Night Visit part1

ஓMy Foreign Affairஓ - completed -
AN: i just want to say that the plot had actually ended so you can keep the fic like this if you are tired of reading it because the rest of the upcoming chaps will be just rated and happy yoosu memonts plus other couples like kangteuk and such so your choice if you want to read on^^

Days passed by, finally junsu was discharged from the hospital, Yoochun thought that he will finally be able to fulfill his dream, he will kick the F4 to the hotel and have his apartment all for himself and his lover but just as he was so happy thinking about his sweet time coming up when Junsu spoke to jaejoong:' hyung~ when will we go back to college?'

'Oh right, exams are coming up so we must go back quickly' nodded jaejoong

'I… I was hoping to go back today' pouted Junsu totally forgetting about the frowning Yoochun beside him

'What? Baby you are not going back today! You still… we… I want to spend time with you su, I don’t want to go back yet!' frowned Yoochun hugging Junsu tightly

'But chunie~ I got exams! I must go back' pouted Junsu snuggling into Yoochun's arms, those past days with Yoochun with him twenty four hours were like heaven, he loved every second of them, but still he must finish college right?

'But I still did not fulfill my dream about us here love' whined Yoochun in Junsu's ears making him blush madly and hit him on the chest playfully

'Chunie~ naughty' whispered Junsu still red faced

'What? I did not have you for a year and three months, of course I will be a lot more than naughty baby' pouted Yoochun kissing Junsu's lips softly already wanting him fully

'YAH! HYUNG WE ARE STILL HERE!!' yelled yunho covering jaejoong's ears and frowning, but Yoochun seemed to have forgotten everything about their existence

'Chunie~ we can come back for the holiday but we must go back now~' pouted Junsu pulling away

'And you will fulfill my dream?' smirked Yoochun as blushing madly again Junsu nodded

'And meanwhile you can make it up to me for all the time you kept me lonely and waiting, right baby?' again Yoochun smirked making Junsu cover his tomato like face in his hands :' I never…'

'Ssshhh anyway you belong to me now, I decide everything about you baby, and I know we will have a lot of time together' announced Yoochun:' it’s the only way for me to allow you to go back today love… plus you will never be alone anymore, you must get my permission to go even to the bathroom love, promise?'

'But… even to the bathroom?' whined Junsu

'Yes baby, everywhere you go, I must know where you are every second of the day or I will go crazy… I can't afford it su… please baby, don't make me worry' pleaded Yoochun

'I won't' feeling guilty Junsu promised Yoochun and sealed it with a peek on the lips

'Good, now we are allowed to go back' smiled Yoochun as kangin made the arrangements for them to leave in about an hour so they all headed straight to the airport

'We don't have time for breakfast so we will have something on the plane' smiled leeteuk as they arrived at the airport and got in; the poor driver had to deal with ALL the bags of cloth and stuff they bought in the couple of days

'Chunie~ when we go back… you will make more songs right?'

'Of course baby I will, why? You don't want me to?' blinked Yoochun, was Junsu really going to ask him to stop singing? Every eye were on Junsu now

'I… no… I want you to… sing happy songs again' blushed Junsu softly

'Of course love, I will start working on new songs, happy songs, just as you beside me' smiled Yoochun hugging Junsu and leading him toward their gate and to the plane before quickly pulling him to the seat

Sitting down and waiting for the plane to take off Yoochun called his manager telling him the happy news and that he will stop promoting his sad album and start working on a new happy one

'So?' blinked yunho wanting to make sure his hyung's career is going better now

'He was glad to hear that but he said that we should publish the news about the relationship ourselves before the paparazzi does' smiled Yoochun holding tightly on Junsu's hand

'But I… chunie~ I don't want to be chased by paparazzi all my life' whined Junsu

'You won't, not if I ask them not to, the fans will understand and will not allow them to bother you love' assured Yoochun and Junsu nodded, somehow everything went perfectly for them now, and he, well he was still high with happiness to think of anything right now

'Here is the food' smiled leeteuk as the food was finally served to them, a five stars meal like always

'Finally!!' cheered changmin, always the hungry baby as he digged in at once making everyone chuckle

'I wanna go to the bathroom' whispered Junsu in Yoochun's ear

'Want me to come?' smirked Yoochun whispering back

Blushing Junsu shook his head and hit Yoochun playfully before standing up and going to the bathroom

'I want to ask the pilot something' yunho stood up and walked to the front of the airplane just beside the bathroom, knocking on the pilot's cabinet his assistant answered:' yes sir?'

'I want to activate all the engines, full speed, so we will reach early' ordered yunho

'We will sir, when we reach the right height' bowed the assistant before yunho turned around; he could get a bottle of water while he is here so reaching for the bottle he saw the bathroom's door open and Junsu step out, the boy widened his eyes afraid to be face to face with Jung yunho without jaejoong or his chunie there to protect him

'Don't be so afraid, as long as hyung is happy with out I don't have a problem with you' announced yunho as he took the bottle and walked back to his seat listening to music with jaejoong

Junsu walked back to his seat and snuggled beside Yoochun, looking at his lover he could not help but smile:' chunie~'

'Yes love?'

