anything from him and…' Yoochun did not go on

'So he just left you? The famous park Yoochun? he just left like this?' the MC frowned feeling sorry for the boy seeing his tears shining in his eyes as he spoke

'I… I'm sure he got a reason, I'm sure there is something holding him back… you may think that I'm naïve and stupid to believe this but if you knew him like I did, he is so pure to tell a small lie… he is going to come back and when he does…'

Junsu turned off the TV in the teachers room as he cleaned everything there. He was not going to go back, that affair ended the second he left Paris coming back to Korea, that was just a wild adventure and Yoochun had to somehow get this, it is not a lifetime love story out of fairytale for crying out loud!

Finishing this room too Junsu only had the doors left so holding his bucket and mop he headed to the dorms, and at once he dropped his mop eyes widened and jaw hanging down as he saw the DIRTY dorms! Everything, from ceiling to floor was covered with dirt, sand and food, this could not have been an accident, they did it on purpose, they trashed the dorms so he will spend the entire weekend working and cleaning their mess and trash, this for sure is their idea of a funny prank on the weekend to make him suffer and of course if he did not do it he will be fired from school but he was not going to allow them to be happy, he was not going to allow them to get what they want, even if it meant spending all what was supposed to be a relaxing weekend cleaning and cleaning and cleaning at least it will take his mind off some things and make him focus on other things, more realistic things

Taking a deep breath Junsu pulled up both his sleeves and started scrubbing and working while somewhere else…

With Yunho:

yunho was laughing like crazy by himself while a kissing kimin or better say were kissing kimin but were interrupted by the crazy like laughing of their now crazy friend while leeteuk was sitting alone frowning looking at the book in his hands not understanding anything

'Yah! Hyung why are you laughing like this?' kibum was about to stand up and punch yunho for interrupting their sweet kiss

'Oh nothing…haha…nothing at all' smiled yunho again laughing like crazy all by himself while now the other three looked at him knowing for sure that Jung Yunho went nuts!!

CoMmEnTs PlEaSe^.^

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Loved this story from start to end. My favorite pairings, all the fluff in the end. Just <3
Ahh my feels!
tsubakisworld #4
Chapter 53: Sry I'm a silent reader ^3^ but I really loved this Story <3 *O*I'm in love with it *O*
first_rose #5
hi, i'm here again author-shi..... happy new year 2015... keep writing ne....^^
icyalice #6
Chapter 18: Omomo... is yunho some kind of masochist or what? I can undestand he let jaejoong hit him since he likes him and else. But he let yoochun hit him too? Wouldnt that be some kind of child abuse or what? Hahaha.

Everything else is Nice btw. Im off to read the rest~
yasminasaaaa #7
Chapter 53: i'm in love with this story its perfect
changminizer21 #8
Chapter 20: i'm forever in love with this story <33 i'm re-reading it for the 20th time XDDDD
This is the first fic that i read by you. Poor Junsu but then again i really like how you portrayed the bullying scenarios. Thank god for Yoochun and Jaejong's help :P
i really love it *-* the relationship from all couple are awesome ^^ it was funny to read how became kangin and leeteuk a couple :D i dont know them but it was nice ^^