ஓMy Foreign Affairஓ - completed -
The next afternoon:


Startled by the yell Junsu hurried to open the door to the grinning jaejoong and pouted a little wondering what disaster jaejoong is preparing now, this look in his eyes, he knew it perfectly well, it was the same look before he forced him to accept the trip to Paris and that ended… well still but what is it this time?

'What is it hyung?'

'Oww su you are killing the mood!'

'What mood?'

'The vacation mood!! The college will be closed for two weeks starting tomorrow so we are going on vacation tonight!'


'Yah!! Don't yell~ I don't know why I just know it will and yunie wants me to go with him on this vacation, I really want to go su~ but I can't go alone, I need you with me, please su I really do beside you always said you want to go to London, well it's your chance now'


'It's privet jet su, we will reach there fast and we don't have to pay a cent so please~' jaejoong gave it his best puppy eyes and a while later Junsu sighed:' fine'

Jumping up and down jaejoong clapped his hands:' then pack up we are leaving in three hours and don't take much, we will get some new fashion when we reach there, yunie promised to pay for everything and I know your motto about gifts but this time after all he did to you think of it as a way to repay'

Before Junsu got to say anything jaejoong ran out of his dorm happy cheering as he went to pack his cloth and chat happily with his lover while sitting in his dorm Junsu finished packing some cloth and waited, about thirty minutes passed before jaejoong burst into the room again and smile happily with yunho beside him:' Suie~'


'Come, we are all going to get some dinner together down in the cafeteria so come on!' and with that he pulled Junsu with him:' yunie~ bring the luggage down please~'

Reaching the cafeteria Junsu barely touched his food, he sat on the side waiting till everyone finished eating and got into the limo, leeteuk had a new boy with him, someone looked famous and handsome that he introduced with two simple word:' my fiancée' making everyone wide their eyes and as they rained him with questions but he only smiled snuggling into his fiancée's arms and eating happily

'Time to move' Smirked yunho after they finished eating. They all stood up and went to the limo; jaejoong again dragged Junsu with him and entered quickly followed by yunho and the rest, the drive was quiet, everyone was busy with his lover but Junsu who was listening to his ipod till they reached the Jung co. privet airport, they did not take long to finish everything so again sitting down they waited for half an hour before boarding and again jaejoong made sure Junsu will sit in the empty raw in front of him and yunho so later Yoochun will be able to sit next to him and like that the plane took off.

Half an hour passed, they were I the air when the bathroom's door opened softly and Yoochun walked out, still not noticed by Junsu he walked to him and sat down, Junsu who was closing his eyes trying to sleep felt the figure sitting next to him in the leather seat but thought it was jaejoong so he did not open his eyes, but he felt wrong, the soft chuckles that came from behind him, something is not right, it does not fit, and fear filled Junsu's heart as he started to realize who could possibly be sitting inches away from him

'No…please no… don't…god no…' mumbled Junsu softly as he opened his eyes and looked beside him, he looked frightened as he saw Yoochun sitting next to him looking at him and smiling softly. At once Junsu tried to unbuckle his seatbelt and run away but Yoochun's hands stopped him:' think about it su, we are in air baby and there is nowhere for you to run to, we are going to get back together, I will show you how much I need you with me and that this stupid thought in your head about you hurting me is nothing, you are hurting me and you so don't resist su just allow us to do it'

Shaking his head and tears in his eyes Junsu turned to look at jaejoong looking at him with eyes that said 'how could you do this to me?' but jaejoong looked away and whispered:' sorry su but this is for your own good'

Looking away Junsu took his ipod again, all eyes were on him now as he plugged his ipod ear plugs in his ears and played the song in full blast ignoring everyone as he closed his eyes not listening to any word anyone said, he also missed the hurt look in Yoochun's eyes as he kept looking at him