'Nothing… I just love calling you that' blushed Junsu

'I love to hear you calling me that' smiled Yoochun kissing Junsu's forehead softly

'Chunie~ sing to me' whispered Junsu and at once Yoochun pulled Junsu on his lap and started to song, all the time till Junsu fell asleep Yoochun sang happily for his lover…

Reaching The College – Seoul:

Junsu and jaejoong got out of the black limo and walked into the college, it was too early in the morning now and everyone was in their dorms still asleep when yunho helped jaejoong get his bags to his dorm and Yoochun helped Junsu into his

'Rest a bit before college love, call me every class and remember your promise, I will be in the studio working' smiled Yoochun kissing Junsu softly

'Ok now go and don't over work yourself' smiled Junsu

'And manager says the interview about the relationship at lunch time, you don't have to come if you don't want to baby. I know you hate these stuff' smiled Yoochun

'I will watch it' smiled Junsu

'You better' again stealing a kiss from Junsu Yoochun finally walked out seeing jaejoong kissing yunho goodbye he smiled:' don't let him out of your sight'

Nodding his head jaejoong watched till yunho and Yoochun disappeared down the stairs before he went to Junsu's dorm:' welcome back Suie~'

'It's good to be back hyung' smiled Junsu jumping into jaejoong's welcoming arms at once receiving a warm hug

'Ok let's shower and rest a little, before the first lesson' smiled jaejoong

'Alright' nodded Junsu

'I will wait go in and shower first' smiled jaejoong and Junsu nodding his head took out his mobile; the one Yoochun bought him in Paris and dialed a number:


'My love?'

'I wanna take a bath' whispered Junsu not wanting jaejoong to hear but too late jaejoong was already chuckling

'Alright baby, don't take long or you will get a cold, dress warmly too'

'Alright~' smiled Junsu hearing his caring lover

'Love you baby'

'Love you too chunie~' blushed Junsu before hanging up, not wanting to face the chuckling jaejoong he ran into the bathroom to take a shower hearing jaejoong chuckle more in his dorm

The day passed by, Junsu called Yoochun between all the lessons and even when he wanted to go to the bathroom, he kept his promise, students were all whispering and pointing at him where he walked but seeing the entire F4 and jaejoong around him all the time to protect him no one dared to say a word to him and so lunch time came quickly and sitting in the private cafeteria with the F4, jaejoong and kangin who came to have lunch with his fiancée Junsu called Yoochun and told him where he was and what he was going to eat, Yoochun even spoke to yunho threatening him not to bother Junsu in any way or he will deal with him so as lunch was served and they all ate watching the fifty inch flat TV screen for Yoochun's interview

Junsu still did not talk or say much but he watched the interview with the rest:

'…So Yoochun shi is with us today as we promised, we heard you went to Paris for a while' smiled the MC

'Yes. I was in Paris for a while lately and came back a few hours ago' bowed Yoochun to the camera

'And I heard you got a great news to tell everyone' smiled the MC

'Yes… I want to announce that I will stop promoting my new album as I will start working on a new one now happy one'

'So does this mean you found your lover?' hesitated the MC

'Yes. I finally did, we are back and I'm extremely happy with him, the past days were like heaven with him with me, I can't imagine my life without him'

'And he is the same one in your brother's college?'

'Yes. the only one for me' nodded Yoochun:' but I would like to ask the paparazzi to leave him alone and not chase him, he wants to focus on his studies and I respect that, I want everyone to respect that and our privacy' added Yoochun quickly

'You seem very happy and smiling all the time, a smile we did not see for over a year'

'I have a reason to wake up every morning once again, I feel alive now' nodded Yoochun…

And the interview went on and on for another thirty minutes, Junsu was blushing hearing the mushy things Yoochun was saying about him but still felt so happy

'Thank you' the words came out from yunho's mouth making everyone look at him shocked, changmin even dropped the fork he was holding

'Thank you for making hyung smile again' repeated yunho softly but seriously looking at Junsu who blushed more

'I… I want to make him happy forever' whispered Junsu

'Then we will be good friends' smiled yunho

'Yea~ we will' nodding changmin happy for some reason

'Why are you so happy?' yunho cracked an eyebrow

'Because he makes the BEST cakes ever~' cheered changmin happily his lips already

Chuckling lunch went on, after the interview the hateful looks toward Junsu disappeared replaced by jealous ones from everyone but he did not care, his life was perfect now

As dinner time came on Junsu was studying in his dorm while yunho were doing god knows what in jaejoong's dorm when Junsu heard a soft knock on his door so opening he smiled widely throwing himself into his lover's arms:' chunie~'

'I missed you baby' smiled Yoochun kissing Junsu and carrying his bridal style into the dorm …



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Loved this story from start to end. My favorite pairings, all the fluff in the end. Just <3
Ahh my feels!
tsubakisworld #4
Chapter 53: Sry I'm a silent reader ^3^ but I really loved this Story <3 *O*I'm in love with it *O*
first_rose #5
hi, i'm here again author-shi..... happy new year 2015... keep writing ne....^^
icyalice #6
Chapter 18: Omomo... is yunho some kind of masochist or what? I can undestand he let jaejoong hit him since he likes him and else. But he let yoochun hit him too? Wouldnt that be some kind of child abuse or what? Hahaha.

Everything else is Nice btw. Im off to read the rest~
yasminasaaaa #7
Chapter 53: i'm in love with this story its perfect
changminizer21 #8
Chapter 20: i'm forever in love with this story <33 i'm re-reading it for the 20th time XDDDD
This is the first fic that i read by you. Poor Junsu but then again i really like how you portrayed the bullying scenarios. Thank god for Yoochun and Jaejong's help :P
i really love it *-* the relationship from all couple are awesome ^^ it was funny to read how became kangin and leeteuk a couple :D i dont know them but it was nice ^^