One hour after the other time passed and the plane landed in Paris. Without any word Junsu still with the music so loud unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up ignoring the hand offered to him by jaejoong and walking away out of the plane to the airport with the others, everyone could feel the tension and the electricity in the air, everyone was quiet as they got their passports stamped and all but they never left Junsu alone as he too finished everything and again he was pulled to the limo by jaejoong

'Su…' tried jaejoong, he hated this, that cold shoulder Junsu was giving him

'Su, please…' tried jaejoong again this time with a pleading tone

Feeling something explode inside of him Yoochun grabbed the ipod from Junsu and threw it from the limo's window:' listen to me! I don’t care how much you try to deny it! You still love me and I will get you back!! No matter what!'

Not saying anything Junsu felt worried, he knew these streets, these houses and the stores, everything here was familiar to him, it was where he was for vacation and where he met Yoochun first, where everything started, and now they were back, they were back here again

Slowly the limo lost her speed and finally parked in front of a store, Junsu was pulled out by Yoochun and the rest as they entered the place, the store where he and Yoochun fought for the wine bottle first time, looking around, Junsu could not help it, images of the past flashed in his mind seeing the past him and Yoochun standing there and fighting

'Remember here su? I thought you were an angel back then, I was stunned, I could not focus on anything, and then you left, I did not get the chance to ask your name too, that killed me you know'

Looking away Junsu tried to hide his tears, he could feel all the eyes on his burning holes in his skin, he wanted to escape, he knew what was going to happen and he wanted to stop it, he did not want to do this, to remember how much he needed Yoochun, he can't be selfish again, he will hurt him and… looking at the door, no one was guarding it, they were busy looking at Yoochun now so taking his chance Junsu knew he must do it so running in full speed he opened the door running outside


Everyone running after Junsu they tried to catch him, wanting to escape Junsu ran to the street, not looking over he missed the car coming fast in his direction

'OMO SU!!!!!!!!!!'

'GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


Yells and screams were everywhere, jaejoong and Yoochun ran like crazy into the middle of the street, there they found Junsu laying on the ground unconscious and blood oozing softly from his head, the driver was so frightened that he started crying swearing that the boy jumped in front of him suddenly, leeteuk talked to him to calm him, yunho hugged the yelling and crying jaejoong while Yoochun was on the ground beside Junsu crying and begging god to let him be alright, changmin was so shocked that he started to shake and kibum hugged him tightly calming him down, kangin knew he must take control, everyone was a mess so he quickly called the ambulance and tried to calm Yoochun, he forbid anyone to touch the boy till the ambulance came and rushed him to the hospital, everyone got into the limo after him crying and trying to calm Yoochun and jaejoong

All night passed and everyone was still sitting in the hospital in front of the emergency room waiting for the doctor to come out, another doctor had given jaejoong a shot to calm him down and let him sleep in yunho's arms, changmin to was sleeping in kibum's arms still a little shaken and kangin was talking to the doctors making sure Junsu will get the best care possible, leeteuk was trying to make Yoochun eat something but all in vain, Yoochun seemed in his own world, just tears trailed down his face as he looked at the door waiting and blaming himself

Finally the doctor came out and looked at them, as if he knew it jaejoong opened his eyes at once, slowly yunho helped him up and waited as the doctor came to them:' Kim Junsu's family?'


'He is fine, more or less, he woke up, he can move his hands and legs, his head injury is not that bad, we will give him pills for the pain and he will be alright and his five senses are perfect but…'

'But what? Please doctor?' Yoochun felt week in the knees, if Junsu was fine then why but? He did not like this but, he felt something bad really bad is going to happen after this but

'We asked him questions about the date and place, about his name and past based on the data you gave us, he remembered everything perfectly but something, one thing… in some cases like these the mind intend to shut some data and memories off!'


'So I want him to meet you all for farther information'

Nodding everyone walked in to the room, Junsu was in his bead, a white bandage around his forehead and looking out of the window, as everyone entered he looked at their faces and at the doctor

'Ok Mr. Junsu can you name them all and tell your relationship with them?'

'Kim jaejoong, hyung and my best friend. Jung Yunho shi… hyung's lover… Shim Changmin F4… Kim Kibum, changmin shi's lover also F4… Leeteuk shi F4… Kangin shi his fiancée… and…Park Yoochun shi?'

'What?' everyone blinked in confusion, jaejoong ran to Junsu at once

'Su! Don’t you remember him, what is your relationship with Yoochun hyung?'

'I… he is an idol… I don't know him… I feel weird… I'm scared hyung… please~' Junsu held his head in pain

'Let's talk outside' the doctor smiled and they all left Junsu to rest and went t the doctor's office


'Mr. Yoochun may I ask what is your relationship with the patient?'

'He… he is my lover, we had a…eerr.. fight so we brought him here to solve it, he ran away from us when the accident happened'

'I see'

'YOU SEE EHAT? WHAT HAPPENED TO SU IE~ WHY DOES NOT HE REMEMBER YOOCHUN HYUNG? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?? TELL ME!!' yunho had to hold on jaejoong before he hit the poor doctor

'If he was so afraid, if he wanted to forget then his mind maybe had taken advantage of the accident, the shock may had made his mind shut all the data and memories about you off so for him now you are just a stranger'


'W…what? Su does not remember me?' again tears trailed down Yoochun's face, this time it was so bad!! Worse than before, this time how will he get him back? How will he make him remember?'

'But I read about those things before, if we told him, if we made him face his fears then his memory will come back slowly right? He will remember' stated kangin giving both jaejoong and Yoochun a shining hope to cling to at once

'Well I'm not an expert on the subject but I read articles like this so yes I believe so' the doctor nodded giving them more hope 'But this is extremely rare and hard to achieve'…

Sitting beside Junsu's bed again as he slept jaejoong was crying and shaking, he could not stop blaming himself for what happened to Junsu, he was the one who came with the idea of bringing him here, if it was anyone's fault it is his, he destroyed the only hope for Yoochun and Junsu to be together again and now Yoochun was hurting and crying in pain because of him, because of his stupid actions

'Jae boo come, we are going to the hotel' tried yunho seeing how hard jaejoong was crying

'No… I wanna… sob…sob..sniff..sob…'

'Hyung will stay with him boo, let's go'

Nodding his head softly now jaejoong stood up and as he walked out he saw Yoochun walking in, unable to face him jaejoong looked away as he allowed yunho to pull him away wishing if time could turn back, he would not have done this again, he would not allow Junsu to have this accident again.

comments are loved


a small vote:

do you want su to get his memory back and for things to end happily or not? cause my friend was suggesting to end it sadly and dramaticly so what do you say?

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Loved this story from start to end. My favorite pairings, all the fluff in the end. Just <3
Ahh my feels!
tsubakisworld #4
Chapter 53: Sry I'm a silent reader ^3^ but I really loved this Story <3 *O*I'm in love with it *O*
first_rose #5
hi, i'm here again author-shi..... happy new year 2015... keep writing ne....^^
icyalice #6
Chapter 18: Omomo... is yunho some kind of masochist or what? I can undestand he let jaejoong hit him since he likes him and else. But he let yoochun hit him too? Wouldnt that be some kind of child abuse or what? Hahaha.

Everything else is Nice btw. Im off to read the rest~
yasminasaaaa #7
Chapter 53: i'm in love with this story its perfect
changminizer21 #8
Chapter 20: i'm forever in love with this story <33 i'm re-reading it for the 20th time XDDDD
This is the first fic that i read by you. Poor Junsu but then again i really like how you portrayed the bullying scenarios. Thank god for Yoochun and Jaejong's help :P
i really love it *-* the relationship from all couple are awesome ^^ it was funny to read how became kangin and leeteuk a couple :D i dont know them but it was nice ^^